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Sunday, January 28, 2018

NFL Commish Goodell: Social Justice Campaign Between NFL, Players ‘Just the Beginning’

Despite the plummeting TV ratings and continued anger of fans over a rising tide of anthem protests, National Football Commissioner Roger Goodell is promising that the league is ready to increase its attention to so-called “social justice” programs and campaigns.

Only a day after news broke that the NFL rejected an ad that the military veteran group AMVETS wanted to air during the Super Bowl because it celebrated veterans and honored the national anthem, Goodell promised that the current spending on social justice is “just the beginning.”

“We’re just getting started with this effort,” Goodell said according to the Bangor Daily News.

Goodell made his comments on Tuesday at a meeting of members of a joint committee of owners and players that had been convened to shepherd the new social justice programs.



  1. Yours is a business in one single country (no, Canada, you don't count here) that exclusively revolves around a game whose action lasts about 20 minutes per game. Over the decades yours and advertiser's money has taken it to ridiculous levels.
    Football, you can't threaten us with.... football.

  2. Your Ex-fans are "Just getting started" as well! You and yours had better get used to lonliness.

    There are many more very entertaining sports being played that just play sports. They are all great escapes from the weekly drone of war and politics.

    Yours is not one of them.

  3. Good....keep doubling down. You will have no paying fans left. Hope you crash and burn.

  4. Time to demand the sponsor pull their ad! And we boycott any advertisers and NFL sponsers. ARMY BEING ONE!! IM DONE WITH EM. But since they just allowed gay cadets to get married i doubt it. Satan is getting his way again!!

  5. This latest insult to the veterans is just unbelievable, I'm no longer watching unless they seriously come down on that bunch of POS over paid thugs they have playing the game. I also refuse to patronize any business that supports the NFL, Roger Goodell and players that disrespect our national anthem and our flag.

  6. Roger Goodell has lost his mind.

  7. Millennials don't care and we are the new you. All you patriotic boomers are dying off and don't spend much money of the NFL anyways. We buy merch and go to games.

    1. Millenials, REALLY?? You actually claim that title and refer to yourself as such? The NFL needs a few morons like you

  8. Bring it on. I won't miss it, I never watched the trash to start with.

  9. I will write to the sponsors informing them of my boycott of their products. And, I will follow through.

  10. Goodell you are a pandering Bozo. The tail sure is wagging the dog.

  11. It has been Thugball for a long time now.


  12. They continue to double-down on their already epic cluelessness. Very few people would even see the printed ad in the game program that the Vets were prepared to pay for. Instead, NFL has picked a PR fight it can't win, following a string of PR calamities.

    Got a feeling they are not going to like the viewership stats after this year's final Mediocre Bowl game.

  13. So the black players now own the NFL??!! Just like Charlie Sheen thought he owned "Two and a Half Men? Let's see if the advertisers agree with Goodall, after the ratings plunge this year, combined with the viewer boycott of the SuperBowl. I have never had so little interest in the NFL since, well since there was an NFL. Like every business, it is easier to try and keep a customer, than it is to try and get a customer back after you've pissed them off and driven them away. Business 101, and overpaid Goodall just doen't get it. Wow!


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