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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Crisfield Councilman Erik Emely Apologizes For Being Arrested In A Prostitution Sting

Erik Emely
no excuse for my actions and I take full responsibility,to say I am hurting is a understatement,I am devastated. To the Fire Department, Ambulance Squad, Elks, Legion and all the other organizations i have been a part of for many years, Im Sorry. To the Citizens of Crisfield, I am sorry, I have represented you for 31/2 years to the best of my ability and worked very hard and now I have let you down and Im sorry. 

In closing the last thing I would like to say is to my family especially my wife Jamie, Emma, Jordan, Dad, Brother, Sister, in-laws, grandparents, everyone in my family, I ask for forgiveness, and I'm sorry. This situation not only destroyed my character but it brought in a lot of people that had no involvement in this and for that I am Sorry. Family is very important in the world today, The battle wont be easy and I hope with Gods help you can forgive me. Thank you to all have called and sent messages, I wont be able to see your responses but I pray that you will accept my apology I'm sorry Erik.


  1. To famously quote Jay Leno: "What the hell were you thinking?!"

  2. Sir you did nothing wrong to anyone that SHOULD require such a public apology. The apology and asking for forgiveness from god and family, YES!! This only proves that you are human and flawed like all of is. Secondly this was something that should never have been for everyone to judge. People today are too damn nosey and have too much time on their hands that they can worry about your mistakes too. This could have been handled discretely and necessary measures taken, hell for all we know you could be innocent. But in today's guilty before tried you didn't get your given right as a citizen. My sympathy and respect goes out to you and your family.

    1. Man please, you read this blog to be nosey. I'm suuuure you want discretion to be applied to democrats right?

  3. It did not destroy your character. It revealed it.

  4. Sorry he got caught.

  5. 6:00 What? Ya'll want to drag everyone else through the mud but this guy gets a pass? Shoplifters, drug dealers, drunk drivers all get put in the news, he got what he deserved.

  6. We ALL pay for it!!!

  7. 6:00 , first of all if you know how to use caps, please capitalize God.

    Second, if someone is innocent, why apologize for innocence?

    It's not just a court of law where apologies are admissions of guilt.

  8. Can only imagine the lovely prostitutes around here.

  9. Probably should have had John phebous write the apology... I thought two consenting adults reached a agreement but learned later I was incorrect im sorry for the confusion and accepted the citations.

  10. 6:00 you apparently don't get it. As elected officials, they should hold themselves in higher esteem than the rest of us. What he did was stupid and reckless. He SHOULD apologize to everyone who put faith in him, not only as a public officer, but as a husband, father, colleague, etc. Is the internet that slow in crisfield that he couldn't- you know- at home like many men who live in an unsatisfied marriage?
    I'm glad he apologized. And I hope his family recovers from this embarrassing event.

  11. i believe all of these "stings" are entrapment. talk about a victim less crime.

    1. Wives are the victims.i know one woman given aids by an unfaithful husband..victimless I don't think so.

    2. "Victim-less crime"?
      Ask his family.

  12. Its a complicated issue but I don't understand the need to make it public and air others dirty laundry. I guess we really are all living in hell and can only hope when we go to the other side it is more peaceful.

  13. Someone should take a writing class. I know some second graders who write better than this clown.

  14. Apparently there are a lot of people that live in glass houses on the shore. Hope everything works out for ya Flea. You screwed up. Only people you need to worry about is your family

  15. so what he went street walking....im sure there are a lot more that do then we all know about...hell its the oldest profession. Your money if thats what you want to spend it on.Whats the differance in buying somebody dinner and drinks first vs just giving them the money instead. Same thing, same ending so who are some of you to judge? Not my thing but also not for me to judge.

  16. I have been asked my opinion on this matter a lot over the last couple days. Like many of you, I've known Erik for many years. He's a very popular individual and while I'm reading these comments about glass houses and so forth, what Erik did is beyond my personally having any sympathy towards his BS message here.

    Erik is a public figure in many ways. He smacked his Wife and Family in the face and thinks he can be so arrogant that he feels the need to go PUBLIC on social media and apologize? Sorry but he is a council member in Crisfield, not the President of the United States. Shut your freakin trap and stop looking for sympathy from the public. If you can get your Wife and Family to accept your stupidity, so be it. In the mean time, disappear from the public eye. Resign your council position, you're not worthy.

    So that's how I feel on this matter. A prostitute, REALLY!

  17. He's sorry he got caught.

  18. " Anonymous said...

    i believe all of these "stings" are entrapment. talk about a victim less crime.

    December 21, 2017 at 6:51 PM"

    Hardly "victimless." Just ask the people who are stuck living in the area where these $5 street walkers operate. Around the corner are the drug dealers. Where there are street walkers there are dealers. They go on people's property to shoot up and leave the needles. They use the bathroom in people's yards. They steal something if they think they can sell it for even a dollar. They use people's hoses to wash up. Far from "victimless."

  19. Anonymous said...
    i believe all of these "stings" are entrapment. talk about a victim less crime.

    December 21, 2017 at 6:51 PM

    Thanks Flea, now go write your resignation letter.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Someone should take a writing class. I know some second graders who write better than this clown.

    December 21, 2017 at 7:07 PM

    Have you ever seen so many commas in all your life? Thanks Somerset Public Schools.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Someone should take a writing class. I know some second graders who write better than this clown.

