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Sunday, December 24, 2017

At Last...

By Thornton Crowe

Here's a shocker for readers this morning...

After reading the article from this week regarding the proposed GPA for free education at WorWic by the County Council, it is most impressive that the members' are making an effort to up the ante for college-bound students receiving taxpayer back funding for college! I only have a couple of suggestions to sweeten the pie so more conservative County residents would come on board with this program is A) make the Grade Point Average 3.0 instead of 2.5 and B) add a community service give-back requirement.

First, by making the GPA 3.0 (B) it demonstrates the academic tenacity and agility to carry through a program to it's end, resulting in a degree or entrance to a university level program. Furthermore, it insures the students' are genuinely interested in pursuing trades or academic foundations offered at the community college level.

Additionally, when one looks at most scholarship programs (which this initiative essentially is) there are steeper academic requirements in order to maintain scholarship continuance over a person's academic career. Therefore, requesting an above average GPA is not unacceptable considering the student's lifetime takeaway education affords them.

Second, a community give-back would require the students to make an agreement to serve the community in some fashion. Whether it be volunteering with such organizations as Shore Up, Lower Shore Enterprises or Habitat for Humanity or tutoring fellow students in a school-sanctioned tutorial program, this would not only give back to the community, it would also instill a sense of personal responsibility needed in higher educational pursuits.

Furthermore, this type of provision is not uncommon for other scholarships offered at WorWic. There is one such program that asks students to obligate to employment at area hospitals to receive a generous scholarship for the nursing program.

A brilliant example of good, fiscally conscious governance while encouraging community-building efforts, it looks as though the County Council is finally getting back on track after their summer of sheer madness!


  1. When I attended Wor Wic - (not all that many years ago) - I was in class one day and the guy sitting behind me had just received his failing exam grade. He looked at me and said; "I guess I am going to lose my pell" and I was astonished and so I asked him what he was referring to. He said my Pell grant requires that I maintain at least a 2.0 (C) or I'll lose it.

    At that time I wasn't even aware that there was a federal subsidy - and so I asked him how he got it. He said he applied online and that it was easy.

    Bottom line - is that between the Pell grants, Wicomico County subsidies, I simply don't understand what ever happened to self-sufficiency!!! Maybe our Country ought to just drop the US flag and raise the Soviet flag as IMHO - our nation as was originally founded is over.

  2. FYI - Pell grants can even be applied to the purchase of books and other supplies, as well as the college's tuition. I agree with the above poster. Not only are our taxpayers now paying for education in grades K1- K12, but now it's gone way beyond their ability to pay their taxes, period. And that doesn't even factor-in the pre-kinder-garden kids, much less the illegals.

  3. I might be on board with a drug screening included but as a conservative I don't understand why the County ever got involved in higher education to begin with. This is just another feel-good program to keep the liberals quiet.

  4. Look into the quality of teachers. Wor Wic has a huge issue hiring people that are not qualified. Many could not pass the class they teach let alone teach it to others. The issues do not just lye with the students. My kids have had teachers who don't show up, are late many times, don't properly record grades. Etc. I'm not saying students don't have some responsibility, but in our experience, we had more issues with the teachers then is acceptable at a college level.

    We have tried to use the proper channels with our concerns, but no one cares.

  5. I understand where Mr. Crowe is going here but shocked he would be for free education at all. I guess if the RINOs are going to do crap like this, the least they can do is make it competitive and worthwhile for the area residents in some way. Why don't they have these students also do internships at local businesses who could use the skills they learn? Why does it have to be volunteerism?

  6. 1017 I know many qualified people who apply to work at WorWic but because they're not buddies with someone in the Admin office, they never get called. WorWic's hiring policies leaves something to be desired.

  7. 10:01 actually one of the few things the Soviets got right was education. They recognized that no matter what some people did not have the intellectually capabilities as others. These people were placed in trade schools or went to work in factories or doing other unskilled labor. Those that showed they excelled in science were marked for doctors and scientists for instance. The US needs to do this because as it stands now we can't compete due to the low standards of the US public colleges and universities.

