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Monday, January 08, 2018

Hellzapoppin: FBI, DOJ, and Clinton Share the Hot Seat

The new year began with a bang as the long stalled congressional investigations of the top FBI and Department of Justice officials and Fusion GPS begin to see daylight and the Clinton Foundation slush fund investigation resumed, this time with greater probity than the former top officials at the FBI and DOJ permitted.

Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, and Judiciary chairman Senator Chuck Grassley (along with Judiciary member Lindsey Graham) fired the first salvos of the year.

Devin Nunes

Chairman Nunes demanded and got from the long stonewalling FBI and DOJ the FD-302s and FD-1023s relating to the unverified, unverifiable, and totally discredited Steele dossier. These forms document interrogations and interviews by agents. Nunes now has the record of what Steele was asked by the FBI and what he answered. I assume that this is the predicate for establishing that the FISA warrant permitting the spying on the Trump campaign (and subsequent unmasking) by the Obama administration was not based on legally adequate grounds to get a warrant. Possibly, as well, they will show that certain individuals deliberately misled the FISA court (FISC).


1 comment:

  1. That is because the FISA is behinds the scenes court and they can do as they please, just like courts that are in your everyday face, but these are special... They don't need evidence to issue a warrant... Listen to how cops act and say all the time, they don't need this or that... They are really told they don't need those things...


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