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Monday, January 08, 2018

Just A Reminder


  1. Is this really true? If you answer please be serious. never heard this before.

  2. You pompous jerks seriously need to do without for once.This is language shared by the elite among you who have never used stale bread to make french toast,or toast period.Get over yourselves,and while you are at it give your intolerable bread to the starving birds.

    1. 1:18- Chill. It's a fairly innocuous post. A lot of hostility for a blog article about bread ties. There are a lot of grumpy farts commenting today!

  3. It's NOT a joke. Just follow in alphabetical order starting Monday...Blue...Green...Red...White...Yellow. I swear it's true, has been for many years.

  4. We have not bought a loaf of bread from a grocery in years. Always from the bread store where K-mart is. I did not know that they had a color code and found it interesting. It won't matter, we will always buy bread from the bread store. It's so much less expensive. Sometimes they are giving bread away when you go in.

  5. Why no bread baked on Wednesday?

  6. DUH...been using this 'news' for many years and YES it is true. duh

  7. Who cares when it was baked? The bags have dates on them now. This is 2018.


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