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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Brian Boyd: Trump is going to make Christmas great again

Analysis shows every time Trump mentiones “we can say ‘Merry Christmas’ again” or a variant thereof he receives his biggest applause lines

It’s beginning to look a lot like the war on Christmas - that traditional time of year when seasonal decorations and holiday greetings are magically transformed into divisive political statements.

It’s Donald Trump’s first Christmas as president. The season is a very special time of year for him so much so that all of 18 months ago - even before he had secured the Republican nomination - one of his first campaign promises was the promise that if elected president, “we are all going to be able to say ‘Merry Christmas’ again”.

Quite who was preventing anyone saying “Merry Christmas” was never elaborated on.

Last December, before he took office, he told us how he always advised his wife, Melania, not to buy anything in department stores where they use the non-denominational trigger words of “Happy Holidays” in place of “Merry Christmas” and he also called for a boycott of Starbucks coffee shops because of the secular design of their cups at Christmas.



  1. When did it stop being Christmas? When did we stop saying it?

    What is wrong with Happy Holidays? Doesn't that include Christmas?

    Why are we so insane over this?

    Trump is not saving anything, or making anything great. He is bullying people and compelling their speech. Doesn't seem very American to me.

    Religious liberty is just that.. we can be of any religion we choose. This is not a Christian Theocracy, it is a Secular Republic.

    One more example of using a non-thing to stir up votes.

    So, to conclude, I will wish you a Very Merry Christmas.. and a Happy New Year. Lets stop being so sensitive, and stop trying to force our ideas on others. We are all Americans, lets unite during this Holiday season. The division needs to end.

    1. 7:16- The second part of your statement argues against the first half. Trump is not forcing me to do anything. He has the American right to say Merry Christmas. He is not making a stink about. You are.

  2. Only fools get riled up over this total strawman issue

  3. When did it stop being Christmas? When did we stop saying it?

    Have you been in a coma for the last two terms of the failure in our White House?
    If so glad to see you okay, Merry Christmas to you also.

    It's funny for some years now when visiting a store it has been Holidays and I walked out of a store last week and the manager side Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas to all.

  5. Make Christmas Great Again? Christmas was never anything but great. Greater than politics, greater than politicians for over 2000 years.

  6. I never stopped saying Merry Christmas, however I do believe the spirit, feeling, atmosphere is much better since President Trump took office. He's Never afraid to speak of God, the Bible, Holy Days for Christians and Jews, prayer and so much more.

  7. Hello WORLD >> We ARE a Christian Country (majority) and

    that is the way it is , and we are Proud of it and do not
    appoligize to Anybody for it , and Whoever don't like it

    T U F F !!! Get Used to it We are Here to STAY !!!

    Whoever don't like it LEAVE , go elsewhere !!!

  8. 919 your dishonesty is appalling. You know for a fact no one has EVER stopped you from saying Merry Christmas. Yet right wing media and followers continue to act like there is some war on Christmas and Trump is the white knight that saved the day. Can your bs and sell it to one of your fellow right wing dum dums


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