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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Once a Long Shot, Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Race

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Doug Jones, a Democratic former prosecutor who mounted a seemingly quixotic Senate campaign in the face of Republican dominance here, defeated his scandal-scarred opponent, Roy S. Moore, after a brutal campaign marked by accusations of sexual abuse and child molestation against the Republican.

The upset delivered an unimagined victory for Democrats and shaved Republicans’ unstable Senate majority to a single seat.

Mr. Jones’s victory could have significant consequences on the national level, snarling Republicans’ legislative agenda in Washington and opening, for the first time, a realistic but still difficult path for Democrats to capture the Senate next year. It amounted to a stinging snub of President Trump, who broke with much of his party and fully embraced Mr. Moore’s candidacy, seeking to rally support for him in the closing days of the campaign.



  1. I.m heading to get another box of Kleenex so I can share them with my snowflake friends at my safe space.
    But I can't seem to find my pussy-hat for the protest march!

  2. Some Republicans stayed home and didn't vote. More idiots voted than smart people swayed by accusations.

    Thank goodness we had more smart people last November!

  3. Thanks for nothing, Alabama. You are not Southerners. You're a bunch of cursed Yankees. Live up to their standard beings you love them so much.

  4. Let the complaints of vote tampering begin!

  5. its a little chilly outside to scream at the sky today. I might do that this weekend, maybe around the Winder monument, two for one.

  6. I fault my good president for that. He should never have placed J Sessions in the AG seat having left a opening that the democrats slipped in to fill. I liked Sessions , but he has not turned out to be so hot after all. Surely he could have found a good or better AG without having a seat up for sale.


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