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Monday, January 08, 2018

Stockman: Forget Trump, The Real "Dopes & Idiots" Are On Wall Street

Suddenly it's all Fire And Fury, and according to its author, Michael Wolff, no less than 100% of his sources in the White House told him the Donald is a "dope" or an "idiot" and is a "child" who has tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants and get it right now.

We are pretty sure Mr. Wolff exaggerates. After all, Ivanka is apparently still trundling around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, yet how would she know?

More to the point, the Donald doesn't have the Deep State and its collaborators in the media and among the Dems and establishment Republicans lathered-up in a Salem-style witch-hunt hysteria because he's stupid. What he is is reckless, impetuous, undisciplined, glandular, petty, megalomaniacal, mendacious and uninformed-----and also in so deep over his head that even his signature orange comb-over will soon be fading from sight.


1 comment:

  1. I love David Stockman.
    Been reading his stuff for years and he is very informative.
    But the pleasure is the language - he is simply a great writer!


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