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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Trump-Hating Rosie O’Donnell May Face PRISON TIME

Yesterday, Rosie O’Donnell went online in an attempt to bribe elected Senators. She was furious about the new Tax Cut and Reform Bill and singled out several elected officials, offering two million dollars in cash to any who would vote to block the passing of the bill.

And now, after committing bribery of government officials in the clear light of day in front of millions of people online, she stands to face a $12 million fine.

After several crazy tweets, no Republican senator accepted her offer of the millions in cash and all 51 GOP in the Senate voted for the passage of the bill. Her excuse for offering the bribe was that people would die due to it, because the bill reformed and got rid of the Obamacare mandate that forced individuals to purchase health insurance.

The first two Republicans on her list of people to bribe on Twitter were Senators Jeff Flake and Susan Collins of Arizona and Maine respectively. In her message she said “if they vote NO NO I WILL NOT KILL AMERICANS FOR THE SUOER RICH DM me Susan DM me jeff no s**t 2 million cash each.”

Whether Rosie’s tweets violated the bribery statue is not clear until it is taken up by legal authorities. But, a law professor from the New York Law School, Rebecca Roiphe says that one of the strongest words in the statue is “corruptly” and that Rosie should be found to be bribing officials in a corrupt manner in order to be taken to the Big House for her Twitter bribes. “It’s political commentary,” said the Professor. “What she is trying to do is show these people had already been bought off.”

So far the FBI has not let on with any information into the status of Rosie’s future over the tweets, and Prof. Roiphe said that it “all rides on what her intent was in writing that tweet.”



  1. Her and the Hildabeast I hope

  2. Actually, her subsequent tweets substantiated her seriousness to bribe. It's be a fitting end to a nut case's 15 minutes of imitating a real life Miss Piggy.

  3. I'm no fan of that fat lesbian but what is the real difference between what she did and the lawmakers putting a provision (pork) in the bill that makes one or more of them a million or more dollars?

    1. If I'm going to save money to feed my family why do you care if the Rich get money ?? They are going to make either way so WHY can't YOU LET my FAMILY benefit just a LITTLE. It's all about YOU. sick...

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 22, 2017 at 3:30 PM

      Everybody gets their money, poor, rich and middle class. The only ones who get nothing ate the ones who pay No Taxes, which there are many.

  4. She is another that should have gone to prison years ago crazy doesn't go away She has made threats for years that the average person would have been behind bars. Another Hillary want to be, she hasn't had any attention in years, and that's all she wants good or bad publicity they just want to see their name on the news.

  5. loose lips sink ships.

  6. Make an example out of her, put her away forever!

  7. Who is this Rosie guy? Is he the one who used to play for the Rams?

  8. I'm confused.... Would she go to the men's or women's prison?

  9. Shes worth 120 Million net worth. She is the "SUOER RICH", she earns 5 Million a year. She could donate 100 million to the homeless, still have 20 million in the bank and still earning 5 million a year to live very comfortably. Shes a poser.


  10. Would be sweet to see her doing a perp waddle after being busted. She's one perpetually unhappy critter.

  11. The new tax law doesn't forbid anyone from buying Obamacare as Rosie is attempting to infer. It is now an option to buy it. Under Obama, it was required/ mandated to buy Obamacare.

  12. Yea that fat lezzi and hildabeast thats gonna make a real pair.

  13. 9:55 I agree! Lock them up together and Hillary can be her bitch full time!

  14. She'll just claim that it was loose rhetoric in an emotional moment.

  15. As to her intent... ignorance of the law is no excuse...an old adage.

  16. Thought she was leaving?

  17. Your right should have left with Al Sharpton who is still here too.

  18. I hope so. Take Obammy and Hillary with her.

  19. Dont know why She's crying...this bill will benefit the millionaires which she is one.


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