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Sunday, January 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico Schools

Hey Joe-

Many Wicomico County Schools opened yesterday with NO heat. Students were told to wear coats and gloves. 


  1. I guess routine maintenance ain't in the budget.

  2. And... I'm not that old and my school didn't have AC and the heat only worked half the time, and we didn't miss any days. Keep on pampering, you wonder why the snowflakes in college are so spoiled and throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way.

  3. WELL, some of us had to do the same exact thing back in the 60's and 70's.

    Snowflakes fell from the sky and cupcakes were made at the bakery!

    Maybe I'm missing your point???

  4. Hint need a new school

  5. Makes you feel bad for the students who don't have jackets or families that can't afford warmer clothes.

    1. Those same students have cell phones and beats headphones all while getting free lunches. See it every day. Very easy to get a jacket.

  6. Shameful. Just like being in a third world country.
    With all this disruption do you think they are actually learning anything?

  7. Send them home and tack an extra "hot" day on in June!

  8. It amazes me when people say they attended schools back in the 60's & 70's and had no heat and AC. I attended Bennett is the 60's and never recall not having heat. Bennett was built in the 60's as were other schools!

  9. Ever been to Wi Hi in the winter? It is awful. The kids wear long johns just to keep warm. However nothing is ever done to that school.

  10. 9:26

    But I guarantee you they have a brand new iPhone!!

  11. Parkside Second Floor just opened from the construction, the heat isn't working...

  12. What's wrong with dressing for the season? At home we wear sweaters and a couple of layers of shirts, long pants and a base layer, and shoes/slippers with socks. The house is heated to 65 and everyone is comfortable. At night we turn it down to 60, with a setting to take it to 65 an hour before the alarm goes off.

  13. How could "Many" schools in the same system open with no heat? They each have their own boilers and heating systems.
    Or was it that the heat wasn't turned on over the holiday except to prevent freezing of the lines and it took a while for the schools to warm up?
    My call is that it was just one school that had a problem and that somebody's pulling the wool on us.

  14. No doubt, some on here would leave their kids in a hot car as well. After all not many cars had ac in the 60's.

  15. 10:46 maybe their parents have an i-phone, but that does not mean the kids do. Its not the kids fault most of the time. Not everyone has a good stable home with parents that look after them the way yours did.

  16. You all say these things becaus they are kids.. but how many of you would put up not having heat in your workplaces? Try sitting in a cubicle.. no heat .. no warmth in this weather having to wear gloves, scarves and your winter parka all day...

  17. Didnt have any in my office yesterday and the plumbing was backed up - I stuck it out!

  18. 9:26, 10:46, 12:52, I have seen it first hand, no sheets on the bed, or pillowcases on the pillows, and junk all over the floor. but everybody has a PlayStation 4, and Xbox 1 right in front of the flatscreen TV
    And by firsthand I work for a telecommunications company

    1. It's all about choices. I work in a school and watch free lunch students wearing expensive cloths and using their phones all the time.

    2. 1:55 Wow, a Comcast tech is bashing the kids with no heat. You of all people should shut your mouth I will start posting pictures of all of you sitting in your hiding spots with the heat blasting.

  19. 11:34 Are you still using an outhouse too? Turn the heat up and stop being such a penny pincher.

  20. We need new schools! Six at $90 million each should do it! It's for the children. - Whiting Turner

    1. Sounds like you need to decide which team your playing for.

  21. Jake Day has it under control"250 dollar fine"

  22. what no access to electric space heaters? Maybe admn can sell an SUV to pay for them???

  23. 2:54 isn't that what the lottery is supposed to be for?

  24. 8:30 ...with the heat blasting away in an EMPTY truck!

  25. Some are judged and judge others by the flashy crap that they own.

  26. I am retired and worked for the BOE as a plumber - I will tell you first hand that when we did the walk through of Prince Street when it reopened after the rennovation I could not believe it. There wasn’t a single acces point in the halls - looked all pretty but if the plumbing got stopped up, the only way to fix it was to rip out a section of the wall. The HVAC guys all growsed over the antiquated systems that had been neglected forever - Brian Foret knew all about it, but like us, they were never permitted in to properly fix it due to ‘budget constraints’ - what a load of crap! Now nearly every school has significant problems and it would cost way too much to fix them. Take a moment to ask Kirby Bryson about his time at Northwestern. That place was a mess and he did his best, but nobody listened to him. I only know the guy from work and he seemed decent enough, but what do you do as a Principal when nobody listens?


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