  8. I was taught business law by a lawyer who had been disbarred and could no longer practice. Why is WorWic hiring lawyers who are barred from practicing law?

    1. I can top that. My child was taught business law at SU by Jake Day. Seriously.

    2. Jake Day does NOT teach a business law course at SU. Complete fiction.

    3. Not now he doesn’t. Kid graduated in 2013 and I can assure you this is truth.

  9. I don't agree with this program at all but if we're going to be forced to fund this nonsense it should be harder to participate.

  10. Does Wicomico have money for this kind of thing? Where do they see this is good for all residents? I don't pay taxes so someone whose already getting welfare can exploit the system even further by going to school on our dime. Isn't it enough they get K-12 at our expense?

  11. I agree with Mr Crowe on setting standards that will allow the students to benefit from their education and also repay the Tax Payer in services rendered. 3.0 is not to much to require, mandated community service, internship in the local county government, drug testing all are not to much to require. This way the student will be required to take responsibility of their future and contribute to society instead of expecting / demanding education and living requirements as an entitlement just because they live in the US.

  12. DRUG TESTING should also be required. Why should my family pay for education so some drug addict can avoid jail by being made to go to community college? I pay for my kids' education why can't those students' parents pay for theirs? This is also educating kids to leave Salisbury and sell their education somewhere else.

  13. I would love to meet a student or individual that can figure out how pell grant monies are applied to a student's account. When I asked the question as to how the funds were applied, I was appalled at the institutions response.

    You see a student never receives an itemized statement as to how much pell grant money was applied to his/her account. It's kind of like the chicken business, where I have yet to meet a chicken farmer that can adequately explain how much he is going to be compensated for each flock. (i.e. fuel adjustment, feed conversion, mortality rates, etc). You see it's the grower that controls and can manipulate the books, which they indeed do.

  14. This is wasted money. WorWic education isn't worth the money paid. One of my friends' kids went there to fulfill requirements before graduating high school and they knew more than the teacher teaching the class. If they got better teachers over there it might be worth the cost. as it stnds now, no way.

  15. If these kids can get pell grants why are we paying for them? The county isn't using money wisely if they're doing this kind of sh%%. Sorry but this kids can get money from the feds which we also pay for with taxes they dont need to double dip on the local.

  16. In places that have free education the children have to test to advance to higher levels. Why not take that money and reinstate the plumbing program at parkside?

    SECTION 1. The General Assembly, at its First Session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall by Law establish throughout the State a thorough and efficient System of Free Public Schools; and shall provide by taxation, or otherwise, for their maintenance.

  18. 1103 Free Public School refers to K-12. Get an education idiot.

  19. 1127 was he teaching you kid how to break the law? That's only thing Day's good for.

    1. I was not happy that we had to pay tuition for THAT.

  20. Arent we getting too generous with taxpayer money in WC, Mr. Crow? There's still alot of roads in bad shape.

  21. The council members are taking a break from getting cash for Day's funhouse folk festival? What a switch must be election time again.

  22. I am so sick of government sticking our money into other peoples business. My children are out of the house, working hard and paying their own bills and taxes. They choose to skip college and are living comfortable without my assistance. Why should they or anyone pay for other peoples (their age) desires?

  23. I believe I am in abundant company when I stand against this feel good, politically ingratiating tactic.
    I hope someone on the CC has the fortitude to seek to end this program.
    Poor judgement. Overstepping government's role.

  24. Agree with 1228. It's time we stopped all this overreach from our government. People might just have to be resourceful for themselves for a change instead of depending on the government dole.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Look into the quality of teachers. Wor Wic has a huge issue hiring people that are not qualified. Many could not pass the class they teach let alone teach it to others. The issues do not just lye with the students. My kids have had teachers who don't show up, are late many times, don't properly record grades. Etc. I'm not saying students don't have some responsibility, but in our experience, we had more issues with the teachers then is acceptable at a college level.

    We have tried to use the proper channels with our concerns, but no one cares.

    December 17, 2017 at 10:17 AM

    You are correct. Look at the clowns involved the the Paramedic Program. Embarrassing and that is why they have such a high failure rate.

