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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Will Rogers Was Right


  1. Having worked in most parts of the government with the telephone company I found that : The government is the only job you get paid to do nothing. The people who work for the government don't realize that the rest of the world has to perform some sort of service to get paid. These government employees are clueless and ignorant. This goes for all branches of government federal , state and local. In other words , we are screwed!

  2. 7:01 fantastic broad, sweeping statement. Perhaps next time you drive on new asphalt, call the police, go to a park, call the fire department, send a kid to school, drink clean water (sorry Flint), or go enjoy a beautiful national park (highly recommend) you can remember that all government employee's are useless. Now I do agree that there is a large portion of the government that can be downsized, calling every worker providing a service is pretty darn stupid. Take a trip off the shore once in a while!

  3. 8:08 your missing the point. When's the last time you've thanked any private sector company for over charging you x10-100 the going rate? Ever purchase a washer and dryer for 10x the rate then thanked the store who charged you? No you haven't. All those jobs you listed can be done via the private sector for a fraction of what tax money is currently used. That's the point. Soon as you start talking about tax money it's always the "Patriots" who jump and say cops, ems, fire, roads. Like those industries don't already exist in the private sector and function with double the efficiency at half the cost. Take a trip out of the country once in a while!


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