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Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Salisbury Maryland Daily Times Newspaper Abandons A 100% Disabled Man From Entering Their Building Today

While many of you will recall, Sean Mitchell passed away March 24th 2009 after he was attempting to drive back to Base and wrecked in his truck on Rt. 13.

Every year since his passing his Father had placed a memorial ad in the Daily Times at different times of the year. Being that his Father is 100% disabled, the Daily Times would help him draft his thoughts and publish them in their newspaper. However, things took a major turn today.

His Father arrived at the Downtown Daily Times building just before noon. As he attempted to enter the building, the staff informed Mr. Mitchell that they close their doors at noon for lunch. Mr. Mitchell politely asked if he could sit in one of the chairs inside while the staff ate lunch, they refused to allow him to do so and instead instructed him to sit outside on the concrete bench until they were through. 

Once they finally opened the door again, (about an hour later) Mr. Mitchell made his way inside and asked if he could sit with someone to, (once again) write his message to publish in the paper. He was told, "we no longer do that". Meaning, they no longer provide someone to help a 100% disabled person write their message. 

Here's the kicker Ladies & Gentlemen. There are NO handicap spots to park a vehicle at the Daily Times and to top it off there's no handicap access to the building. So imagine what this gentleman went through just to get to the building, sit outside for an hour and then not have proper access to get in.

Nevertheless, Mr. Mitchell wanted to make sure that we at Salisbury News exposed his incredible experience. The man was simply trying to express his love for his Son and find peace in his own way and he was turned away.  

UPDATE: A female manager from the Daily Times just called Mr. Mitchell and stated that the employees acted properly and she stands by their decision today. She also added, they do not need to have handicap access, according to the City of Salisbury.


  1. how do they not have handicap access? its a door on the street...

  2. Just goes to show you how even during the Christmas Season, the Daily Times is a useless liberal paper that has no heart. Not the place I worked at for a number of years. Maybe it's time Gannett just cut the chord and let them die on the vine. IF they're not going to serve the public, who needs them?

  3. Sounds like a surefire lawsuit. Violating the Americans with Disabilities Act is a very serious offense.

  4. Garbage people and garbage paper.

  5. How cold. Mean spirit. Ugly approach. I could go on. But these people have no compassion for human kind. By being in the Service alone his son gave his life for their freedom. I don't think this is the tpye of freemdon he died for. So sad.

  6. The Americans with Disabilities Act is a Federal requirement that I can say Ocean City obeys. How is the City of Salisbury exempt?

  7. They should have all kinds of parking & help for disabled people..they've raised their monthly rates sky high & only Sundays paper is worth getting.

  8. SBYNEWS should give him a free 1 month top of page ad.

  9. 3:35 PM as usual you fail to get the point of the article. There is much more to accommodate the handicapped than a door on street level.

  10. Sounds just like the NFL. I will Boycott all your sponsors now. Happy new year.

  11. Ignorant people. A business that can't offer a simple kindness to someone is a business I have no intention of supporting. Bite me Gannett

  12. Well, I think we all need to call the ADA people, and they will take care of the daily rag...

  13. Do you mean to tell me not one of the garbages working at the DT's couldn't forgo lunch for one day to help someone! Human filth is all they are. Totally unprofessional amateurs. That rag will go under and it can't come soon enough.

  14. Who is this ignoramus female "manager"? Name names so she can be publicly humiliated and slapped back done into the sewer where the rank skank belongs. Figures she's a "manager" of that trash the low IQ's call "news." Handicap accessibility laws are state and not local. Dumb smelly useless skank.

    1. Contact Us
      The Daily Times
      115 S. Division St.
      Salisbury, MD 21801

      (410) 749-7171

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      Maryland Advertising
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      Ron Pousson Advertising Director 410-845-4609
      David F. Ledford Executive Editor 302-324-2860
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      David F. Ledford Executive Editor 302-324-2860
      Laura Benedict Sileo News Director.
      Pick 1

  15. Typical Liberal, Dem, think of yourself only people. Thats society
    daily times - Heartless

  16. Even if they are right and don't have to have a handicap entrance,to make a handicapped man sit out in the cold while they eat lunch is completely heartless and then refuse to help him write his ad is unbelievable. Whoever that woman is she should be fired and the paper should publicly apologize for the terrible way they treated that man. Do they really hate the local citizens that much?

  17. Their is a special place in hell for those cold, heartless souls that refuse help to a disabled person let alone remembering a fallen Marine. Best wishes for a speedy trip to that destination Daily Times. May you burn in hell.

