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Sunday, January 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: I just stumbled upon this

The Supplement Shop.
October 4, 2017 · Salisbury ·

I Have been trying my best to be patient and positive and think about the long haul for My Business in Downtown Salisbury... with my original lease being signed just 2 weeks before my Road was shut down for "Renovation Construction" , this time LAST YEAR!! That's right the entire 1st year of my business being open this is what I and my customers have had to deal with.....!! After just barely making ends meet week after week... month after month.. and the construction being promised to be completed, only to be set back another month and another month.. i am losing faith and hope! I was told this section would be completed by the end of September.. now I hear the end of November.. which means maybe January...!?!? Unfortunately my hopes of having a cool small business in Downtown Salisbury is looking like one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made and will be costing me for quite a few years... so much Time and hard work.. and Money.. only to see it just fade away! While day after day I stare at this whole outside my windows without a single construction worker.... i haven't seen anyone working in a week.. I am asking for some help sharing this and spreading the word to maybe get some attention to get this process speed up! And also to let others know we are open.. and doing the best we can to keep the doors open and I'm even doing Free shipping for anyone who doesn't want to fight the parking and mess... just call in and place your order and I'll ship right to your door for free! If you're someone who buys supplements online for the convience.. buy from a small local business and have the same convience! Even better i can set you on an automatic monthly renewal for any supps and have them shipped to you automatically every 30 days!! Lastly I may be shortening shop hours just a bit.. to try to save money to keep our doors open.. please be patient with us.. and thank you for understanding! Hopefully we can move forward and grow after this and will be back to opening and operating on a full schedule!! Thank you friends and customers !! Any help in spreading the word or sending customers our way would be greatly appreciated.. and would be saving The Supplement Shop from Leaving downtown Salisbury... or even worse closing down for good....


  1. Your first, and biggest mistake? Opening a business in downtown Salisbury.

  2. Even when it's all done parking will still suck. There is nothing cool about Salisbury's downtown, it's one street. Most important thing about retail, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!

  3. You could go for weeks at a time without seeing a single construction worker. What a HUGE embarrassment for a mayor who supposedly cares so much about downtown. He's probably trying to drive existing businesses and devalue property so his drinking buddies can scoop it up at a profit.

  4. Get used to it, this is what govt has come to, but if you want to blame someone, blame yourself, you allowed it to happen, you continue to let it happen so at the same time, no remorse for you and your business... When you you all start to grow a pair and stand up and fight back maybe then you will see the change you wish would happen, but until then you won't...

  5. so sorry for your troubles.

  6. Wow, I wish I had known you even existed. I would have been a good customer. Haven't been downtown much and never heard of this business being advertised. :-( I had been going to Berlin for my supplements....

  7. Never heard of this place until now. Thanks for the post.

  8. Just think how nice the street will be once the infrastructure is all repaired and newly paved! Your business will be prime location!

    1. How long could u hold on. U either work for the mayor or r just stupid maybe both

  9. Who’s the contractor doing the work???

  10. the contractor is tar bucket incorporated

  11. The only businesses that continue without interruption are attorneys' offices, for reasons that are self-evident, and bars, which are barely holding it together with regular clientele.

    Mayor Tilghman and her Dream Team council were well aware of how expensive and time consuming a downtown infrastructure would be, so they neglected it entirely. Ireton was just oblivious for his entire eight years, preferring to catch a daily buzz at one of his downtown's two preferred bars to forget about why he was elected (a thought process, increasingly muddled, that continues to this day.)

  12. WHAT YA GOING TO DO JAKE ????? Your time is limited and is coming to an end.

  13. Ireton will continue to get the votes from New York Avenue. That's all.

  14. 2:28 PM - Only if they can hold out for eight months more with two customers per day.

  15. Ireton is a waste of everyone's time. His district is 80% transient, so only 20% are full time residents, and only 20% of those vote. That leaves a dedicated group of about 60 people, almost all of whom are white, middle class and liberal-leaning.

  16. They stalled the project to run businesses out and lower property values so jakey’s buddies can buy it up on the cheap.

  17. What the hell is the damn problem,that street has been torn up forever.By the way if there is water at that fire hydrant you can bet your butt it will freeze. If that freezes and breaks that's gonna be a real mess.

  18. But....It's Happening! Right Jake?

  19. I see constant complaints and rude angry comments on here. But I don't see anyone putting their money where their mouth is and running for office, to create change.
    Until your ready to run for office in the city or county, no need to complain.

  20. Thinking more would have been done had this been posted to this blog before now. Where was it originally posted?

  21. Well, "It's Happening" to you and everybody else there. Smarter people opened where there were no parking meters...

  22. Jake Day is solely to blame. This entire project was completely unnecessary. He continues to live in his own little dream world. The mere sight of him is sickening.

  23. I use to shop downtown Salisbury. Making too difficult for those of us from out of town to come there to shop. No more.

  24. Cut your losses and close. In two years, all the mistakes that they have already made in this construction will start failing and your street will be shut down again.

  25. Hey Salisbury. Your armpit is showing !!!Ray!!!

  26. We are in sad shape to have a city to run and nobody to do the job. If you are not familiar, just watch a council meeting on PAC 14. I have never been impressed by any department head that appears at the podium. It starts at the top. If you don't have any experience there you won't have it on the way down. Sad, sad.

  27. 6:19 - you are correct, and exactly the reason I moved to Worcester. Not that this county is perfect by any stretch, but with all the snow, I actually had a road crew member stop by our street today while plowing - I won’t give his name as I am sure he is not allowed to do this, but he took time to stop at not only my home but several others in the pines to ask if I needed anything. Talk about class - he was not allowed to clear our snow (my wife and I are elderly - our neighbor and his boys cleared us out, free of charge - only cost us two hot chocolates for the boys - another class act) That mayor in Salisbury is not much to write home about (and we are from Scotland)

  28. I really feel sorry for people who signed up to rent these places with hopes of success and not being told that the water goes in and out. The power goes in and out and the last time I went there to shop I was confronted by a beggar who would NOT GIVE UP....and frighted me and when I reported it to the police it was common knowledge. That was the last time I went downtown. It is a shame that a group of people couldn't gather the assistance of one of the lawyers that work down there and get out of their leases.


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