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Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-17-18

Joe, close friend of mine works in the GOB with boy mare, overheard him saying he had a way to fix "your ass" once and for all. Your warned, he's fed up.

Publishers Notes: Been there, done that. 


  1. Jake does look the part of one "still in the closet".

    1. 11:36 O Jakey boy is def still in the closet 😂😂

  2. Wow, is your ass broken? Lol If so, it would be the first thing this simpleton has fixed since hold up in the GOB.

  3. There is no room for revenge in Government. If you can’ take the heat, get out or move to one of the $hitholes.

  4. Day has no power over anyone, sort of like the Goblin King.

  5. He gas power over two people. Julie glantz and Tom Stevenson, both of whom were given jobs because of merely biting Jake Day's ass. One thing I've gathered is I doubt very seriously a native New Yorker is worried in the least about a spoiled ass brat like Jake day

  6. What's he going to do, send WBOC to report on Joe? What a joke.

    Maybe they can bottle Jakes hot air and use it to heat the homes that Peninsula Oil isn't getting gas to.

  7. Now that it's on record you're perfectly safe.Whatever happens to you will be blamed on HIM.

    1. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

  8. He aint gonna do squat all because the people are putting his dumbass in place with his retarded agenda which seems all is about promoting gay events all the time

    1. Wow, lots of class in this post. You write this from your busted up Ford?

  9. Ohhh, I bet he's gonna tell his daddy on you!! That's about all as tough as he gets, lol!

  10. I would say Jake had better watch his mouth while mouthing off downtown. Don't know if what he said was a threat and/or promise but as mayor of Salisbury, he should not be getting anyone's "ass" for anything. Grow up little boy, you are not out on the playground anymore.

  11. there is a crack in it

  12. Bicyclers unite picketing? Shovel the sidewalks for them

  13. Boy Mayor Must Go Soon, before he totally destroys Salisbury...

  14. brought it on his own self for mouthing off about something he didnt know anything about. And to bring up the subject of a law suit against a business that is suppose to be an event stop CAN U SAY CRAZY

  15. And the world laughed.Again.

  16. Maybe he is going to rename the Poo Plant for Joe...

  17. His bosses have a lot of power and should be feared.

  18. Frank Perdue must be rolling over if he can see what's happened to his firm under Day (daddy and kid mayor). And Jimmy has let it happen.

  19. Speaking of ... dems want to impeach Trump. Can Day be impeached? Anyone know the process?

  20. Instead of worrying about joe and the TRUTH he should worry about the dump of a city he has

  21. 2:28

    And Jimmy Perdue is Jake's go-to for the big Fulk Festival!

  22. If in fact the Mayor made any comment close to this it speaks volumes about his character. If you live in a glass house you should never throw stones. Speaking of stones Jake needs to let his drop and stop acting like a social worker. That is not his job. He needs to clean and build this city. That is what he was elected to do. The issues he is trying to fix when it comes to racial issues and how someone operates their business should be hands off. That was a no brainer. Jake get your head in the game not your heart.

  23. 3:35 PM, Problem is, he was not elected, so he has no clue what to do other than act like the little boy that he is.

  24. 3:55 He was elected for the simple reason that every other person in Salisbury elected not to run against him. You got what you deserve.

  25. Whats the little candy a$$ going to do? Sprinkle you with fairy dust?

  26. I have to agree old frank perdue would have a fit if he could see the man his son entrusted to run his company and his moron son and how he's running Salisbury in the ground. Jake day you have nothing and really should resign as any kind of public figure. You don't gave the tempermant, intellect, or maturity to do the job properly.

  27. Threats bring lawsuits.

  28. WTF cares? Nobody takes anything about Smallsbury seriously, even the crime there, except the residents who live in that shithole. And they can't do anything about it legally. If they did, THEY would be the ones punished and sent to prison. I bet over half the population (of a certain group) is on probation.

  29. Yeah, you ARE getting just a little bit too big for your britches young man. Be nicer or go back to new yawk dipwad

  30. Morning all!! Like everyone else I'm totally blown away by Salisbury mayor's trying to play both sides of the fence and absolutely no loyalty to either just trying to fit in and be accepted by whomever. Go to uprising church Facebook and see his mentor and spiritual guru and check out his latest video I think it will shed a little light on the chaos

    1. Just checked out Jake day's pastor and head narcissistic leader bill cropper doing his "RAP" impression and mic drop. The ignorance and self righteous attitudes displayed by guys in leadership roles is pretty ridiculous. The similarities and character traits of these two are frightening similar

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow, lots of class in this post. You write this from your busted up Ford?

    January 17, 2018 at 3:51 PM

    you must be new here

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah, you ARE getting just a little bit too big for your britches young man. Be nicer or go back to new yawk dipwad

    January 18, 2018 at 1:38 AM

    Now why on earth would you post my mean comment? Just venting, you knows I loves ya

  33. Don't worry Joe... Jake doesn't know how to fix ANYTHING.

  34. What can we do as citizens to get JAKE out of office and I mean right now, what do we sign, impeachment an answer, request by partitions direct to the Governor name it and they're will be enough people to sign.

  35. Funny how people who took an oath to defend the Constitution and defend the rights of Americans, hate it when people exercise their rights. Deal with it.


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