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Sunday, January 28, 2018

While We Didn't Cure The World's Problems Last Night, A Few Drinks Cured The Stress.

As many of you know, I've been holding bonfires on weekends for the past several years. I'm a firm believer in networking and I have to say, the results are always amazing. 

So last night we discussed many topics with some great minds. I was able to share, (and even show) the massive difficulties I'm having with Blogger/Google. What you don't know is for the past 5 weeks it takes me at least four times longer to put up posts. Imagine trying to send an e-mail to someone, you hit send and you get a fatal error. You try to send it again and you get the same error. Let's say this happens four times and you open a new screen to look at your send folder because you don't want to lose all the information you just put in that e-mail and you find that it had in fact sent. Sometimes it goes through in three attempts instead of four. I think you get my drift. 

Now let's say you have to do this 50 to 70 times a day. It's very time consuming and frustrating. You might ask, why do you put up with it. Well, I have a pretty good idea as to why it is happening and I refuse to let them win. I provide a service, (we all discussed last night) that no one else provides. We deliver news and information that challenges local government and businesses without fear of retaliation. We allow you to share your thoughts anonymously without the fear of retaliation. You can't do that anywhere else.

Love us or hate us, we make an incredible difference. Facebook has admitted they're slowing down conservative discussions and guess what, Google/Blogger is clearly doing the very same thing. It's becoming so frustrating that even major Websites like Right Wing News is considering shutting down. Other major Websites are considering the very same thing. 

So everyone asked, why are you still publishing when it takes so long and so frustrating. I replied, they're NOT going to beat me, period. This is exactly what the Liberals want. Their retaliation is to slow us down in the hope we'll just go away. For now, I'm just too hard headed. I've looked at chat rooms and even complaints on Blogger and guess what, this problem is only happening to conservative minded sites, GO FIGURE! I should add, if you think it's frustrating trying to get a comment through, imagine how difficult it is for me to put up each and every post. 

I believe our President needs all the SBYNews Sites he can get out there. I believe YOU deserve to know when your Mayor is lying to you and talking out of both sides of his/her mouth. Look at what WBOC has been showing, (all positive) about the new bear at the Zoo. Never, will they show/discuss the conditions of the exhibits or the massive volume of animals dying at the Zoo. Am I really the Anti Christ for exposing these conditions while the taxpayers went from $200,000.00 a year budget wise to over $2,000,000.00 a year and the place looks like crap? Then your Mayor goes on camera and says he's going to fine you at 3 PM and guess what, one of my guests last night is a multiple property owner in Salisbury and they in fact did get a call from the City saying if their sidewalks weren't cleared by 3 PM they will be fined $100.00 for each property. Then the Mayor, (as we proved) went on line and said he didn't say he was going to fine anyone. 

So I feel what I deliver seven days a week is very important. I simply hold everyone accountable so YOU can make sound decisions as to who or what you will or won't support. 

Let me touch on comments for a moment. Unlike Colleges, (as we've now seen the past few days) I do not always agree with comments that I publish. I firmly believe in healthy debate and we're the only place on the Shore you can do so with the peace of mind that no one will know it's YOU that sent it in. Name calling and attacking people is not healthy debate, absent logical reasons for doing so. SBYNews is NOT a "Safe Space". I firmly believe it's HUMAN and healthy to be scared or to disagree. It's how we learn, how we grow and how we make sound decisions. Liberal Colleges seem to think that EVERYONE should be exactly alike. Next we'll see everyone living in the exact same home, same color, same windows, same everything. They'll have the exact same cars, make the exact same amount of money. Every Liberal will have a "safe space" and if you disagree with anyone opposite your color or gender you'll be labeled a racist. Jim Ireton proved that when I ran for Mayor.

Yeah, I'll suffer through the extra six hours a day to deal with the fatal errors, until they somehow completely shut me down. God blessed me with a very successful business career allowing me to retire. Anyone who honestly knows about retirement can tell you, it's cool the first six months but after that you go nuts trying to find things to do. In most cases retired people find a way to "Pay It Forward" and volunteer. In my case, I created a Blog and I serve tens of thousands of people who depend on what I do every day of the week/year. I hope all of you appreciate that. For what it's worth, I have also found the spare time to volunteer my time elsewhere. 

To those who are invited to our bonfires, thanks for the incredible discussions. It's great to learn from others and grow as human beings. I'm thinking, instead of calling it a bonfire, maybe we should call it our SAFE SPACE. Have a great week everyone! 

