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Sunday, January 28, 2018

John Kerry says he might run for president in 2020

Former Secretary of State John Kerry recently told a confidant of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that he is considering a second run for the presidency in 2020.

Kerry ran unsuccessfully against President George W. Bush in 2004.

His comments, reported by the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv, came during a London discussion about the Middle East peace process with Hussein Agha, a Lebanese academic who is close to Abbas.

Kerry, 74, said his advanced age wouldn't be an impediment to mounting another White House bid, and urged Agha to tell Abbas to 'stay strong' and 'play for time' while Trump is in the White House.



  1. God help us....he is an absolute fool.

  2. Lerch, please spare us...

  3. i wouldn't vote for this lying swift boat pro iranian anti usa pos if they paid me--

  4. He is all they got.hah no way dont matter... GO TRUMP

  5. Oh please! Dont waste your time or ours!

  6. He just got kicked out of the Saudi camel beauty contest because of his use of botox. He was in third place.

  7. Kerry and Mueller were classmates, posing in pictures together. Drain the swamp!

  8. Wants to belly up to the public trough again!!

  9. ''a horse is a horse of course, of course, but talk to Mr. Ed"!

    How can anyone forget?

  10. He needs to run for the hills!

  11. I thinking as a democrat of course. Jealous loser. I make sure I never purchase any product with Heinz on the label.


  12. For sure, he will run...his mouth...between now and then.

    Guess he's finally got his DD-214 squared away; probably from the same printer used for Obama's fictional birth certificate.

  13. Old horse face should just stick to spending his wife's ketchup fortune.

  14. More like Dog catcher 20 20 !!!


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