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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rev. Al Sharpton to Trump: ‘You Are a Racist’

On Monday when asked if the president is racist, Rev. Al Sharpton said, “You don’t have to spray paint the N-word over the Oval Office and sleep with a KKK hood to be racist. If you have racist policies, say racist things, operate in a racist manner you are are a racist, period end of story.”



  1. is he sitting with a prostitute while saying that??

  2. To: Al Sharpton
    From: Decent, hard working, law abiding Americans.

    Go to hell you reverse racist pile of dung.

  3. If Al suddenly stopped breathing for a couple of hours. I'd be a very happy man !!!Ray!!!

  4. Pay your delinquent taxes yet? WHY are you not locked up for not doing so as any other American would be?

  5. Go pay you're back taxes a**hole!

  6. Can some one tell me one thing- just one thing- that Trump has said or done that makes him racist?
    Not what the MSM has told you, but one, simple, tangible piece of evidence that you can show us to hang the 'racist' tag on him. Example: a sound bite, video of him actually saying something racist. Not something Rachel Madcow said or Stephen Colbert said.
    I heard people saying he was anti-Semitic, too and his daughter is Jewish.
    The liberals are all about identity politics to give people reason to hate republican candidates. And if they say it enough, people start to believe it.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 17, 2018 at 4:13 PM

    Whoa, coming from Race Baiting Con-Artist himself. He sure knows from his own experience, how to use hudlums from his own circle to do all that. Self proclaimed "Reverend" who made millions of dollars by bamboozling the poor he was suppose to "represent". And biggest Tax Fraud in America. If Sharpton paid All his taxes he owes, every black man in Harlem, NY would be driving a new Cadillac. Hey, but this is what you get for voting Slimey Democ-rat. 40 years later and still poor as dirt, while They, the High-Rollers, are riding through the ghetto, in Rolls-Royce Limos and Bentleys, while talking cheap talk and laughing all the way to the bank. Wake Up Sheeple and Vote to MAGA!

  8. He should know what a raciest is

  9. All you all don't no nothing about what your saying! Mr Sharpton is a reasonable and very intelligent man. He has been around long enough to no a racist when he sees it! Y'all do anything to say rasmcism doesn't exist! Fools! Long live Sharpton and I be happy!!! Ray!!!

  10. WOW...That's the pot calling the kettle black.

  11. 4:25 and 3:49 Ray, make up your mind. Also, when you state all the world's problems are either black or brown, your opinion fails to qualify on other racists. Ya got issues, Ray.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 17, 2018 at 4:50 PM

    4:25 Yes, sure. Sharpton knows who the Racist is every time he looks in his mirror.

  13. Sharpton lost all credibility when he rode Tawana Brawley's lies onto the front pages. Publicity means more to him than the truth.

  14. 4:25. You can't be that stupid

  15. look what it is ,he don't know no better

  16. This trouble maker (BLM) lives off the white man and wants to call them racist.

  17. It's Know not "no" cake hole !!!Ray!!!

  18. Nothing but an extortionist, oimp daddy so called preached


  19. Al 'Tawana Brawley enabler' Sharpton knows exactly what a racist looks like. All he needs is a mirror to see a dyed-in-the-wool racist of the first order. That's the core of his being.

  20. If a racist calls you a racist then you must be okay.

  21. Al! Keep your hands to yourself! Opps.. just noticed that you are. Have you turned queer or something?

  22. Why do people keep putting ray at the end of their sentences?

    1. 6:52-It's not people, just two idiots. Map and Ray. Map thinks its okay to make unwanted advances on women as a right of passage. Ray is a racist idiot. Morons.

  23. That chick is hot! I must not be a racist.

    1. I'm with ya dang!! I got the fever!!

  24. The only person more racist than Al Sharpton is Ed Lashley.

    1. Ed lashley is pretty bad. He took advantage of his skin color to climb the ranks at MSP retire and become SU police chief. But any young white girl he can screw he's all over tgem. Pretty sad to watch a 60 year old man try to act like he's 21. Just a big baby that came crying back to Salisbury instead of trying to play professional baseball because he missed his momma

  25. The Pot calling the Kettle Black !!!!

  26. How would you suppose our POTUS would go about proving he's not a racist? One cannot prove a negative. This the only chant the Dems have. They can't give us any example of Trump being a real racist, so they just throw that name on him and want to see him try to prove the negative.

    When Trump righteously ignores the charge, the Dems say "That's proof he is!".

    Ignorance knows no bounds...

  27. Sharpton is a rascist.

  28. What does it matter if someone is a "Racist", seriously, at least I'm not a fake! I don't like black people. I base my belief on my life experiences associating with them. My experiences with the many black people whom I saw was all negative. Does it matter if I don't like them?

  29. He just described himself

  30. Shuck n Jive money grubbing con-artist..funny how black people still try to defend that thing when they are the biggest victims of his "Reverend Show".

    1. Actually a lot of Blacks hate him.

  31. Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle black?

  32. You are without a doubt the worst racist still living. And all your visits to the White House at the request of Obama made him a racist too.

  33. True happiness is a non breathing Al. Please please please make me HAPPY !!!Ray!!!

  34. What do you expect from a race of people that re-elected Mayor Berry of D.C. after his crack smoking video in the company of a prostitute. They are just an ignorant race of people. They call Al a Reverend. That is like calling a pig a horse. Ship em all back let them get in touch with their roots.


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