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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Attendance Hits 24 Year Low: America Falls Out of Love with Movies

With movie attendance dropping to a 24-year low, there was no good news for the film business in 2017. For two decades, the movie business has not been a growth business. This year might be remembered as the year the film business finally began to contract.

Hollywood will try and hide behind the fact that this is the third year in a row that ticket sales have grossed $11 billion in North America, but that is all glitter. To begin with, ticket prices had to increase by nearly 4 percent in just one year to reach that number.

Moreover, 20 years ago the average production cost of a movie was $29 million. In 2002, that jumped to $59 million. Today, marketing alone — this does not even include production — can hit $200 million. On top of that you have the home video business barely making a dent. For example, in 2017, home video sales only added $76 million to the bottom line ofRogue One: A Star Wars Story.

In a country with nearly 130 million households, only around 5 million wanted to own a newStar Wars movie, and Rogue One was one of 2017’s biggest home video sellers.



  1. Well considering how uncivilized people now behave in theaters with cell phones and talking it comes as no surprise. Not to mention theaters are the filthiest places feces on the seats and often crawling with bed bugs. I can wait six months and buy it on demand and see it in the comfort and cleanliness of my own home with fresh popcorn.

  2. I have not been to a movie theater since 1992.

  3. In other words 9:24 you can't afford to go.

  4. I was at the movies with my family last wk. Just trying to get through the door with all those hood rats was a pain in the a$$. During the movie the manager turned it off, turned on the lights and gave a 5min speach on how we all paid good money to watch so everybody needs to stop running around theater, turn off cell phones and be quiet... he did very well. Then leaving the theater another pain in a$$ we had to push these little thug wannabes out of the way to get out!! There were 2 senior deputies there but nothing they can do unless a crime is committed. A lot of the kids looked under age but they deffinetly didn't give a sh!t. Next time I'm going with my 100lb "service Rotty" cuz just like in jail they might not respect a human but they will respect that dog!!

  5. 9:24 Amen

    The extreme actors and actress are a big turn off. Or it could be they all moved to Canada as promised.

  6. Most of Hollywood called me a racist for Voting Trump. Why would I give them my money.

  7. I've seen 34 movies since Sept 1st with Moviepass (started off $10 a month but I got in on the $90 a year deal while it was running). I've seen a couple movies where I was the only one in the theatre and the rest I've never been bothered as the theatre (Regal in Salisbury) has never been more than 1/3 full. Salisbury could really use a 2nd run theatre or maybe an arthouse style one..but it'll never happen anytime soon

  8. I always go to early matinees. Cheaper. Never crowded. Never had a problem.

  9. I personally don't want to put myself in a position that would jeopardize my freedom just to see a movie and have to be in a confined area for two hours with a bunch of hood rats that have no respect or decency within them. Call me racist but I can do without the "yo yo yo" and pants hanging off their asses. Have no USE for today's hip hop culture

  10. 947, I would have asked for my money back and left.

    What movie were you watching?

  11. with the "hood rats" acting like the movies are their own personal turf/playground, the price of the movie and snacks, and certain actors and actresses attacking Trump and America, who would even want to go near the place?

    I watch new and old movies online in the privacy of my home with no one talking, playing with cell phones, blocking my view, or any other uncivilized behavior. And it's FREE. So suck it Hollywood and punk wannabes.

  12. Movie theaters are a metaphor of why socialism doesn't work.
    Why would I sit in a theater packed full of little gangster wannabes when I can enjoy the same left leaning liberal diatribe in the privacy of my home on a big screen with Dolby Atmos?

  13. Pretty simple go online and whatch for free before they come out or same day simple been doing it for decade spent 0$ you all waste so much $ for bs whts popcorn and large drink 40$ lol

  14. Personally, I find the COST of the movies just as ridiculous as the venue’s inability to control the riff-raff.

  15. We also went last week (the first time in many months), but I don't like having to sit there and watch commercials. At least at home, watching tv, we can mute them. The movie makers need to start making movies that are suitable to watch, in my opinion.

  16. 7:38 we watching Insidious 4....you would think those kind would be to scarred!


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