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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Says They've Already Hired A Replacement Contractor For Downtown Renovations

We've said enough about the disgust in Jake Day's refusal to pay the former contractor for work that has already been completed. The contractor simply told Jake if they didn't pay them by mid December, 2017 they'd pack their things and walk off the job. Day told the public, (knowing the contractor would in fact leave because the City didn't have the funds) that he was going to have everything cleared Downtown for the Ball Drop on New Years Eve. Once again he mislead the public.

Nevertheless, let's talk about what is now at hand. Day claims they've already hired a replacement contractor. Where's the RFP? Who is the replacement contractor. You see, while the rest of the media fell asleep on this story and once again had to follow SBYNews lead, they never asked the key question, who is it? The next question any reputable media source would ask is, will they finish the work at the same cost of the original contractor, or will it cost the taxpayers more money. Finally they would've asked, is it true the City shorted the original contractor hundreds of thousands of dollars? Instead they simply stated the original contractor was going too slow, NOT TRUE AT ALL. 

If Day and Council President Jack Heath had done their due diligence they would've planned in advance for the contaminated soil in the two locations history showed had gas stations and leaky tanks. Pointing the finger at the contractor delays is complete BS. The fact is, the City owes the contractor hundreds of thousands of dollars for the disposal of that contaminated soil but your local Liberal Media refuses to investigate, challenge and or simply tell you the TRUTH and you should be disgusted. 

Finally, the City still owes Wicomico County $65,000.00 for UNPAID disposal of contaminated soil also not paid at this point. To the nay sayers, it doesn't matter if the lawsuit has been filed yet or not. The POINT is, the City has not paid almost, (if not more) a half a million dollars in services rendered.  

Mayor Day, how much will the balance, (50%) of this project now cost the taxpayers? Who is the replacement contractor and finally, shame on the local Media for not asking the questions taxpayers deserve answers to. 


  1. Ultimately, the taxpayers are going to be on the hook for these run-a-way costs. Yes, the associated legal fees (defense & plaintiff), cost overruns, potential civil liabilities.

  2. What cracked me up were the multiple comments from you know who kept coming in saying, where's the lawsuit. That Idiot must believe the contractor is going to absorb and walk away from the $450,000.00 they already paid out to the County Landfill for contaminated soil.

    10:36, thanks for that comment and you are exactly right. The legal fees will in fact cost taxpayers in a very big way. Look, the work was done, the City flat out owes the contractor. It was NOT the contractors fault they ran into contaminated soil. This is not a small contractor. They are HUGE and well respected.

    Citizens have to start looking at this situation like a business. If a company refuses to pay their bills, the company will likely fold. The City is the company in this case. The City has committed to a Marathon AND a Folk Festival and they are DESPERATE for cash. READ BETWEEN THE LINES PEOPLE! The citizens can't be that stupid to ignore the obvious and IF the City/business had to reply on a BANK, there's NO WAY the Bank would loan them the money and this is why Liberals are out of control and have been for far too many decades.

  3. The author should know that Day and his bosses cannot discuss in public the details of business arrangements which are made in masonic halls. It simply is not done. There are blood oaths which forbid making these arrangements public. It is none of the citizens' business and it should remain that way.

    1. Believe the chem trail conspiracy much?

    2. The correct term is geo engineering, and you should research it, or better yet look up tomorrow morning.

      And there may be more truth to that comment then you can fathom!

  4. This is government. Any job of this magnitude needs to advertised and sealed bids submitted.

  5. Oh you mean like how the City doesn't pay it's F-ING Rent to the County? Why doesn't Culver and Cannon do anything about this issue?!!!!!

  6. Exactly 1121, by law, it should follow that procedure. But when have you ever known the Jakester to follow the law? He doesn't even pay the bills the city owes to vendors and you're expecting him to follow the law? Where's my rolling eyes emoji?

  7. Could it possibly be that Day is trying to quill some upset because of the Downtown's disarray being abandoned in mid-swing? It looks to me like this may be a gaslighting to avoid public outcry.

  8. There's no excuse for this crap. Jack Heath is old enough to know there were gas stations down there, so is John Cannon and Bob Culver. Why didnt any of these guys open up their mouths and tell Day this before shovels were put to dirt?

  9. 1048 is the masonic lodge going to foot the bill for Day's disaster? If not then it IS OUR BUSINESS!

  10. Mason intervention? SMH Aliens ate my Buick too.

  11. 1135-It's information that was widely known to all involved, and that's why remediation was clearly and specifically mentioned within the contract that Jake Day and the City of Salisbury are breaking.

    Jake f'd up. Good thing after this sham of a mayorship is over, he can go back to working for his daddy at Perdue. Because no one else is going to hire the weekend warrior for anything after this!

  12. The mayor is now inviting people to train for the marathon with him. Looks like the marathon is in full court press to get the social media buzz going. Sign up numbers are low and if they don't pickup, this may be a one and done.

  13. 1234 thought the MD highway commission denied use of state roads for the marathon. If this is true then they're going to press forward and risk having the MD highway people shut it down?

