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Sunday, January 28, 2018


Jake, we obviously do not agree on many matters, however, do NOT veto the pay raise the City Council have approved. Allow me to explain.

I recommend you go back to the City Council and ask that they change the Charter from a Part Time position to a Full Time position. If you mean what you say referencing the veto, DONATE the additional funds to whatever charity you so choose within the City. It won't take effect until 2019 anyway and quite frankly you do not know that you will in fact win.

I think everyone will agree, the budget for the City certainly calls for a $50,000.00 a year salary for Mayor. For a Full Time position, that is. This will also encourage MANY others to consider stepping up to the plate to run for Mayor. Perhaps that's what you are so afraid of, I don't know. 

Do NOT veto this salary proposal and if you are the man you claim to be, donate the additional $25,000.00 to someone like Hal Chernoff at the Main Street Gym, who works with underprivileged kids in Salisbury. 


  1. Wasn’t it Jake Day that asked for 75k in the first place?

  2. Hal Chernoff would be an ideal mayor for Salisbury. For once a man if character and integrity, a definitely non of the nonsense and drama that IS Salisbury today. An added plus his wife Nancy would be an added benefit for the mayor to confide in. This family is a class act

  3. What about it Joe?? Chernoff for mayor you could help make that happen. Then maybe Albero for council president or county executive??

  4. his name and the word " donate " in the same sentence??? Thank you for this afternoons comedy moment!

  5. maybe smallsbury DOES need a full time mayor. it certainly needs SOMETHING

  6. None of those will happen and you all should know this by now... If you don't, and you still hang on to a little hope, good for you, but your set up to fail...

  7. How about give that (what sounds like extra budgeted money) money back to the people. Just because you have the money doesn't mean you have to spend the money. Typical government BS.

  8. Oh boy more of fake jake. Just like his wife cant stand not being center of attention

  9. I say take the extra money and buy lottery tickets and give 1 to every "citizen" of this fine community. if there's any money left jake can buy pizza for the fine folks over near doverdale

  10. Think of what would actually get accomplished if chernoff were mayor. It is would be a breath of fresh air knowing Hal's commitment to actually trying to help the at risk kids unlike Day posing for picture at a playground right around the corner from his house. "'OL left hook" chernoff would have them whipped into shape in no time and take back the streets is Salisbury

  11. Where did this fruitcake come from?

  12. The mayor just referenced running 26.2 miles during, and I quote, “Army training”... which is both false and not what you would call ANY training program within the Army... not that huge of a deal, but everything out of his mouth sounds more and more fishy to me

  13. @5:57 it is a big deal!! This guy has lost all touch with reality. There's no military training that involves a 26.2 mile run so why would he feel the need to fabricate such a story to make himself look like something he's not

    1. To clarify that no army calvary units training consisting of a 26.2 mile run. Jake day couldn't even run a half a marathon let alone a full marathon. The guy is a flat out liar

    2. No, didn't you know that Jake is secretly Pheidippides, the original Greek marathon runner from 530 BC????

    3. USMC DISABLED and this guy is a freaking bozo. Jes nothing but a social media whore and wouldn't last a week in a real military unit. There would be such a divide and disgruntled bunch of enlisted among the ranks it wouldn't be pretty. AKA *friendly fire* it is what it is with a guy like this

    4. The thought of this guy's physical prowess conjures up memories of BO wrestling those Denise Austin 2 lb hand weights in the video from his France trip.

    5. 1108 or like obamas first pitch


  14. Didn't Jake run that military training marathon with Brian Williams? Think it was a photo finish with selfies at each milepost.

  15. I have at a minimum 20 business that will back someone like Hal for mayor. That backing includes funds needed for campaign. We need to rid the city of this guy and fast. Then start cleaning up city, SPD and SFD.

    1. I can bring 8-10 businesses and funding.
      Please send this failure packing.

  16. WBOC reported that Day said accepting the new salary would be problematic for him with the upcoming election. Didnt really elaborate what was so problematic about it but its amazing how people flub up when they open their mouths.

    Great post.

  17. Has anyone checked to see if Hal is a citizen of Salisbury or is willing to run, before placing his name on the ballot for Mayor. For once why not put the horse before the cart when posting on this blog.

    1. This is merely putting a bug in someone's ear that might know hal cheroff well enough to approach him or tell him that people have entertained the idea. By the sound of it the people would support it 110% and Salisbury would have a man in mayors office not some little kid playing grown up games

  18. Salisbury if you were really serious about taking back and cleaning up by your city Hal Chernoff would be a no brainer.