  18. "She also added, they do not need to have handicap access, according to the City of Salisbury."

    Really? This dumb bitch needs some schooling and I intend to do it. The City of Salisbury has nothing to do with handicap access laws. It's the state of MD and while Sby may make additions they may NOT modify their code to any lessor requirements then the State.
    It's a commercial facility. It has to be handicap accessible and handicap parking available. A complaint can be filed with the US Justice Dept.

  19. What low class garbage. I agree name names so the filth gets a massive does of public humiliation. I too can't believe that not one could give up eating of all things to help someone. Such low class. Who raises this kind of garbage! I too hope that paper goes down and the filth that works there reduced to penniless peons. They deserve it.

    1. Contact Us
      The Daily Times
      115 S. Division St.
      Salisbury, MD 21801

      (410) 749-7171

      Click here for subscription, delivery, advertising or newsroom services.


      Maryland Advertising
      Mike Nelson
      Maryland Sales Manager
      Kelly Rowan Account Manager 410-845-4635 Virginia Advertising
      Mike Nelson Virginia Sales Manager 443-669-8905 Delaware Advertising
      Joseph Connell Delaware Sales Manager 443-210-8126
      Karen Shockley Account Manager 302-324-7714

      Lou Haut Circulation Manager 410-845-4628
      Mike James District 3 Manager 443-260-3307
      Gary Lutz District 2 Manager 443-260-3303
      Sam Oradat Home Delivery Distribution Supervisor 443-260-3311
      Jennifer Stutzman Distribution Service Assistant 443-260-3309
      Laura Trala Operations Manager (Virginia office) 757-787-1200 ext 133

      Ron Pousson Advertising Director 410-845-4609
      David F. Ledford Executive Editor 302-324-2860
      Lou Haut Circulation Manager 410-845-4628
      Nikki Iovacchini Executive Assistant 410-845-4622
      Ron Smith Operations Director 410-845-4619

      David F. Ledford Executive Editor 302-324-2860
      Laura Benedict Sileo News Director

  20. I switched to the Independent and Wicomico WEAKly to eat crabs on years ago.

  21. That ADA, American Disabilites Act is federal law and no, state, county nor city can overwrite it. Everyone who has commented here needs to contact the state and file a complaint. This is just the sort of action the ACLU use to take up but these small cases are not important enough for them anymore!

  22. Please cancel your paper today... let them go bankrupt!

  23. Its a shame Paul Rendine isn't here to deal with this situation. The more and more I hear stories of let's put it in these terms " Salisbury's so called business managers/leaders of today and rge future" it makes my stomach turn

  24. OK, that does it for me! Only reason I've kept the subscription is so my wife coule have the TV schedule...I showed her how to get that on channel 3 or 4 on Cumcast. Subscription to this scumbucket newspaper is gone tomorrow...GOOD F***in' Riddance A$$es

  25. What the Hell is wrong with these people? I wouldn't treat a dog like this!

  26. No longer even worthy to save, purchase, or dumpster dive, to eat crabs off of. What a garbage business. They could have touted this as something positive they like to do for the holidays, but they can't even see a chance opportunity sitting on the cement bench out front! This could have even been their own personal Christmas story (of sorts).

    No feel good, holiday, cheery, Christmas redemption for this business. The title of this story should include the byline, "Bah Humbug, and F*** You Defenders of Freedom, Our Disabled Vet's, Now Get the Hell Out, I Have to Eat My Sandwich."

  27. As we’ve come to realize, reporters aren’t exactly the brightest people. No surprises here.

  28. Isn't there a lawyer in this District that would sue them for some part of this.Even if it's not for a monetary sum,just the embarrassment and headlines both locally and even Nationally.And I can believe it's Susam Parker,the woman who knows everything-don't believe this-just ask her.

  29. I thought a local newspaper's purpose was to serve the locals of the community for the betterment and to inform all for the protection of all. Serving the community is their basic purpose!

    If they can't do that, they just need to close their doors!

  30. Susan Parker is a liberal POS! I’m sure if Jeff Smoot came in at noon, she would wait to have lunch to help him. I hope to hear that rag has gone bankrupt. She will only print letters on opinion page from liberals. They are the lowest of the low for treating anyone that way especially a disabled person. Of course that’s typical of a bunch of liberal scum!

  31. Susan Parker isn't a manager. The manager is Nikki Iovacchini.


  32. I haven't bought that RAG since they endorsed Obama for president in 08 - not worth the $

  33. Would it be the owner of the building who is responsible of making sure there is handicap parking and access?

  34. Smart move Daily Times. Disrespect the very Corps that protects this nation's free speech... basically protects your careers.