    December 21, 2017 at 7:07 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    so what he went street walking....im sure there are a lot more that do then we all know about...hell its the oldest profession. Your money if thats what you want to spend it on.Whats the differance in buying somebody dinner and drinks first vs just giving them the money instead. Same thing, same ending so who are some of you to judge? Not my thing but also not for me to judge.

    December 21, 2017 at 7:37 PM

    Erik Emely
    no excuse for my actions and I take full responsibility,to say I am hurting is a understatement,I am devastated. To the Fire Department, Ambulance Squad, Elks, Legion and all the other organizations i have been a part of for many years, Im Sorry. To the Citizens of Crisfield, I am sorry, I have represented you for 31/2 years to the best of my ability and worked very hard and now I have let you down and Im sorry.

    In closing the last thing I would like to say is to my family especially my wife Jamie, Emma, Jordan, Dad, Brother, Sister, in-laws, grandparents, everyone in my family, I ask for forgiveness, and I'm sorry. This situation not only destroyed my character but it brought in a lot of people that had no involvement in this and for that I am Sorry. Family is very important in the world today, The battle wont be easy and I hope with Gods help you can forgive me. Thank you to all have called and sent messages, I wont be able to see your responses but I pray that you will accept my apology I'm sorry Erik.

    Compare the two comments against Flea's apology. Is there any question who the "two" anonymous commenters are?

  22. You truly are pretty slow. Bob pinto that was sarcasm about being innocent. No one knows the actual facts except himself and so called law enforcement and trust me more than likely it was more entrapment than by your local yocals. You people around the eastern shore just wait around for someone to fall and instead of helping people up you just throw dirt on the grave. A bunch of self righteous hypocrites who are either stoned on their favorite alcoholic beverage or watching porn on their computers. The thing is the majority of you have never been caught doing the dirty deeds you've done in your lives. Grow up get lives and stop making everyone else's mistakes your purpose in life to spread the gossip.

  23. First of all, from what I read it wasn't a "real" prostitute, it was an undercover cop posing as one which is a trap.
    Second, I couldn't believe all the time WBOC spent talking about Emely on the news. Isn't there more important stuff going on around here than that?

  24. Or maybe some of you did not pay attention in English class? Do you even know the functions of a comma?

    1. Think this is done purposely for people like yourself to actually have something negative to comment,,, about!! LMAO

  25. How long has he been paying whores? This is so gross. He needs to resign.

  26. I can see why RUNNING was not a option omgoodness has flea been sucking on a air tank. Geez man time to hit the gym buddy!! George "Bucky" Nelson told me Flea NEEDS 6 months in JAIL.

  27. I AGREE with Joe Albero's opinion/statement. Trash should stay in the can, buried, not serving the public and making apology statements after being caught. Purely an oops I was caught apology

  28. No apology need to us, need to re-eval youself with fam as well as resign from any/all public positions you currently hold. We (the public) hold public officials accountable to a civil standard.

    Arrest is not civil!

  29. You people are nuts. "Entrapment" seriously? Explain how this is "entrapment?" No one tricked him into leaving his home, driving to Sby to a known area for prostitution and then agreeing to pay for a sex act. Get real and start using your heads.

  30. Man just needed a little love. Leave him alone!

  31. His hidden lifestyle is no longer hidden. Do the right thing and resign from office! You have lost ALL creditability and can't be trusted.

  32. Joe you could not have said it better! A stinking Prostitute! If I was his wife I would rid my life of him too!

  33. If i were his wife, yes I could Forgive him,
    but continue to live with him, Hell No!

  34. He's just like the phony in the picture with him Hogan.

  35. Freemasons don't apologize.
    Get over it and move on.
    We use the evidence for blackmail, and not for public humiliation.

  36. Bob Aswell.. 32nd Degree MasonDecember 22, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    How the Hell did Freemasons get involved with this??? Erik Emely is NOT NOW nor has he EVER been in the Masonic Lodge, Crisfield or otherwise in this State. Having been in the Lodge since 1986,I resent the implication of ANY connection to the Lodge or that any member in good standing would use this to infer any type of subterfuge such as blackmail to any end would subject them to action if proved by the Master of the Lodge.

    This B.S. is usually propagated by folks who have been denied membership. They spout verbal crap about the workings of the Lodge when in fact they know NOTHING of the workings of the Lodge,AND they never will.

    I laugh because when they open their mouths they expose their ignorance due to ignorance of what the Lodge stands for. I'm on the membership rolls because I learned through my Masonic teacher to keep my mouth SHUT. Bob Aswell...32nd degree Mason

    1. Keep your mouth shut? You just wrote a short about yourself and the Freemasons! Btw Leslie Tyler is a Freemason so I'm NOT IMPRESSED with YOUR CLUB. Should I list example on Leslie "fat cat" Tyler ? #restarea

  37. To 1:23 Out of curiosity, what does the Masonic Lodge do? What are the degrees for?

  38. Prostitute's around Here ..I bet their Real Pretty ! 1 or 2 teeth !! Several rotten !! Man Come On !!!! You can have them all !!

  39. Apology not accepted. Go straight to jail, you criminal.

  40. Maybe this was his first time soliciting a female for sex?

    Maybe he was just tired and did not want to make the nightly trip from Delmar back o Crisfield?

    I am sure he'll have plenty of time to think about what he did!

  41. On a positive note I presume Eric is not gay, trans, or a cross dresser. Just a horny fat dude.


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