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Sunday, January 21, 2018

For or Against?


  1. Snoop-10. Medicinal and recreational.

  2. Considering that's the ONLY drug a doctor will write for pain I don't have a chose. After 6 years of NOT drinking and NEVER smoking pot I guess a new party is starting for me.

  3. 10, and I don't even like its effect!

  4. Good for medical reasons only. Give it a 2

  5. On this issue, and this issue alone, I agree with Snoop.

  6. I feel the same way about all drugs. Everything should be legal. If you do stupid stuff with legal things then that's natural selection. Think about how much stronger our gene pool would be if people would just weed themselves out of it. Have you tried a Tide pod yet or have you got enough sense to not do stupid things?

  7. Against, don't we have enough problems with alcohol and drugs.People need to stop using this crap as a crutch, grow a pair and live life as God intended you to.Deal with the life your given, grow and learn and you will be rewarded in some way.Otherwise your life will just be a sh#tfest..beleive me.

  8. 5, Do it if you want, but you are an idiot if you do.

  9. Against. And I say round up all the druggies that Obama pardoned and put them back in jail.

  10. 10, because I'm not one of those big government types that feels the need to tell everyone what they can and can't put in their bodies and then pay tens of thousands of dollars to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate someone for smoking one of God's plants.

    1. Amen Brother. Remove it from schedule 1.

  11. Can an "11" rating be a Willie Nelson?

  12. 3 - I'm just against it here in Maryland. I say Pick a handful of States and let them have it for recreational use. Just like some States prostitution is legal, if it's something you are into then either go visit or live in those states. Cheaper than Amsterdam.

  13. Prescribed for medical reasons - 10.
    Recreational - 1.

    With a medical prescription, it should be treated and observed like a number of remedies - disqualifying for Truck Drivers, Pilots, Ship Captains, etc...all of these require drug testing!

    As for recreational use, other jobs still require drug testing to start and random tests while employed...is your job and livelihood worth a joint - never mind, a lot of you don't have jobs anyway!

  14. 7:43 There are no states where prostitution is legal. Another low information keyboard warrior.

  15. Snoop.
    The problems created by the "War on Drugs"are greater than the problems created by the drugs themselves. The only exception being heroin, which is now given out at doctors offices like lollipops. If crack was legal right now would you smoke it? Neither would I.
    For those of you who have not used Marijuana in a long time or never, it is not even as bad as alcohol. No one has ever done something they horribly regretted because they were too high. You don't lose balance and coordination. There are even some great benefits like increasing appetite, fighting depression, pain relief, stopping seizures.
    The war on drugs is an attack on the most vulnerable in our society. Poor people and minorities end up with RIDICULOUS sentences for drug crimes. Our last two Presidents were Cocaine users. How many people are in prison right now for cocaine or crack? How many children are growing up in a single parent household because a parent was arrested for a drug crime, especially when this country has gone so far downhill that there are many communities where selling drugs is one of the only jobs in town. I guess old George wouldn't have gone to prison no matter what he did. See only the poor get these laws applied to them. You want to fix this country? Make it so there is no longer such a thing as a Victimless Crime, and give people like the executives of Wells Fargo the same time you would give a guy for holding up a bank.

  16. As someone who has dealt with a lot of both, I can tell you I'd rather have a pothead working for me than an alcoholic.

  17. Before you spout your opinion about something, you should really educate yourself.

  18. "The State of Nevada is the only Jurisdiction in the US where prostitution is permitted". He is not totally wrong it's regulated but legal in isolated rural areas. 9:12 needs to educate himself before typing.

  19. If the states were to manage and tax pot the way they do with liquor and cigarettes several things could occur.
    First the states would receive income in the form of taxes instead of spending money on arresting and incarcerating drug dealers and users.

    Also, there would be a reduction in the drug trafficking from our southern border.

  20. Then we will have a bunch of drug users and drug drivers everywhere

  21. sessions is an idiot, wont look into actually felony law breaking by previous administrations stealing billions but worried about someone smokin a joint! get that loser out of there and hire a real prosecutor who goes after actual criminals!

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Prescribed for medical reasons - 10.
    Recreational - 1.

    With a medical prescription, it should be treated and observed like a number of remedies - disqualifying for Truck Drivers, Pilots, Ship Captains, etc...all of these require drug testing!

    As for recreational use, other jobs still require drug testing to start and random tests while employed...is your job and livelihood worth a joint - never mind, a lot of you don't have jobs anyway!

    January 17, 2018 at 7:44 AM

    Keep in mind pot stays in the system for up to 30 days, it doesn't mean you just smoked a joint. If you want to exclude anyone from the medical pot a way must be found to test for CURRENT USE.

    Anonymous LadyLiddy said...
    Before you spout your opinion about something, you should really educate yourself.

    January 17, 2018 at 10:12 AM

    Lady has some good advice for you 744 AND 414.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As someone who has dealt with a lot of both, I can tell you I'd rather have a pothead working for me than an alcoholic.

    January 17, 2018 at 9:43 AM

    Then most of the "good ole boys" around here would be unemployed.

  23. 10

    This has momentous medical effects. When legal it leads all crimes to go down.

    So many lies sold. Hemp rope was by far the best. Now illegal. Hemp paper the best now illegal. Hemp Levis wore like iron now a year at most.

    Cannabis oil was good for what ailed you. Now illegal.

    Fact is it kills cancer. Fact is it relieves Asthma. Fact is it will get people off heroine and other illegal and legal drugs.

    Fact is ovoids are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans not weed which is impossible to overdose on and cause death. Yes you should not use too much but unless you do something stupid you live. Mostly people get tired and sleep it off.

    It is a huge lie it has no medical use. One of the biggest lies told in America to bring in money to the drug companies and textile companies.

  24. 11:43 PM's comments are some of the most idiotic statements that have ever been spoken. No one but a dope smoking bozo would spout such blatant lies. There is not, and has never been any factual basis that marihuana kills cancer, nor that it relieves asthma. It most definitely causes one that smokes it to become stupid. Can someone tell me what "ovoids" are?

    1. I smoke 3 joints a day and have always been 100% cancer free.


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