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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Crisfield Police Department Will Arrest You If You Drive In Their Town Today


  1. The Constitution still rules even in crisfield, and it guaranties the right of a free people to travel unmolested, there are NO exceptions. Should government violate the Constitutional Rights of said Free People, it then creates/becomes a tyrannical government. The Constitution grants the right of the people to destroy said tyrannical government. Read and obey the Constitution or violate at your own risk.

    1. Blah blah blah

    2. The right to travel unmolested comes from a supreme court ruling in 1868, before Motorized vehicles... It refers to a citizens right to travel from state to state without border restrictions. It has nothing to do with driving. Learn the laws you quote please.

    3. I will add, you still have that right and may do so by vehicle while obeying all applicable laws... Or you can walk. Unmolested... Have fun freak.

    4. I love it when morons wrap themselves in the Constitution without understanding it. A great reminder of how fundamentally STUPID the majority of our society has become.

  2. For those who dislike being told what to do - please go right ahead and drive in Crisfield today! I double dare you!!!

    (snicker snicker ONE DAY until TGIF...hell I already started!!!)

    1. Drove around town for several hours today. Now what

  3. That probably came from the Dumbocraps Ricky Pollitt and Peg Leg Mare Kim Lawson.

    1. *Mayor* not Mare you uneducated disrespectful fool!

  4. igots 2 co to crisfeeld today, I gots am am impotent buznes chansacshun 2make at summer kove apts

  5. I'd like to see Crisfield PD catch some of the monster trucks I have seen down there in this snow.

  6. I bet every Volunteer firefighter in Crisfield (half the town) has their trucks out to "support the rescue effort"

  7. 1:52 PM

    idjuts like you are the reason we have so many dang laws

  8. I don't want to go there on a nice sunny day let alone in a snow storm.

  9. Idiots. It's for everyone's safety. State of Emergency, stay the he'll off thee roads.

  10. Most of the LE officials in Crisfield are corrupted, are we surprised they would make such a ridiculous statement. Not everyone uses social media either. Bunch of immature lawmen trying to push their weight around.

  11. How are they going to stop you from driving. There are essential people who are not given a day off. Nurses. Doctors. Power Company employees. Etc.

  12. They will arrest you for this but wont stand by on the streets to catch the drug deals

  13. But, but....what if they need more beer?

  14. I agree people should stay off the streets unless they really need to travel. But really CPD. Don't you have some serious drug issues to address that is a little more important? Oh, that is right, get rid of drugs and lose that nice funding to get rid of drugs!!

  15. Hate tell um our lovely hoods are in that harbor and if it's 6in or 6ft we half to check our boats

  16. NOT Legal we don't live in Russia YET !!!

  17. Did they Arrest the USPS mail Driver when he Came ??? Dugh

    How about Fed Ex Drivers ??? UPS Drivers ????

    Then Police will have to use E -- Mail !!!!

  18. Do they have E- Package Delivery yet ??

    Don't arrest the Amazon driver !!!! He comes too !!!

  19. Give me a freaken brake. Only on the Eastern shore do you see stuff like this. In other parts of the country people drive all day long in the snow. Arrest people. Pfft. Good luck with that. This is America. If some dumbass eastern Shore red neck wants to drive in the snow and possibly get stuck that's his God given right as an American. Good luck arresting people. State of emergency. Pfft. It snowed. Give me a freak break.

  20. Who the hell wants to go to Crisfield anyway?

  21. The Crisfield police have little ford police cars that get stuck on spit -dont worry

  22. Flea said just say sorry and John says run. Hahah

  23. It's no wonder when you travel out of town and tell people you're from Crisfield they go'Huh'! Just read the depth of the afore comments. Third graders have a better command of the 'Kings English'. What a bunch of rubes. Lawson will tell you Crisfield is making progress...Ha,Ha. Pollitt gets 90,000 a year to help make Lawsons' dumb decisions that wakens these gophers. Can't for once Crisfield act like someplace that's really successful???

    Sorry I moved to Crisfield from Civilization.

  24. Yes, the Fire Dept made sure to clean the driveways of their buddies. Sure hope it wasn't on the clock but I would not be shocked. They do a great job and I respect them for that ,but I'm tired of them begging for more funding when they use FD vehicles and gas to run errands and take their kids to school.

  25. They need to crack down on the crack heads...drug dealers...crack houses...and the prostitutes..whom perform their carnal acts for crack..oh can't do that..might find councilman Erly..in there..getting down with the hoes.

  26. Pontchus Pile of dog crap..Pollit...bankrupt..Fruitland..before he was elected into office in Wicomico County..now he collects 90k to only sit on his fat ass..in Chrisfield.Look into corrumptsion..under your nose ..earn your Money


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