  14. Will we EVER get the answers to these questions???

  15. Day and the rest of the "Einsteins" on the council need a lesson from President Trump. Under budget and ahead of schedule. If they only had a brain a functioning one between all of them. They can't think at all much less forwardly. It's basic. Plan for the unexpected. Budget at least 20% more then what is thought will be the cost. As far as time, plan on the unexpected delays-blizzards, hurricanes, tornado, contaminated soil. Not one of the "Einsteins" thought of that and by planning their stupid festival have put themselves on a deadline. Day was supposed to be some kind of urban planner. He needs to immediately go and demand back the money he paid for the degree because as usual he got hosed big time.

  16. 12:46, Not if you depend on your local MSM. It is always SBYNews that publishes articles like this one that force their hand but when it comes to important answers like this one that could harm the Mayor or Council President, well, the will not bite the hand that feeds them. There's a LOT of money in municipal advertising.

  17. This is just another example of the Day administration , I believe that nothing will be done , I can't understand why the city council gets away with such things . However , I do believe that the people of Salisbury will not help solve this problem when it could be done so easy. I don't live in the city and I will never even consider it . I have lived in the area about 20 miles south and frequent the city for shopping , doctors and legal issues if needed.
    We moved here around 40 years ago and I've watched the political situation stay more or less the same , crooked as all hell. I had hopes for Albero to win the mayor election some years back , I still have my Tee shirt(cammo) Albero for Mayor.
    I'm sure most good people realize that Salisbury is like many liberal controlled cities , sorry about that , Salisbury it the worse I've seen.

  18. 1247 urban planners are not educated in construction. He would be better suited for some place like Columbia or Elliott City because they use the urban planning skills Salisbury doesn't. He's misplaced. We need a mayor not some urban planning expert.

  19. What about the contaminated oil at the Marina where the fertilizer plant used to be ????

    1. It’s probabky still there. Why would you think anyone in the local government has done their jobs? They’re incompetent bad goons who just sit there collecting paychecks. Money for NOTHING and their drinks for free.

  20. 1247-Jake didn't pay for any of his degrees, his daddy did. Out hundreds of thousands attempting to educate a dumb kid. "You can't fix stupid".

    And his whole urban planning shtick only happened after he flamed out as an "architect".

  21. If you do your research you will find that most democrat cities do the same. They are in debt up the swazul , the don't pay contractors or even the local utilities. Detroit , Chicago and many more across the country. This is truly
    the legacy of obama . The Bible says if thy right hand offend thee then cut it off. Mmmm , might be a real good idea.

  22. 127-He's not an urban planning expert. That's what he sells himself as. If he was, what he says he was, why's he working at Perdue???

  23. What is the cost for the tax payers? (map)

    1. If it costs a penny more it’s too much. Day and his shithole staff should have done their due diligence in the first place. Let them pay the difference out of their salaries. Band of incompetents.

  24. Why hasn't Culver asserted the County's interest?
    He needs to go too if he can't handle the County's financial interests

  25. I'm wondering if any of Jake day's friends that were given these city jobs that they didn't deserve are feeling any kind of guilt in watching the city come financially undone

  26. So glad the river is clean and healthy. Good job. ! Ha

  27. This is Jake and Company's bad deed...No pre-planning, no research, no common sense...I'm born and raised here, a senior, and I knew there were underground fuel tanks all over downtown.

    DON'T blame on anyone else but Day. period!!!

  28. The county should not have gotten in bed with jakey for a tune of 65k being they are already owed thousands for the G.O.B.fiasco.

  29. Anonymous said...
    127-He's not an urban planning expert. That's what he sells himself as. If he was, what he says he was, why's he working at Perdue???

    January 14, 2018 at 1:38 PM


    His father runs Perdue.

  30. Any info on the WWTP completion? That boondoggle must be getting close?

  31. 7:55, It doesn't work, period. They are removing liquid sludge multiple times a day.

  32. I am glad I am not an SBY resident, and I hope these guys sue the crap out of the city and win!!!! Of course the tax payers will be held liable to pay...

  33. We can't get permits or approval on submissions if a soil is now an "urban soil" vs an "A" soil without blowing budgets on our end or bending to the City's ever changing regulations. I've had jobs delayed because someone likely threw a RoFo chicken wing bone down and they marked it historical or archaeological reviews needed completed...thanks for scaring out potential buyers in Salisbury. Why no Geo borings prior to approval of the Master Plan? Who was the reviewer/Geotech/Engineer that signed off on this? Now I see why review fees and regulatory fees are outrageous and scare off potentially beneficial companies and commercial industries that would provide revenue and jobs. Yay political power and hierarchy power over us minutes

  34. Remember all these lies, when the citizens get taxed to cover all the things Jake wants, to make riverwalk area look like the Inner Harbor, and to pay for the festival. Don't ever vote for this guy again and if he should run again as the only candidate then please everyone run so he doesn't get it.

  35. Jake the Flake won’t do anything about this problem. Daddy will bail his little ass out because baby boy is just a puppet. Silliness in Salisbury gets worse by the day! Idiots. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ»✍🏻

  36. downtown shitbury should be bulldozed entirely. it should then be turned into more section 8 housing, a center for gay pride parades, 18 more royal farm stores, and a welfare assistance building. think of all the jobs this would create. then, all the fruitloops should be happy.


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