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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Local Power Washing Company Offers To Clean Bear Exhibit For Free

Hello and we'd be pleased to power wash the bear house free of charge we are a lic. and insured power washing co. Sometime all places need a lil helping out.

Thank you

Publishers Notes: I'm not even going to tell you what my Wife said after seeing these images of this exhibit. All I can say is, it must be very difficult to spend so many years hand raising so many of these animals only to watch these lazy bums who work in a PUBLIC place not give a damn about these animals and their environments. When the public can clearly see the place falling apart and not taken care of, imagine what's going on BEHIND the scenes! #shutthesbyzoodown.


  1. I would like to hire that company.

    1. Delmarva power wash miss Judy awesome

  2. They should just close down if they can't do it right.

  3. What about their inside living quarters where they sleep, have they been checked out, and ever cleaned. Why doesn't the SPCA write them up, and check them periodically?

    1. Call SPCA! If you need a number look it up. Talk is cheap!

  4. What about the Wallabys and Owls !!

  5. Lets do the math

    They have no money to build an Owl exhibit
    They have no money to build a Wallaby exhibit
    But they have THOUSANDS $$$ to go fetch a bear and FLY it here

    Seems like some messed up priorities.

  6. Yea for that heartfelt donation~helping the helpless animals!! Hoping good caring citizens of Salisbury will bring attention to the zoo's condition & provide happiness for these beautiful animals!! After all they are the stars☄ of the show!! They deserve lots better, they depend on us.

    1. Are you a citizen of Salisbury. Do something - call whoever!

  7. The Zoo has multiple power washers. There is no excuse for the bear exhibit looking like this.

  8. We are in WorCo and awhile back we took some out of town friends to that zoo and we were so embarrassed by what it's become. Our friends (and ourselves) were sickened by the place. I don't see how anyone especially the employees can not be embarrassed themselves. The alligator "exhibit" is nothing more then a tub. There was this poor deer that all it did was walk in a circle. Shame on anyone whose name is affiliated with that what amounts to a dump. You are garbage yourself and a piss poor example of a human being.

  9. One of you needs to run for mayor and get the proper funding to the zoo so it can do what your complaining about. they do the best they can with what they have, or is donated for a specified purpose, which it has to be spent on.
    Most people there are volunteers. The city does not fund the zoo properly.
    Plus it could start charging to get in, but you'd all complain about that!
    So shut up and run for mayor and fix it... all you loud mouths.

  10. The deer walking in circle---It's
    called " cage crazy"
    Terrible to put our wildlife in
    such living conditions-----just so
    the Public can see them .
    If the people in charge can't do any
    better for these animals-----send them
    somewhere that can-----The Zoo is a
    disaster .

  11. These poor unfortunate animals are in a ragged, cheesy, run down habitat resembling nothing like their natural environment.
    It's the same bad feeling I get when I see some poor dog in one of those 5x7 chain link boxes with a piece of blue crap plastic flapping in the wind. In the winter cold and summer heat.
    Day after day.
    Maybe the people with the dog torture cages are working at the zoo in the daytime.
    Deer don't walk in circles, by the way.
    Keep cheering.

  12. Open all the doors, let all the animals go freely - best thing that could happen there. They don't deserve to be caged up in filthy conditions like they are.


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