    Mr. Mitchell, thank you for your son's service. And thank you for raising someone so brave and selfless.

  35. Anonymous said...
    That ADA, American Disabilites Act is federal law and no, state, county nor city can overwrite it. Everyone who has commented here needs to contact the state and file a complaint. This is just the sort of action the ACLU use to take up but these small cases are not important enough for them anymore!

    December 19, 2017 at 5:22 PM

    "That ADA, American Disabilites Act is federal law and no, state, county nor city can overwrite it."

    Did you mean "override it?" Or better yet "supersede it?"

  36. The manager is taking advantage of time and will respond tomorrow.Just watch.She thinks the contempt for her actions will die down in 24 hours or so because that's what management training teaches.let's fool her and not be receptive to whatever explanation or excuse she has for this atrocity.

  37. It doesn't matter how much you complain to them directly they won't hear it. Like any other company you dislike the powerful thing you can do is boycott. Aside from the legal exposure they may have from this boycotting works. Too bad the county and the city keep them in business by running all their required notices. Regardless of what business it was the people involved with this incident are as low as it gets. They will be lucky to live as long as this man and also will never have the love and dedication he had for someone he loved and lost. Such a sad situation that should have never happened. Post his story every year Joe he will get more readers seeing his sons memory that way anyhow!

  38. The Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club, or having the car serviced at a local garage.

    To meet the goals of the ADA, the law established requirements for businesses of all sizes. These requirements went into effect on January 26, 1992. Businesses that serve the public must modify policies and practices that discriminate against people with disabilities; comply with accessible design standards when constructing or altering facilities; remove barriers in existing facilities where readily achievable; and provide auxiliary aids and services when needed to ensure effective communication with people who have hearing, vision, or speech impairments. All businesses, even those that do not serve the public, must comply with accessible design standards when constructing or altering facilities.

    ADA Publications for Businesses - 2010 Regulations
    ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business | PDF An illustrated guide to help small businesses understand the requirements of the 2010 ADA regulations (2011)


  39. Would love a list of their advertisers.

  40. Now that someone has mentioned Jeff Smoot let me chime in. This man is a true Obama,Schumer,Polosi,Cummings, liberal biased Democrat. Have known him since school. A--Hole then and double A--hole now. What a shame to go through life with blinders on.

  41. You guys know that Mr. Jake Day will do nothing , he doesn't give a crap about veterans or handicap unless he can profit with a tax.

  42. Dig deep, who owned Gannett Publications??? Look who she was a board member of, The Clinton Foundation

  43. Nikki Iovacchini is a joke, she has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. She is a real mental case. She needs to be fired just for being the nut case that she is, oust her NOW and all of the other misfits that work there. Just get out of Salisbury, we don't need you or want you here and take JAKE the FLAKE and CANNON with you, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE.

  44. This is where you can file a complaint with the federal government


  45. The problem goes back to the owners of the building. According to the law should have met all ADA compliance issues when remodeled by present ownership. The city inspector should have verified compliance.

  46. DT - dontcha wish you had this type of reaction (subscription base) on a daily basis? Yeah, well you missed the boat YEARS ago.

    With your continued SLANT on what transpires in Salisbury and all along our eastern shore - SBYNEWS/Joe Albero and his friends is where everyone goes for Delmarva's news and information!

    Sucks to be you, but happy holidays anyway!

  47. The Gillises always get a pass from city government.

  48. I thought that the liberals among us were the most tolerant people on earth. Yes I am assuming the Daily Fish Wrapper is full of sjw types. That old rag is on it's deathbed and I think it's time to pull the plug and let it slip away. Maybe they will move to Delaware to be closer to the subjects of most of their articles.

  49. Oooh, look at all the social justice warriors ready to take on the big, bad corporation from behind their keyboards and phones using the safety of Internet anonymity. From the idiots who don't know the law but pretend to, to the whiny political commentators, to the dimwits who can barely spell or type a coherent sentence, the biggest joke here is every single person who posted a comment and did nothing else.....which is everyone.

  50. Nothing surprises me here in Salisbury. The Daily Slime doesn't have a clue, then to insult and to treat this gentleman this way is beyond decency and manners. I am a retired USMC I served 21 years, I am a Salisbury native, and I would not buy that paper to wipe my ass with. All veterans should never purchase or endorse anything to do with this paper.


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