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Sunday, January 28, 2018

New York Gov. Cuomo Wants to Give DACA Recipients Free Tuition at State Colleges

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to give illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as children under DACA free tuition at the state’s public colleges.

Cuomo, a Democrat, included a provision in his $168 billion budget that would change the state’s education law to make illegal alien children who were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program eligible to receive free tuition through the Excelsior Scholarship, the New York Post reported.

The scholarship gives students free tuition at any New York State public college if their families make $125,000 or less, regardless of grade-point average or standardized test scores.

The only condition of the program is that students remain in the state for the “number of years equal to the reward received” to keep the scholarship, meaning that students who receive the free tuition must live and work in the state or pay the money back.



  1. Thank God my kids are older and own their making their own money. If I had to do now that I'm retired with an yearly income of less then $17,000 a year. They would not be where they are now if it was not by the grace of God and hard working and giving up what I wanted so I could give them what they needed to have a better life then me.. Just to say my highest yearly amount in my life time working was less then $40,000. But because of my x and me working together they got an education that will keep them happy and off the streets. If parent/parents would think about how will their kids live without their help they may think twice. Don't depend on taxes and handouts to do your job. If you can't take care and bring your kids up above where you are then don't have them. (map)

  2. Wouldn't that be discrimination based on national origin?

  3. Just need to raise taxes. Again

  4. Another Democrat against citizens of America or DACA!

    1. DACA does not need the US to do anything for them. Deport and have them come back into America and earn their citizenship like so many others. DACA are not special. Those of you who studied our history and our laws and assimilated to the American valued took years to become citizens. Why special treatment for kids that were dropped off with uncaring parents. DACA is now the Democratic base. They have nothing else.

  5. Another reason taxes are so high in New York and why I'm glad I don't live there. Still not understanding how someone who is here illegally is entitled to so many freenies.

  6. Real American "dreamers" would like to be educated for free. Yeah, like the alien dreamers will really stay in state and pay back. Cuomo is the one dreaming.

  7. Free? Does that mean that colleges are not going to charge them or does it mean that hardworking tax payers will foot the bill? Let’s see, proposed by a democrat so my bet is that someone’s taxes are going to increase.

  8. 2:54...learn.
    here's a lesson for you.

    The laws in the U.S. are for CITIZENS. Not someone who swam across the Rio or jumped a fence into the USA or even if their parents brought them here as children.
    ONLY in the USA (as far as I know) can someone commit a crime like illegal entry and hide for years. Then, claim that since no one caught them or said anything, their crime is, uh, NOT a crime now??
    It still IS for others doing the same thing but they just got caught yesterday.
    WTF is with THAT logic??
    When did ANYONE in the justice system give a rat's ace about what happens to criminals or how their lives will turn out if they are punished?
    Let's say some kids parents robbed a bank and took 5 million. They didn't get caught until 10 years later, they had children at the time and wanted to provide a good life for them so they bought a nice house, and never robbed a bank again.
    When the police show up, do they get to keep the house, you know, since the kids are used to the nice life and they haven't done anything wrong for years and their kids shouldn't have to go to foster homes because it's been so long?
    It is not the responsibility of the citizens of THIS country to educate and house anyone from anywhere just because they were slick enough to sneak into the USA. Their VERY FIRST ACTION in this country was to thumb their nose at our laws and willfully violate them. And we OWE them something???
    Lesson over.

  9. Why oh why do asshats get to speak. Its astonishing the lack of common sense that spews out of their mouths. Whats even worse is when they are elected officials.

    I give up on trying to figure out this lack of sense.

    1. It is the new Democratic base (votes). That's why Schumer wants more than the White House is offering. WH wants only "nuclear" families to join DACA in America. Schumer wants chain. DACA immigrants which would practically allow the boarders wide open again. This has nothing to do personally for DACA by the democrats. The Democratic party will only bring the issue up when it is time for an election. Just the Blacks. Promise them anything for that vote. Black democrats wake up.

  10. 5:52 Maybe you should take constitutional law class again. The Constitution and Bill of Rights covers anyone on US soil or territory regardless of citizenship.

  11. Legal American Kids Come FIRST !!! Dream On

  12. Give U.S. veterans FREE Tuition Not Illegals !!!!


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