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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Could Be, Then Again Might Not Be, So, One Never Knows, Does One? UPDATE

They just keep updating their numbers every hour.

Now they're calling it the "Blizzard of 2018"

So you have to ask yourself, how can we call these major storms correctly over the years, yet WBOC always gets it wrong? You can go back into our storm history and clearly see we have always been spot on while WBOC got it completely wrong. This storm is yet another major example. Dan said it would be nothing but a dusting while we were trying to prepare everyone for what we knew would be a major storm. 

Nevertheless, how convenient is it to publish, (above) charts like they have done that are more in the moment charts. I LOVE the + sign on them as well. Boy, that sure does cover your A$$, doesn't it!


  1. I work for the state of Maryland, was told this morning 5 to 8 inches expected for Salisbury. Fire Dan!!!!!!!!!!

  2. From national Weather Service:

    * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel
    conditions, including during the morning commute on Thursday.
    Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected.

    * WHERE...Portions of southeast Maryland and eastern Virginia.

    * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 1 PM EST Thursday.

    * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for significant reductions in
    visibility at times.


    A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather
    conditions are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra
    flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an
    emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are
    calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1.

  3. 4 inches at least, I'm predicting! Possibly more. Isn't this storm like a nor'easter. Gonna hang around?

  4. eanie, meany, miny, moe watch Dan guess how much snow???

  5. If you read the NMS forecast description. You will see the models are bringing the storm farther west this morning. So, That would mean ore snow. Last night the models took it faster east which mean't less snow.
    Also, how long will it take for the moisture over run to saturate and atmmosphere with a 2 degree dew point? Normally quite a while. If the storm is closer to the coast, it could happen faster and create more snow.
    You all need to read the facts and stop being political and hateful.
    Weather forecasters predict from the NWS Info. Weather forecasters are messengers for the NWS and the computer and model runs they choose to use to make the forecast.
    Stop watching the weather on T.V. and go to the National weather service pages.
    You might learn something! Instead of useless comments like above.

  6. The strong winds could end up being the real story in this storm.

  7. There is simply no way to know for sure what the geoengineers will do with the storm. They can still easily make it more strong, more winds, or more precipitation. They probably have enough ice nucleating chemicals in the atmosphere to make it snow. However, the steering of the storm is very difficult and can change minute by minute.

    Give Dan a break.
    Also remember he is not allowed to discuss the military's involvement in weather modification.

  8. 8:43
    This must be Dan!!!!
    So he is saying I just be guessing!!!!
    Don't blame me if I get it wrong.
    Well 8:43, I also go by the national weather service, but its fun when there is a major storm event to see just how horrible our local forecasters (Dan) can be. We should have bets of just how much they are off. It fun to see the F ups!!!

  9. It's almost like forecasts change? Crazy.

  10. Prepare for the worse, be pleasantly surprised if its the least amount! Cover all bases than get caught without anything or in the middle of a storm here on the coast! Never again!!!!!

    Signed - experienced in not being prepared for a snow storm in Ocean City!

  11. 2 inches but I went to grocery store spent 2 hours in line for milk and bread because that is what we do. I asked why however I did not get answer.

  12. Parents should plan on the possibility that all after school events being cancelled today and make the appropriate plans for Thursday and Friday.

  13. Don't get it do people still drink milk and eat bread. A gallon a day and a loaf a day

  14. Instead of all his weather maps Dan should just pull up his weather on his phone, mine says 4 - 8 inches starting around 7:00 tonight and I would believe my phone's weather prediction any day over what Dan predicts because it is usually right on target as to the precise hour that weather will start at my particular location and since this storm is coming from the South we are going to get hit hard.

  15. Given the trouble Dan seems to have doing his job, perhaps his best forecast would be made on Friday. But, then, it would not be a forecast, would it? Its amazing this guy is still employed as a weather forecaster. He could not forecast a sunrise.

  16. Last night he said there was only a 60% chance that Salisbury would get a least one inch of snow. What a joke.

  17. Milk and bread are really not that good for you.

  18. January 3, 2018 at 9:27 AM - Sorry to laugh at you but I didnt go to the store and I seem to be surviving just fine. Can't survive one day without bread and milk? Looks like the MSM has you sheeple brainwashed to follow ridiculous rituals.

    If I am that desperate for food I will walk to Johnnys or E Main Deli and get some yummies.

  19. Weather can change on a dime. However, some people will always bully others... :-(

    1. Cry me a river , He puts himself in the center of attention claiming to be a meteorologist, So suck it up!

  20. When pilots are in training they learn the only thing predictable about the weather is it's unpredictability. This is why the very last thing a pilot does before take off is put a call into the National Weather Service.

  21. We stopped and got both bread and milk yesterday. Why not? I am spoiled so I would rather have it home then have to *walk* anywhere in this weather to get something to eat. Also if electric goes out we can always have PB & J and/or cereal until it is restored.

  22. Remember folks.....Dan wanted to be a meteorologist since he was a little boy. So he's been at it a long time and he still can't get it right. He needs to let Alex do the weather (since he works there now). Delmar Weather was spot on most of the time! Dan you didn't say it was going to be like this!!

    1. All that time trying to master his job and he still sucks!

  23. Dan is off today. Heard he was snowed in.

  24. Dan just goes by the billion dollar weather radar systems government bought from China.

    1. And he still sucks, hope he moves to China.

  25. While I do not process to know Dan at all, I understand from others he is a nice man. Unfortunately he is not at all accurate with his forecasts. I would suggest that viewers simply check NOAA when a weather concern arises. There is no need to disparage the man. Simply tune out and go to a reliable source. I called the master chief at wallops and he verified that they go by NOAA.


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