Conservative News Website Shuts Down, Blames Facebook


  1. Joe I've lived here most of my life and I have to say I have the utmost respect and appreciation for what you do. These clowns around here would throw their own mothers under the bus if it didn't fit into their little clicks and butt buddies agendas. You've shown the tenacity to say F*** their backward ass way of doing business as usual. If your an outsider or someone that raised a little too much hell coloring outside the lines they will do anything to belittle you but you pushed back and apparently are kicking their asses. Praying eventually they will slip up enough to legally be charged for all the fraud and violations they continue to participate in as a local government. Joe enjoy the bonfires and good company you deserve it

  2. How about the BO era net neutrality!

  3. Joe, I've seen the SU "Pyramid" story on different sites nationwide the past couple of days! It's literally everywhere out there on the net. Thanks for all you do!

  4. It sounds like this "slowdown" of choice sites is due to the net neutrality decision that now allows them to do this.

  5. This is happening everywhere. Youtube, FaceBook, Twitter and so much more. It is frustrating, but we must work around it. This is what I'm doing...I will get the TRUTH out regardless. Thanks for your persistence...

  6. Thanks Steve. All of you need to know, it's not just me that finds these topics. Many of our viewers tip us off on so many different things. We just have an incredible volume of people who visit this Site every single day who get to read these topics to keep informed. At noon today, (a Sunday of all things) we're over 41,000 hits. None of the rest of the media can say they're enjoying anywhere near that kind of traffic.

  7. Thanks Joe. We need you more than ever!

  8. Is there a way for conservative sites and bloggers to set up their own so to say "Google", "Blogspot" if they were to band together I can't see the cost being that much. As well as I am sure conservatives would donate to such a worthy endeavor.

  9. Joe,

    I've suspected what you are now confirming. It has long seemed to me that conservative websites were often slow to load, sluggish, or crashed frequently. More so than would be expected if this were just a random phenomenon.

    I appreciate what you do. Please keep it up. If you know of anything that we can do to combat this, please let us know.

    I'm wondering if it matters what browser we use? I really don't like or trust google. Do you think Firefox is a better choice?

    As for search engines, DuckDuckGO just doesn't yield the results that google does. I've never been one to support regulation, but I am having trouble figuring out how the FaceBook, Google stranglehold is going to be broken?

  10. Class action lawsuit! I don't know if its possible but pulling conservative resources might be the best option.

  11. I read your link to the Rush Limbaugh article and he explains it really well. I, too, would like to break through the Google stranglehold on the world, but have no idea how to do it. Somebody out there needs to figure this out and shoot back at this attack. I hope it's soon.

  12. 12:30, If you look down on the right hand side of the Blog you'll see the year I started SBYNews. It was 2004. The reason you don't see anything in 2004 & 2005 is because I quickly broke away from Blogger because they had a lot of issues back then that they eventually fixed. The reason I came back to Blogger is because you can't hack Blogger.

    Back in the Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster days, 2004 & 2005, we were on our own server and some how, some way that private server would get hacked and shut down a couple times a day and we were constantly reloading and rebooting the Site. Our tech guy had finally had enough so I decided to go back to Blogger in 2006.

    Now we have a whole different kind of problem. While we have helped Google/Blogger grow tremendously, they've forgotten where they came from. They do not respond to help questions because they simply don't want us around. I will be making contact with our Legislators this week to ask for help. I'm sure they are not aware this is going on, with SBYNews anyway.

    This is a very serious problem America. Look, conservatives didn't like Obama but we didn't play these games of retaliation against him. The Mainstream Media is attacking President Trump and getting caught in so many LIES. Heck, look at the EBT Blogger who constantly lies and makes up stories about me and my Family. He too is a cancer to society and provides no real substance, aside from what he steals from us and others and acts like he wrote it. You people should think long and hard about how mental he is, obsessed for almost a decade over one person, me. The funny part for me is, I never go to that site and I simply ignore him. If you people can't figure out that he is a Liberal hiding behind claiming he's a Republican, well, you're just as stupid as the people who claim to be in the Wicomico Republicans Club when the mass majority are Democrats fooling every one of you. BIG difference between Wicomico & Worcester.

    Anyhow, I will continue to do what I do for as long as I can stand it. While I truly appreciate the support, you people need to start telling local businesses they need to advertise with us. They need to know that you support SBYNews more so then the Daily Times, WBOC or WMDT. Our traffic clearly proves we are #1. In order for us to continue to do what we do, we need to pay people to help us. That will come in the form of advertisers. It also places a value to SBYNews. I say that because there's going to come a day when I say, enough is enough. IF people want SBYNews to continue, if he holds an income it can then be sold and someone can afford to buy it and keep it going. If that doesn't happen, well, it will simply be gone. I am not going to knock on doors asking people/businesses for money. Just know that we have always taken advertising revenue and "Paid It Forward" back to our communities. Anyhow, that's how you can help us.

