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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Salisbury Fire Department Calls Them "War Wagons"

Hello folks just a "sneak peek" at the two new "War Wagons" that just arrived today!!!!! Salisbury Engine Company 16 — with Chris Twilley.


  1. That's funny. Salisbury Fire Company wants to be a big city fire company so bad.

  2. war wagon from a bunch of snowflakes that probably never served a day in the military! just like weekend warrior jakie! da bury becomes a bigger joke every day! citizens must be so proud!

  3. How many hundred thousand on these "Toys" when there's no room for a Station 13? And you have an advertisement out for hiring more paid firemen as well? I thought you didn't need more firefighters and engines?

  4. Everyone else calls them fire engines.

  5. Amazing how they continue to ride on city contracts from other areas to buy these trucks with no bid so they can get the most expensive truck in the market. Good truck but a bit over priced. Our first responders deserve the best equipment possible but that does have limits.

    You have to love the roto-ray on the front of the truck, thousands of dollars spent for nothing but looks. They have no value as a warning device!

  6. It's truly what they are! When they arrive at a structural fire that is exactly what it is, a battle against time! War Wagons is very appropriate! Smile people its "suppose" to be the "happy time of the year."

  7. When was the last time a fire fighter was in a shooting! Let the police handle the combat and you all keep saving cats in trees.

  8. Gonna need a lot of bake sales to pay for those shiny new trucks. WOW!

  9. Hey, where's that fire boat?

  10. Anonymous said...
    How many hundred thousand on these "Toys" when there's no room for a Station 13? And you have an advertisement out for hiring more paid firemen as well? I thought you didn't need more firefighters and engines?

    December 18, 2017 at 8:41 AM

    There will be 5 more paid firemen hired the first week of July when the new/next budget is passed. This was told to me by Darrin Scott, Deputy Chief 2.

    Interesting how it's December and they are already advertising and planning to hire paid firemen over 7 months away. What does this tell you about the volunteers in Salisbury? They have no plans on recruiting and retaining any volunteers in Salisbury the the Volunteer Program is dead in the water. Shame on Rick Hoppes, shame on Jake Day, Shame on Jack Heath, Shame on Muir Boda, Shame on Jim Liarton. Shame on the citizens and tax payers in Salisbury for not doing a damn thing about it.

    And Jack Heath wants to be the Executive in Charge of Wicomico County? This is just a taste of what is to be expected if he accidentally wins.

  11. A lot of wasted money. Take care of what you have and not rag it out on high engine hours and mileage. Such a waste.

    1. Would help in they stop self dispatching and running 2 or 3 pieces on every call

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Amazing how they continue to ride on city contracts from other areas to buy these trucks with no bid so they can get the most expensive truck in the market. Good truck but a bit over priced. Our first responders deserve the best equipment possible but that does have limits.

    You have to love the roto-ray on the front of the truck, thousands of dollars spent for nothing but looks. They have no value as a warning device!

    December 18, 2017 at 9:02 AM

    Not only that, they are ugly and this is coming from a real career firefighter.

  13. Was it a War Wagon that John David Black used to run over Sheree Sample-Hughes son with?

    Speaking of that, what is the story? Has he been charged yet? Hopefully Mr. Hughes is doing better.

    1. Black never got charged. He is still the assistant chief .

  14. Anonymous said...
    It's truly what they are! When they arrive at a structural fire that is exactly what it is, a battle against time! War Wagons is very appropriate! Smile people its "suppose" to be the "happy time of the year."

    December 18, 2017 at 9:27 AM

    Said the loser who dreams of being a real paid firemen every night he lays his head down on his paid Farmin bunks at Cumknee 16.

  15. Anonymous said...
    When was the last time a fire fighter was in a shooting! Let the police handle the combat and you all keep saving cats in trees.

    December 18, 2017 at 9:30 AM

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's a good one!

  16. You observe in a big city the equipment has steel painted wheels and the vehicles sport painted bumpers. They are mostly rather dirty along with ambulances. I would guess the reason they don't look like parade vehicles would be they are working trucks and are on call instead of being detailed after running a service call. I am not against a nice parade unit, like one or two they have had since the sixties.

  17. Those Clowns don't have to have bake sales, yard sales, fishing tournaments or carnivals as long as Jakey Boy is doling out the free money from the tax payers.

  18. Fire Captain at Salisbury Fire Department
    Studies Fire Science at Columbia Southern University

    I just pulled this up from the dudes Facebook page. I remember following the multiple discussions about this guy's "college" he supposedly attended.

    First of all you can't attend a college that doesn't have bricks and mortar. Second, Columbia Southern University isn't a real, accredited University. In other words it is nothing more than a Diploma Mill. These clowns should hide their heads in shame.

