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Monday, December 18, 2017

Top FBI And DOJ Officials To Be Subpoenaed: McCabe, Strzok, Page In The Crosshairs

House Judiciary Committee member Jim Jordan (R-OH) says he's gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to issue subpoenas for several key officials at the FBI and Justice Department implicated in disturbing revelations of political bias against President Donald Trump.

House and Senate committees have turned their focus in recent weeks to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie - who worked for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the "Trump-Russia" dossier and several other concurrent campaigns to smear Donald Trump in an effort funded in large part by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

"Chairman Goodlatte has told us he is going to subpoena those individuals," said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), while speaking to a Fox panel on' "Justice with Judge Jeanine (longer clip here)."



  1. So what if they show up to testify?

    They'll just plead the Fifth whenever they're asked anything meaningful. They're up to their eyeballs in stink as it is.

  2. The Muller investigation is the biggest farce in American history.


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