  13. A lot of people are signing up for gab.ai as an alternative to twitter. You should consider this as another layer of protection for getting your message out.

  14. Hopefully your garbage blog will be shut down for good soon. In meantimes I hope u get good case of carpool tunnels retyping all your trash posts.

    1. And its CARPAL TUNNEL ....lmao

    2. Studied English writing much ?

    3. What is carpool tunnel?

    4. John Anderson. Rings a bell - I had you work on my grandfather clock and wall clock. What a mess. My clocks will never word again property thanks to you. I hope more people speak up so your business will be shut down. Useless . Sorry Joe I got off the subject. Robinson is an evil person.

  15. Robinson, You and your friends have tried to shut me down for years, you failed. You've created LIES and have taken me to court where the Judge caught you in constant LIES, you failed. Once a loser, always a loser. Your kind have never been able to stop me. You come here because you are so desperate for attention because you are a loser. Funniest part is, the only people who will like your comment are the EBT Blogger type, very few in numbers. You're such a tough guy, LMAO. One day you'll find out how I've suckered you into sponsoring events. Played you like a fiddle.

  16. See Joe @11:36 here again this is what I mean about the local mentality. John " Jewish lightning" Robinson trying to ridicule someone else. This guy has ridden the tailcoats of his dad's business and the opportunity of marrying a young lady who's father worked hard and was very frugal and sensible with his resources to enable him to help old cry baby Johnny to continue call himself a businessman. He's merely jealous because the garbage he's trying to create on radio. Who in Salisbury really takes you serious Robinson or better yet who cares? You're irrelevant

    1. Jewish lighting, great to see some anti sematism mixed in here with the usual anti black racism. Really diverse audience Joe

  17. What's a "carpool tunnel ". Is that a bunch of us driving to Norfolk together??
    Oh, you meant 'carpal tunnel syndrome'. I get it now.
    It's better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

    1. Maybe its a tunnel that you can go in ONLY if you're in a carpool like the carpool lanes??Nah, I know its not. I just feel sorry for the dumba$$

  18. Joe, there must be some way to overcome this issue with all of the technology out there there must be someone to get this corrected. It's a damn shame that this kind of B/S has hindered your valuable contributions. You are the only source of both local and national interests that inform your viewers a great source of news and events. If you get fed up and shut down there will be a hole never to too offer all you do. Please keep up the good work as you have a ton of support with a few naysayers.

  19. Joe, thanks for sponsoring the only right wing minded site on the shore. You provide a tremendous service to counteract the liberal Koolaid we are forced to drink everyday from our local and national news media.
    It's ironic that The libtards are accusing the Trump administration of media censorship and "creating a Nazi style regime ", when that's all the left does is censor any view that goes against their narrative.
    Let's Not give up the fight.

  20. I agree with everything you do,but the truth should never come across as a threat.Force feeding is a failed policy,because true enlightenment must be accepted by the intended target.The truth of which you speak has been made available,courtesy of Sby News.Shame on anyone who doesn't listen.

  21. Change the name of your Bon Fires to " FIRED UP " We all need to take the City of Salisbury away from the children and criminals who run it!

  22. I'm not that political. I have to say though this site it a great source for local truths and the choice of postings that pertain to national and international affairs is often concise and to the point without a lot of BS. Even when I don't agree with the comments I feel like I know better the concerns of my neighbors and the community. Where else are we to find that these days? They say technology is isolating us every more but this site is a perfect example of bringing the views of people together. It has to be an
    exhausting under taking and vigil.

  23. Love ya, God Bless, keep up the great work!!

  24. Obama Crooked MulattoJanuary 21, 2018 at 5:10 PM

    Thanks fir the work you do, Joe, it is very appreciated. As far as 1:38John Robinson he is a moron full of hate and misspelled words. I wouldn't buy anything from that guy, even if it cost a dollar.

    1. I wouldn't buy a dollar bill from Robinson for 50 cents!

    2. I'll second that!! I'm still trying to figure out how he got old Eldridge Hayman to buy into his garbage. I realize that's his son in law and all but old Eldridge was as conservative and tough as they came for an old teamster for UPS

  25. How do I get invited to the bonfire because I’m one of the top conservative minds on the eastern shore ?


  26. "..It sounds like this "slowdown" of choice sites is due to the net neutrality decision that now allows them to do this.."