  26. Too bad Ray Hoy didn't get the job in Delaware so we could be done with him.

  27. Anonymous said...
    I don't agree with this program at all but if we're going to be forced to fund this nonsense it should be harder to participate.

    December 17, 2017 at 10:28 AM

    Bingo! I watched the council meeting on PAC 14 and Dr. Hoy seemed to be pushing to keep it at 2.0 and seemed to be very irritated at the council members who wanted to raise it.

  28. Anonymous said...
    DRUG TESTING should also be required. Why should my family pay for education so some drug addict can avoid jail by being made to go to community college? I pay for my kids' education why can't those students' parents pay for theirs? This is also educating kids to leave Salisbury and sell their education somewhere else.

    December 17, 2017 at 10:34 AM


  29. What I found funny while watching PAC-14 was John Hall and Matt Holloway were praising Wor-Wic and supporting the Free Money Scholarship. It was disgusting watching those 2 Liberals at work.

    Hopefully someone will run against them.

  30. 10:20 AM I will take it one further for you.

    I applied for a job I was well qualified for, but they won't accept my application. They want references - which isn't the problem. I submitted my ex-boss's personal email and they INSIST that I provide them with his business email.

    Problem is WE both don't work for the same company anymore. But they want to bother him on his new employer's time instead of his own time - which neither he or I want to happen.

    So in essence worwic is making it almost impossible to apply because of their ignorant and needless HR hurdles.

    Screw em.

  31. Thornton, You and Joe are off on this one. The scholarship or really grant is aimed towards helping the student who otherwise didn't have a chance, lower economic group or someone who may not have applied themselves in all previous years at school, but generally needs a boost. It has cost $39,000. with about 25 students who have qualified. More than that has been spent on each of the counties new suburban trucks riding around. Best yet take a pole of the councils GPA and if they don't have a 3.0 remove them. How about all students kick them out of school if they don't have the average you want.

  32. 12:28, 1:18 and others:

    Let's give due credit. Both Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer have been against this giveaway deal from the get-go, and are trying to imopse a reasonable grade requirement since John Hall and the other RINO's on the council support the program, which was initially proposed by Bob Culver.

  33. To 2:47 PM Poster - As a wicomico county taxpayer, I am against this subsidy. It's just like all government give-a-way programs, in a few short years it will have expanded exponentially, in which case so will your real estate taxes. K1-K12 is a plenty, plus - they have expanded that to pre-kindergarten. Factor in the illegals, and I believe the vast majority of our population is against it.

  34. They should have to to maintain
    a 3.0 average while taking the class, have
    drug testing done consistently, give back to
    the Community while they are attending college
    and pay the loan from taxpayers back by having
    their paychecks when their course is complete.

    What, The County won't require all of these
    things? Then Better yet, Forget the entire thing!
    Taxpayers are burdened enough and there's
    plenty in this run down County that needs

    Crazy idea unless there's a guarantee the money
    will be paid back. Just take a look at all the
    Student Loans that have Never been paid back to
    the Government, what makes anyone think this will
    be any different.

    And why , may I ask arent' students getting the
    Pell Grants from the Government. Council should
    definitely ask that question. it's not Couinty
    responsibility to pay for this, rather the people
    of this County!

  35. Higher grade requirement will initiate the elimination of the riff-raff. Then we can talk business!

  36. Hoy did not leave because his arrogant self can cry to the C.E. and council and get his cookies and milk but Delaware would not put up with his B.S.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1017 I know many qualified people who apply to work at WorWic but because they're not buddies with someone in the Admin office, they never get called. WorWic's hiring policies leaves something to be desired.

    December 17, 2017 at 10:20 AM

    I remember when Wicomico County Councilman Ed Taylor's son got hired, because Ed Taylor was a councilman. Right Ray Hoy!

  38. Anonymous said...
    Does Wicomico have money for this kind of thing? Where do they see this is good for all residents? I don't pay taxes so someone whose already getting welfare can exploit the system even further by going to school on our dime. Isn't it enough they get K-12 at our expense?

    December 17, 2017 at 10:30 AM

    The first question is NO!

    Second question they? You mean Bob Culver.

    Third, yes!

