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Monday, December 18, 2017

Marco Rubio, unclear on the concept

On the heels of its multiple failures to repeal Obamacare, the troublesome Senate has finally gotten its act together enough to pass a $1.6-trillion tax cut. If it passes as expected, Americans can finally get the tax cut they elected a Republican Congress for, following years of Obama-era tax-harvests and stagnation.

But it was a close call.

One name stands out as a stinker here, and it still stands out as a stinker even though he's now voting yes: Senator Marco Rubio. The supposed conservative from Florida was willing to derail the whole thing for all of us and cost the Senate its majority if he didn't get the tax refund credit he wanted.

In reality, it wasn't a tax cut, but a dollop of pork slipped into the package, a refundable tax credit to hand to people whose incomes are so low they don't pay taxes at all. Read: illegals and unwed mothers who get all kinds of free stuff already. Now they each get $1,400 checks and another disincentive to work, courtesy of the taxpayers, something Rubio will be sure to tout as he seeks re-election votes from the underclass as a Bush-style "compassionate conservative."



  1. There are plenty of poor american white people that worlk for minimum wage at walmart/fast food that never pay taxes. Are taxes taken out of their checks, yes. Do they get that money back plus child tax credits, yes. 323 million people in US? 15 million illegals, maybe? 37 million blacks. Do the math.

  2. As long as people can continue to get back more than they pay in - they're stealing from some so others can be lazy!

  3. Now it's time for Trey to chime in.Those 2 together can seriously talk everyone to death and accomplish nothing.

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