    Probably right. They HATE what this site is all about. They have been messing with us for almost a year. Obama and his buddies met with all these people before he left and helped 'organize' this resistance.

    M-a-y-b-e the current administration can deal with it, but the lefties are professional WEASELS and, like little kids, they will lay awake nights trying to dream up new ways to be a pain in the a##.

    Google , et al, have been allowed to grow way too big and have been given way too much power by the malevolent prior administration.

    They knew what they were doing, and they've purposely made it very hard to undo.

  27. Joe i thank you for your website and all the work you put in.John Robinson is a whack job and a joke.

  28. Joe,

    Sadly, this same thing is happening on Twitter. Just a few days ago an undercover video was released that had Twitter engineers bragging about something they do called shadow-banning. If the post is too incisive, it just disappears. Conservative Twitter analysts are disappearing from the feeds of people who follow them. Etc.

    The good news is, we are winning. People I stay in touch with regarding the white hats' battle to restore our republic, think this latest government closure will be the a watershed moment for our country. Q has been reflecting that theme, as well.

    If you're not familiar with Q Anon, google him/them/it.

    We shall see.

    This is a guy I follow on twitter. He does some amazing analysis, including this thread.


    I know you don't usually publish links, but I beg you to at least read this one yourself and then decide if it is worth publishing. We are truly right now, in the middle of a revolution.

    Good luck to us all.

  29. I just watched a Fox News video and it had Diamond and Silk on saying the same thing more or less. Facebook is not showing their or other conservative videos. So they are going on a 4 city tour call Chit Chat or something similar to get their word out. I hate censorship no matter what the message might be.

  30. One day I stepped out of Eric's Barber Shop & saw you talking to a guy in the street.I asked you if you guys were solving the problems of the world.Without hesitation you said "yes we are,just don't cause any more problems and add to it".That was a great spontaneous response.

  31. Cough net neutrality cough

  32. Wait now....who was the loser against Liarton?

  33. Joe you so jealous me because I have what you never had - a real media source the super all loved radio shows I have done. You call up to talk ur little talk and I make phone line go -clik- right in ur face and you go crazy of my power. Buddy I have all the keys - fabulous family, mega successful bidness, and future so brite I need to wear shades!!!

  34. @11:57 exactly what mega successful business are you referring to?? If this is john Robinson that's a freaking joke. I'm sure the clock repair business is booming. The screen printing market tea we need just one more "original idea " like that. Um sure you're a force in the world gold and silver sales. And finally the so called jewelers niche. Come on Robinson admit it you've run through all the money mommy and daddy left you and that left you scrambling to keep adding all these other ventures to try and stay afloat. If business is so great why on earth are you constantly relocating your business? I mean you've moved what three times in 5-6 years? Nothing says success like a customer not knowing where your business is operating this week

  35. It's because conservatives did and said nothing for years that the liberals led our country near the brink of failure. We cannot give in. Keep up the fight and protest in support of freedom. Thank you, Joe, for all you do and for hanging in there!

  36. A few things:

    Welcome to the internet without neutrality. While I don't agree with everything that any politician does, Obama was right on net neutrality.

    This will be the status quo without it.

    Also, I've said it before, this is Joe's site, and he can censor what he pleases for any reason. There are plenty of my posts that never made it, and not for name calling or profanity, but because I believe they didn't fit the narrative.

    To complain that your message is being stifled, while censoring messages that don't fit the narrative of SBY news is a bit of pot and kettle being black I think.

    I've been leaving posts on this board regularly for many years, so it's not a mistake that happens only ever so often. I'll post multiple times a week, if not every day.. and it's a pattern of post not being approved that don't fit the narrative.

    Being able to remain anonymous is good, it allows ideas to be hashed out in the marketplace of ideas... but censoring any ideas that don't fit your mold is bad no matter how it happens. It matters no who is doing it.

  37. I'm not a tech guy(too old),I don't have a smart phone, leaving a comment on this site is about all I can do so I couldn't figure out what was going on but you have explained alot.I really do not like the government involved in our everyday lives but it seems to me when a company gets so big it can control the internet then something has too be done to protect the first ammendment.Opinions weather we like them or not should not be restricted by some biased monopoly.

  38. Cheerleaders.
    Together with politicians and the wealthy liberals, managed to kill net neutrality. To what end??
    How can these slimy losers control and manipulate the masses if they keep getting told the truth by "unauthorized" entities??
    INFORMATION is controlled and eliminated when necessary. Your "leaders" voted this in.....
    Better start the hanging before they totally abolish newspapers and the only info you ever get is from "approved sources".
    Orwell was a prophet.
    Maybe the hanging should start with the cheerleaders.


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