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Monday, December 18, 2017

Bombshell: "The House Is Going To Be Rocked In The Next 72 Hours... Over A Dozen Congressional Members May Resign" Over Sex Scandals

What started as an attack on then-candidate Donald J. Trump leading into the 2016 Presidential election appears to have been flipped completely on its head as scores of media, music, movie and political resignations over sex scandals have left shock waves across the country.

Not a week has gone by without some high ranking member of the star-studded elite getting taken down by what overtly looks to be a viral movement under the #MeToo hashtag.

It’s no secret that back in the 1990’s President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill that would shield sexually deviant Congressional members from being revealed to the public.



  1. ...and there is that word "MAY" again...NEWS is "they have resigned" not MAY resign.

  2. 43 resignations and 1 suicide. Looks like Congress and Senate are purging. They’re self-deporting our of DC. About time we got new blood in the House. Now if we could get our Senator to resign it would be a perfect day.

  3. No one talks about the sex scandal involving Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno!

  4. So the DC sex perverts created a law signed by sex pervert Clinton and used taxpayers money to pay off the victims to keep them quiet. This is why we need to keep draining the swamp.

  5. Merry Christmas to us!

  6. Two Sets of Laws.

    They should be setting an example for "we, the people", but instead, violate every law they put in place to put "we, the people" in PRISON. And just to make sure the Two Sets of Laws is secure, they pass laws that shield them from exposure AND punishment.
    Jail them. Imprison them. EXECUTE them.
    Its not the only way to get rid of them, but the law is the law.
    For us.

    Keep cheering.

  7. 6:01 and the living proof of that sexual lesion is a offspring named Chelsea!

  8. I am so sick of seeing and hearing this crap. If it not rape, it is not sexual harassment. If it is not continued after the first instance, it is not sexual harassment. If it has been more then ten days since anyone complained, it is not sexual harassment.

    If those requirements are not met, it is political attacks or money seeking publicity. Stop the bs.

  9. And all these claims were over 30 to 40 years ago, what a bunch of BS!

  10. 8:23 Chelsea is the spawn of Webster Hubble...Just compare their pictures. Everyone in Arkansas knows that Bubba shoots blanks.


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