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Sunday, January 07, 2018

He’s Doing It! MAGA Football League Coming to a Stadium Near You – BUH-BYE NFL!

It looks like the NFL is about to get a wake-up call. Vince McMahon has sold $100 million of stock in WWE, the publicly traded company he has run since 1982, apparently for the purpose of relaunching the XFL. I would imagine if that launch is successful, former NFL fans who have had it with the social justice bullcrap will tune into the XFL. It might just be what is needed. No details on the venture will be released until January 25, 2018. It’s not clear if the XFL will directly compete with the NFL, but it would certainly make sense. The XFL played for one season in 2001 and then was put in mothballs, but McMahon thinks a resurrection is in order now.

The NFL’s brand has plummeted since they let players kneel during the National Anthem and conduct protests whenever they felt like it. America is sick of it. For half a century, the NFL ruled sports in America, but no more. And something will have to fill the vacuum. Maybe the XFL is that something. Considering that television ratings for the NFL are severely down, revenues have plummeted and attendance at games is at an all time low, this is the perfect time for a new entity to enter the market.



  1. Sounds fantastic, I'd rather watch the Powelleville Pirates play than those communist overpaid thugs, and I'm not kidding.

  2. Now is the time for a competing league.

  3. A competing league. Possibly. One Like the XFL. If your a WWE fan I guess you'll watch.. It won't hurt the NFL. The NFL will just keep hurting itself.

  4. Love it!! Way to go Vince!

  5. Not going to make a difference. Why? TV and the Shield itself. Nothing beats the NFL in the USA - nothing. What the Shield is watching closely is World Soccer. FOX, NBC, ESPN show lots of soccer and its catching on quickly. 45 minutes of ZERO commercial interruptions - WOW! The thugs kneeling are the entire reason people are tuning out. Hell after 3 weeks of showing the national anthem (which IMO should be shown every game), the Shield told TV (CBS/FOX) to stop showing it and the said YES SIR! ESPN/NBC continued to show the anthem because it was prime time and they paid a hefty price for prime time.

    The game itself stinks, rules stink, players ad lib after every single play (look at me me me), cost is too high, concessions too high, 1/2 teams stink - the game is over saturated (Thurs nite, some Satur nites, Sun and Sun nite, Mon nite).

    Its much more than kneeling that has caused the NFL problem. Vinny Mac bringing back the past - waste of money!

  6. You are funny. I lost count of how many contradictions are in your comment. Not much business sense either.

  7. I do miss pro football, but college ball is a great replacement. This XFL will add games to watch!

  8. Wrestling is a better spectacle. I would stick with what I know if I were him.

  9. Kneelers, yes. Here me Now. This is part of ^^Their (**soros^*) plan for You (feel Sad for libberals). ^^ say No!@ to Sorros inSanity and Any Thing obbama would like . It is Time to Say NOO TO libberals !!

  10. One joke of a league to replace the other joke of a league? I wonder if one of the requirements for being in the XFL is to have a felony criminal record.

  11. Multiply that investment by twenty and maybe, just maybe, there will be a ghost of a chance to make this a functional reality.
    And then there's the intended quality of non-political actions or statements by its players and staff, which will number in the many, many hundreds. Some will be swayed by the $$, but there's no guarantee that they'll stick with the plan, unless they're held to the commitment by a contract, which would probably be struck down as unconstitutional by a liberal court, nullifying the entire concept and putting the league in phenomenal debt to defend, leading to its ultimate failure.

    In the end, a nice thought, but hardly a realistic goal.

  12. I'd rather watch the Fruitland Falcons.

  13. If he wants to waste $100 M, why not just give me $1m?? this crap will never happen!!

  14. Not a good idea, won't happen.

  15. Clean up the NFL,start out by firing Roger Goodell then any players who disrespect our national anthem and our American flag, next get rid of any players with felony convictions and last but certainly not least have a LOW LOW salary cap so families could afford to attend a game occasionally.

    1. He just got a 200 million dollar contract. This is all POLITICAL the PLAYERS have no idea WHY they kneel.

  16. I really hope for America's sake, that American men get over this fascination with a juvenile sport once and for all. It is so old already. Why do so many men love this sport? I don't get it. I played it and then watched it for many years. But it finally just became boring for me. What's up?

  17. Vince wants to make the NFL look bad by having his players all standing and being patriotic.THEN,when every NFL team drastically decreases in value (and they will),he'll buy as many teams as he possibly can each subsequent year.Eventually his league will completely replace the NFL.Don't laugh,that IS his plan.Personally I can't wait.

  18. @10:40 I totally agree!! Its extremely overrated and I can do without celebrating every single play

  19. The NFL kneeling bit is like a dog whistle. The only difference is dogs know why they react while the players are too dim witted to understand why they’re kneeling. It just looks cool.

  20. as mark cuban said why would I buy a failing business when asked about purchasing an nfl team. so why would one want to emulate a failed business. They don't sell buggy whips for a reason anymore!

  21. 11:53 he better have a whole lot more than 1oo mil. Personally I don't think the NFL is going anywhere,if Vince could get control running the NFL and do some of those things that 8:53 suggested that might be the best thing all the way around. Also cut the schedule back to Sundays and Monday nights only, they have way over saturated the TV schedule.

  22. dan said it would be like this


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