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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Texas Tech student questioned TSA school finger gun salute

A Texas college student has been questioned by the TSA at an airport security checkpoint after making a 'finger gun' salute.

Diana Durkin, 19, explained to officers at Hobby Airport in Houston that gesture was merely her school's symbolic sign that she would perform whenever she saw a fellow Texas Tech University student out and about.

But TSA officers pulled her aside to explain how her seemingly innocent actions were misinterpreted as a sinister sign that could land her in serious trouble.



  1. The NWO jack booted thugs/ nazi are everywhere. After 911 we are now all enemies of the state.

    1. Only one should be enemy is bush and there false flag attack

  2. Talk about government over reach. How much longer before the revolution begins?

    1. TSA has NOTHING to do with the government.

    2. Bush signed the bill creating the TSA into law 2 months after 911. Spread factual information not what you believe to be true. It was created by the government so it has everything to do with the government.

  3. Not as bad as a 6 year old chewing his poptart in the shape of a gun and being suspended.


  4. Yep; thank goodness she's outgrown poptarts!

  5. 6:23, you must be smoking crack!!

  6. 443 so what should have we done? What would you have done?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:23, you must be smoking crack!!

    January 17, 2018 at 7:21 PM

    No, he's just stupid

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    TSA has NOTHING to do with the government.

    January 17, 2018 at 6:23 PM

    What does FEDERAL AGENCY mean to you?

    TSA Careers and Airport Security Jobs. The TSA reports that it highly skilled employees screen more than 2 million passengers every day at its more than 450 work locations. This federal agency is comprised of nearly 50,000 employees, who include inspectors, security officers, air marshals, and managers.

  9. Give it a rest it's just fingers

  10. Highly skilled, LOL. If you travel regularly, you would know that they are no different than mall security except that they are unionized and get federal benefits.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Highly skilled, LOL. If you travel regularly, you would know that they are no different than mall security except that they are unionized and get federal benefits.

    January 18, 2018 at 8:06 AM

    pretty much yeah


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