    It's a known fact that these classes are done online and a lot of cheating goes on because nothing is proctored. Who knows, from what I am hearing there are people taking the online exams for these guys because most of them aren't smart enough to pass real college exams and courses. Seriously, look at Darrin Scott. He has failed most all classes he has taken in his life, especially in the fire service.

  19. Anonymous said...
    You observe in a big city the equipment has steel painted wheels and the vehicles sport painted bumpers. They are mostly rather dirty along with ambulances. I would guess the reason they don't look like parade vehicles would be they are working trucks and are on call instead of being detailed after running a service call. I am not against a nice parade unit, like one or two they have had since the sixties.

    December 18, 2017 at 10:42 AM

    You are 100% correct, but as long as you have Democrats like Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda and Jim Ireton raping the taxpayers like they do then spending your money isn't an issue.

    Muir Boda, what a waste of good oxygen.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Hey, where's that fire boat?

    December 18, 2017 at 10:12 AM

    The Far Bote, S.S. Rick Hopeless is still in Crisfield out of the water on dry dock. Out of Service.

  21. Anonymous said...
    A lot of wasted money. Take care of what you have and not rag it out on high engine hours and mileage. Such a waste.

    December 18, 2017 at 10:36 AM

    Most fire engines last the fire department 20 years, but not Salisbury. They conned the Mayor and Council into buying 2 new fire engines after just 10 short years. This is unheard of in most departments. Not only that, the 2 being replaced will be sold and put into service in another fire department because nothing is wrong with it and it's practically new. Replacing Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 is unethical, unheard of and should be criminal.

  22. Salisbury definitely has the nicest fleet of trucks around,taxpayers should be proud.

  23. War Wagons?????? More like Lunch Wagons or Cruise Wagons. What a waste of tax dollars.

  24. I think they are awesome to have play time in. But when it's time to be a MAN I put on my badge and uniform. :).

  25. No worries when we get done in court with station 13 we will have enough money back to pay for half of one

  26. 11:02 AM. You are correct, they make fun of 20 year old engines, they are too good to operate old equipment.
    I guess more manpower and equipment is needed. Yet the chief won't use the closest mutual aid station 13 cause they left the city to be on their own. They are the real volunteers, bingo, chicken sales, penny auctions. Good job guys trying to earn your money not wasting taxpayers money on toys with all the frills. But let's not call the closest station let's go 5 or 7 miles out and call for help because we are butt hurt. Wonder how insurance companies will look at that situation. I foresee that ISO rating going down the proverbial toilet. No I'm not a fireman, I don't have the time right now, but some of my friends are and they have worked hard and are making it work. I don't know why the city doesn't use them, I mean the city trained them.

  27. 11:21AM, they sure do, and they don't have the manpower to staff all of them anymore. Just another waste. They couldn't put it all on the street staffed if they gave a two day notice.

  28. I used to be in a county fire department, and I still listed to my scanner. Why does it take the volunteers from station 16 over 20 min to get a piece on the street ? And station 2 , well they get out sometimes and sometimes they never respond. I know station 16 did or does the hours program. To me that kinda defeats the purpose, the people are needed when there is an emergency not to sit in the firehouse putting in time when there is no emergency. I mean Hebron Delmar and the rest if the volunteers respond when called .

  29. 12-18-17 2:10pm

    Correction on part of your comment:
    There were many of the station 13 members that did not want to train and learn when the chances were given to them. There are some that did step up and get the proper training, but there are also some that didn't take the training offered, just because they didn't want to work "together" as a group, or learn what is required. In other words, there are some that are too spoiled and have had too much just given to them, instead of earning it.

  30. 3 members in the 3 run ambulance with pike poles in the back is not a fire crew.

  31. 3:04 correction on your comment:
    They did have the required Trainning, or they weren't allowed to respond per the fire chief. So that part of your comment is untrue. Let's stay with facts. They were made fun of, called Ticks, harassed ridiculed and made to feel unwelcome. They even wore tick boxes or pagers to be notified of a call. The discipline was way off, career got a smack on the hand, volunteers got thrown out for the same issues.

  32. War Wagon, a term given by the great photographer who took the photo. Where is the fire boat, Crisfield, no. Get out from behind your keyboards take a walk and you will find it in the Salisbury marina

  33. December 18, 2017 2:59pm

    I also have a scanner, and I know for a fact that there are other stations that sometimes take longer than normal to respond to a call, so another station has to cover for them. Your comment is trying to make it sound like only the station 16 & station 2 volunteers take too long to respond to some calls. Well, if you are going to point them out, you certainly better mention the other volunteer stations that occasionally have that same problem. No station is perfect.