  39. When I was going to Salisbury University the students I knew who were going to WorWic were students that didn't get accepted to Salisbury University. They had to go to WorWic to fulfill the basic education requirements and the math and English classes were below 101 level classes. Many of them ended up dropping out of SU. So can someone please tell me why Ray Hoy and Bob Culver is demanding that the GPA requirement stays at 2.0?

    1. There are plenty of other types of students at Wor Wic besides the ones who can't get into SU. Many adults go there to get a new degree whether it's their 1st one or a 2nd one. Many kids go there to save money. Some choose to not have loans or can't afford SU. They go to Wor Wic and transfer after 2 years. I know many people who are successful going this route.

      Many people will tell you Wor Wic is a joke. Bad teachers, some don't care, most not qualified. Especailly in the Math and sciences. Issues at Wor Wic are not just the quality of student. If you want to set a GPA, that is fine. But you better look into why Wor Wic is struggling, and it is way deeper then a bad student. There is more accountability in our local schools then at Wor Wic.

  40. Anonymous said...
    SECTION 1. The General Assembly, at its First Session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall by Law establish throughout the State a thorough and efficient System of Free Public Schools; and shall provide by taxation, or otherwise, for their maintenance.

    December 17, 2017 at 11:03 AM

    Um... They aren't talking about colleges you Dumb A$$!!

  41. Anonymous said...
    I believe I am in abundant company when I stand against this feel good, politically ingratiating tactic.
    I hope someone on the CC has the fortitude to seek to end this program.
    Poor judgement. Overstepping government's role.

    December 17, 2017 at 12:28 PM

    Supporters of this Free Money Scholarship Program at Wor Wic.
    Bob Culver
    Joe Albero
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    John Hall
    Ernie Davis

    Voted Against this Free Money Program at Wor Wic
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

    1. Because even Joe knows that some gov investment is warrented to help others help themselves. You all slammed him as a "RINO" but i see this as a smart investment in our kids' futures... grow up and quit drinking the grover norquist kool aid!

  42. Salisbury/wicomico you are the ghetto laughing stock of Maryland's eastern shore

  43. If it is free, than it should be competitive. They just don't hand out scholarship in the real world unless you have earned it. This should be no different.

  44. It’s “sweeten the pot”......not sweeten the pie.

  45. Off topic a bit but this posts mentions Habitat for Humanity. Don't support this organization. They are passing up Americans in need for refugees and other non Americans.

  46. "2.5 GPA means that you've earned high Cs and low Bs across all of your classes. This GPA is below the 3.0 national average for high school students, and it will most likely make it difficult for you to get into all but the least selective colleges. 2.13% of schools have an average GPA below a 2.5."

  47. Such disdain for education is part of the reason no employers want to open in this area. All of you believe you are smarter than the boss/owner of the business that has hired you.

  48. Wor Wic seems to get a lot of complaints about teachers but they don't do anything to rectify the situation. Why is this? Can they really not find qualified teachers or are they just reserving positions for buddies?

  49. When their truck driving school was implemented, the price was around $1200. Now it is well over $3000. Why the increase. For one, government payouts to those who lose their job to overseas relocation of their workplace.

  50. Not requiring a GPA only means you do not even have to try at all to pass the classes. It means you get your diploma anyway. No matter how stupid you are. My bet is that there are plenty of students who go there that do not even have a 2.0. They only go because it is free to THEM. Even with the 2.5, I bet those that do not get the 2.5 still graduate because of Affirmative Action. Same thing in high school. Some students graduate that are too stupid to graduate, but get a diploma anyway. Because certain people cover certain peoples azz.

  51. December 17, 2017 at 1:22 PM said: You are correct. Look at the clowns involved the the Paramedic Program. Embarrassing and that is why they have such a high failure rate.

    Hmmm, didn't pass your recent finals? The EMS program at Wor-Wic is staffed by people that work in the field, unlike the RDT staff and most of the nursing staff.

  52. I agree with this article 100%, mandatory drug testing, we the ones supporting this with our tax $ are required to do random drug testing, at least I am, why can't the recipients be tested, including welfare recipients?


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