  19. That $50K would put Day and wife at a combined salary of well over $100,000 per year, plus benefits times two, moving them into the top tier of Wicomico County earners.

  20. I have no idea how anyone else would perform as a mayor, but I do know how Day has not performed as a mayor.

  21. Jake day you better start taking to daddy about creating a new position at perdue for you. To the two-three assistant city administrator you better start sending out your résumés. To the " public works field operations director" same goes for you. There's a new sheriff coming to town

  22. superstardebater said...
    maybe smallsbury DOES need a full time mayor. it certainly needs SOMETHING

    January 24, 2018 at 3:54 PM

    Jake Day lost my support for a full-time mayors position when they hired Julia Glanz with absolutely no experience as the City Administrator, then Jake hired Allison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow as Deputy Administrators. Their excuse for the 2 Deputy Administrators was for the work needed for the National Folk Festival. Now that those 2 were hired Jake Day turned around and hired a full-time coordinator for the Folk Festival. Looks like Jake Day duped us again. Now he wants a full-time Salary. Jake Day does not have a job so of course, he is going to want a full-time job with the city because he knows no one wants the job so he won't have any competition.

    The veto talk is all just Bullsh!t because he knows the 4 that voted for it aren't going to change their minds and vote against it. They all want the pay raises themselves.

  23. Anonymous said...
    @5:57 it is a big deal!! This guy has lost all touch with reality. There's no military training that involves a 26.2 mile run so why would he feel the need to fabricate such a story to make himself look like something he's not

    January 24, 2018 at 6:11 PM

    I looked at his FB page months ago and he was posting his GI Joe pictures with helicopters landing and him in his GI Joe garb trying to make it look like he was a hero that went to fight for his country. FALSE!!

    Jake Day has always been a chauffeur for the general. He has always kissed ass for what he wants. He looks stupid with that crew cut and those jacked up teeth. His wife isn't anything to look at either.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Wasn’t it Jake Day that asked for 75k in the first place?

    January 24, 2018 at 3:21 PM

    I believe it was. And we all know that Jim Ireton wanted a full-time salary when he was the Mare, now he is pretending he doesn't want it by voting against it. We all know that is a political stunt for County Clerk.

  25. Anonymous said...

    Didn't Jake run that military training marathon with Brian Williams? Think it was a photo finish with selfies at each milepost.

    January 24, 2018 at 7:28 PM

    Is this the one where he was running downtown in his army clothes and boots? I remember his shocial media whore pics.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Jake day you better start taking to daddy about creating a new position at perdue for you. To the two-three assistant city administrator you better start sending out your résumés. To the " public works field operations director" same goes for you. There's a new sheriff coming to town

    January 25, 2018 at 12:22 PM

    I wouldn't work full time as the mayor, but if I changed my mind I would get rid of Julia, Andy, Allison, Tom Stevenson, the new Folk Festival employees(office girl for Wicomico Day School) and I would dismantle the folk festival. Also on the chopping block would be Barb Duncan and Richard A. Hoppes and everyone would have to re-apply for their jobs at the city police and the fire departments.

  27. Look at Jake Day in that picture. What kind of man would stand in front of the Government Office Building and "pose" for a picture like a woman? Only a girly man Homo would do that. Jake Day, you lose your Man Card.

  28. Here is a question and something that the taxpayers of Salisbury should know.

    On Wednesday morning, January 24, 2018, around 9 AM or so, I was on my way to a doctors appointment at a DC hospital and a white Salisbury City car went flying by me just past the town of Easton. I was doing about 65 MPH so I would guess that this City car was doing approximately 80 MPH. I am LEO so I can give a good estimate of speed. It looked like a White Ford Edge with those silly looking Jake Day family colors on the stripes. The car also had a city seal and Local Government tags. When I caught up with her at the next stop light near the area I inched up on the passenger side and looked into the window. It appeared to be driven by Julia Glanz, Salisbury City Administrator. I also paced her at speeds between 75 to 85 in a 55 MPH zone to the next stop light near the Outlets. She wasn't even aware that I was behind her. What I would like to know and the citizens of Salisbury need to know is why she was driving at dangerously high speeds through the town and even faster on the highway. She is a liability to the City and the citizens. She could have killed herself and/or innocent victims of these counties she was driving through.

    This needs to be exposed and the Citizens have to know about it. I hope you post this because I would love to see what kind of excuse she has for putting lives in Jeopardy. Where was she going in such a hurry? She is also a liability to the City's insurance company and probably shouldn't be driving City vehicles.

    To the owner of this blog, I give you permission to post this as a Letter to the Editor. Are the readers familiar with "A year and a day?"

  29. Why was a city vehicle even that far from the bury?


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