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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Stay Off The Roads In Salisbury Maryland

Viewers are calling me this morning complaining about the road conditions in Salisbury. Look, I'm all about understanding your frustration but everyone needs to know state wide that this storm was very unusual based on the wind factor. The snow came down hard but the wind made it impossible for everyone plowing because they knew once they cleared the roads the wind drifts would simply blow right back over what they just cleared. This is also why they came up with a state of emergency. The City is no different. 

While I can understand the stupidity of Mayor Day demanding and enforcing you to remove your snow on your sidewalks in an unreasonable period of time, I cannot fault  the decision to leave the roads the way they are until the wind slows down. 

Just as the title of this post states, stay off the roads. We warned you DAYS in advance, (unlike all other news sources) this storm was coming. You had plenty of time to prepare for a major situation. Those who did not follow us or come to this Site, well, you people just keep depending on local news stations that are now showing these serious problems, (road wise) and acting like they are heroes and they are there for you. What a joke! "Blizzard of 2018, give me a break. Dan said it was going to be a light dusting. 


  1. Heard from some people that Sussex county is still under a level 2 driving restrictions. Police sent 2 of the people back home and not let them come to work.

    1. Even though this restriction has been in effect since 2pm yesterday... Sussex County Dart drivers had to show up for their shifts. All bus service was cancelled. These people sat around with nothing to do. Non-essential!

    2. Yes level 2 until noon today but I still had to get my husband to work in ocean city. They were more concerned with people getting stuck and blocking road crews from doing their job. Roads in Fenwick are just as bad now as they were this morning but now every dumb dumb is out driving around and getting stuck.

  2. Is there still a state of emergency in place for Md?

  3. I don't live in the city. But it's totally incomprehensible to start fining people for not having their sidewalks clear, when the city can't have it's roads clear.
    Jake Day may literally have peoples deaths on his hands forcing people to shovel snow, in 15 degree 0 degree wind chill weather, who may have a heart attack and die.

    1. I lived at Moss Hill for 14 years. They NEVER cleared the sidewalks!

    2. Jake Day is a moron!

  4. Anon 824, why even ask what rules your all holy government wishes to lay down on your neck? Do you need their permission to go outside on a Spring day, too?

    1) Go to the door
    2) Open it.
    3) Look outside.
    4) Look at the pictures on the news.
    5) Make your own decision.

    There, that wasn't overly difficult, was it?

    1. Because some people have to work. And I have liberal leave policy if it is in effect.

  5. State of emergency is still in effect for the shore of MD. just checked on the State web site. Anyone know when or if it is set to expire.

  6. Our business is open. Got to make that dollar. The heck with people risking their lives to get to work. At least that is what I think our bosses are thinking.

    1. As a business owner I can say not all of us think that way. Yesterday and today my employees are not working. I will never put the value of a dollar above the safety of those that work for me. I'm sorry so many lose their humanity as their business grows.

    2. 910 totally agree. Some ppl outside off The medical field still have 2 work if they want to keep their job. Sad but true. If I wanted to keep my job come in and be fired. I was late but I made it. Safe travels for those who have to work.

    3. My husband is a delivery driver and he has to work in order to keep his job. I wonder how many people will be ignorant and not tip as is the norm with the vast majority of patrons in da 'Bury! :/

    4. Notgreedy. Sorry that I compared you with most business owners. I'm glad that you see things differently. Your employees should be great full that you have morals. You and your business gets a big shout out from me.

  7. Folks in Wicomico County need to chill out. Roads are going to be awful until next week because of the weather. Chill out.... just hang at home, relax you're not making it any easier for the trucks to work on roads. Complaining is it going to do any good

    1. Got that right! These bosses know these red are safe

  8. Still have to work. Which is stupid. Why do business owners make us drive in these conditions.

    1. Because you have no idea the overhead to run a business and Bill collectors don’t care about the weather. Quit being lazy and try to open your own business. LOL

  9. I think the businesses that open in the weather should be fined. Workers would be out on the road trying to get to work and customer's would not be out o the road trying to get to these businesses.

    I used to work for a guy who owned a store in Salisbury that would have us stay open in weather like this and during Hurricanes. He would have us come in and then when the weather got brutal he would then send us home to drive in the mess.

    Bottom line if your not essential like working in medical field and infrastructure you should be home and out of everyone's way.

  10. Its snow not the end of the world. Drive smart and it's not a problem. Was out this morning and the main roads where fine. Del dot and sha have been doing a outstanding job. Thanks for the job you do.

  11. Okay, can someone tell me why the roads are completely clear on Long Island where Mike Siedel is reporting. They got 16 inches and it is just as cold and windy there as it is here.

  12. 1115-Because up north, you have more plows, both state owned and privately owned. On the eastern shore, there's no need to purchase such expensive pieces of equipment. For the whole shore, there's probably 100-150 state owned plows at work. NY State plows have been recently upgraded, twice the size and can plow two lanes at once.

    1. Thanks for the info, I was just curious how they got those roads clear so fast.

    2. You think we have 100-150 plows?! Im thinking 10 if that.

  13. Had customers from Seaford at my workplace in Salisbury this morning. They said Delaware roads were fine, had no problems until they crossed into Salisbury.

  14. Are we goung to school on Mon

  15. You may not be able to fault the decision, but many can and do. We pay for passable roads; if that means multiple passes due to winds, so be it. Can we fine the City and County for not clearing their roads? If not, why not? And then there is the issue of who to talk to-when you try to call the City, its shut down. So-everyone calls 911 to get their street plowed?

  16. I live in Delaware, this afternoon went to Salisbury after level2 lifted in Delaware U.S.13 in real good condition, snow blowing some places you don't see shoulder, no large amounts of snow on delawre U.S.13. I CROSSED OVER INTO MARYLAND, different story 13 is horrible. snow as if not plowed or salted, forget side streets they are always bad in Maryland I traveled to and from Salisbury 13 years to work, regardless snow amount big or small streets are always bad. yes this storm was a blizzard the snow blew and drifted everywhere not just Maryland. I leave home in 2WD, go into Maryland need 4WD. BIG DIFFERENCE, ALMOST GOT STUCK ON ONE STREET. SINCE A TEENAGER I HAVE never know Maryland take care of their roads well during a storm.

  17. Red door demands the delivery drivers to report and sad part is that most are still in school or young. Just getting their license to drive. I feel sorry for the kids.

  18. Unless you had 4 wheel drive you were stuck in my subdivision today as regular even front wheel drive could not move.

  19. I drove from Nanticoke to da bury to get my prescription , As soon as I turned on Parsons road I was in trouble with high snow in da bury. The county and the side streets are good , Salisbury is pathetic , what's up with that. ( little Baltimore).

  20. Business owners would like to stay home also but can't because too many bills keep coming in.

  21. 7:18 AM that a lie. You are the first one not to show up and force everyone else to be there.

  22. I came down 13 from Delaware to the bypass to 413 to Fruitland yesterday (6th). These roads were fine, it's the same ole idiot drivers that make things bad. I watched some of them we are forced to share the roads with and they still do not cooperate with others even in bad weather. They have no idea what they are doing but by God they will try everything to be first in line. lol. If you're not in any particular hurry just hang back and watch some of them. It's funny and scary at the same time.


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