    1. Hold on a second . The mayor and the fire chief said the response has improved since 13 left . That their are active volunteers at all 3 stations . Must be all on paper because no volulenteers run out of station 1 as it's claimed and lieutenant Byrd went over the air the other day saying he was enroute with 2 to station 16 to get more to obtain a crew. The way i see this is the mayor and the fire chief Lie to the public to get people on there side . The fact is the vollys are a dead subject in the city and don't do what there signed up to do . One lie to another . Just like 17 mins to arrive on location to a over turned vehicle on Hammond street because 16 and 1 paid staff tied up on 2 other calls . Great 9 min response time . Oh and wait great response out of the vollys . Station 16 and 2 have a joint Xmas party because it's takes that many vollys to have a full room . 10 members from each station is about right . Rest are just names on paper .

    2. This is so true .

  34. 4:19 PM
    You are correct, they aren't the only ones. Just more habitual, It's a national trend.

  35. Station 2 has volunteers? I never hear them responding. War wagons, hahaha must have seen that on the engine station 13 brought back from Pennsylvania. Damn ladies and gentlemen, your that jealous of them that they grew a set and stood up for what was right that now you want to be like them. Make up your minds!!!

  36. It doesn't make any difference where the fire boat is, the engines still don't run. They are eat up with electrolysis because the Admirals at SFD don't know the first thing about marine maintenance.

  37. That's right they're here. Once again you have no idea what your talking about and just pissing in the wind. Two new Engines to replace two well worn units that are 12 years old and run thousands of calls. Perhaps your 20 year rule comes from the antiques purchased by Company 13 "The Imagination Station" at 25 years old. But remember they're responding to nothing. That's ZERO Mr. Blogger. So bitch, whine and complain all you want because they are here to stay.

  38. B Shift handles the maintenance.

  39. Just a bunch of paid losers . War wagon hmm did the mayor want that . The guy that has never left us soils. A captain in the military ha I bet your knees hurt. He should see a dentist . Mayor day keep ya wife away from them volunteers in princessanne .

  40. This city is a complete joke . What a waste of tax payer monies .

  41. 12/18/17 6:55PM

    I don't know of anyone that is jealous of any of the station 13 people. It is also a fact that some of those with station 13, are just spoiled brats. They only want to do things their way, and that doesn't work. They have never been taught to work to earn the nice expensive toys/homes, that they have been given from their parents & grandparents.

    1. Must be talking about to individuals because the rest have to work for a living .

  42. 9:31 AM
    Not jealous. Your whole spew is based on nothing but jealousy. Even an un educated person can read what you are saying.
    I just read this whole article and comments because someone told me I'd get a good laugh at you low life firemen. They were right, you crybabies have nothing to do but complain, all of you are spoiled brats volunteers and paid firemen, get a real job.

  43. 12-19-2017 11:11am

    I can say that I personally am not jealous of anyone from the station 13. I will say, that I sure do envy some that have more than I will ever have. That being said, I am happy with what I have, knowing that I worked for it and had no help from my family. I am most thankful for good health. All of the other bull**** that goes on, really doesn't matter if your health is not good. I wish more people would stop being so mean and miserable and learn to just appreciate being able to wake up each morning.

  44. 12:49
    I agree with you 100%. Life goes on.

  45. I see the new engines driving at high speeds through town with nothing on them.

  46. Yeah, the fireboat is "in" the marina but it is not in the water. What good is it?

  47. Reading all of the these comments....do any of you have lives of any kind? The eastern shore has become the armpit of east coast....no jobs....no progress and all you morons have is to
    Bitch about fire trucks...🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

  48. Things will change for the best soon enough when our sorry chief retires in 2018 . This will be the greatest thing that happens in 2018. This chief has sure destroyed this department . He will sure go down in history .

  49. We need to model our fire department after the Montgomery County Fire Department where fire protection is run by the country, not the cities.

  50. From word on street hoppes is retiring then coming back as contract employee

  51. We should be listening right now instead of beating on Salisbury you should listen to the east side . Equipment responding with 1 person and 2 person really . The county stations are going to kill somebody.

  52. The majority of these people employed at the Salisbury Fire Department from fat a$$ Rick Hoppes to criminal Rob Hull need to be fired and clean house. Start off recruiting and retaining the volunteers as well as bring back former volunteers. Stop using a fire engine to chase ambulances around just to try to justify paid fire jobs.

    Most people with a brain knows that the need is for paramedics and not paid firemen. Get with the program Jake Day before your re-election is toast. That goes for you as well Jack Heath and Muir Boda.


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