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Saturday, November 11, 2017



  1. How simple it all seems when you're twenty-something.

  2. Where do these people come from and we certainly don't want them to breed.

  3. the sooner we have a civil war the better.

  4. That's a very unclear agenda.

  5. I only listened to the first 5 seconds, "As a Libertarian Socialist"
    What a complete idiot.

  6. When they start paying taxes, mortgage, rent etc then they can express an opinion.

  7. Obviously he has never thought his construct all the way through to its certain demise...


  8. and this is our future. so very scary...they multiply!!!

  9. All these losers do is sit around and come up with this nonsense and congratulate each other on how brilliant they seem.
    Just a few questions, however, exposes them as thoughtless morons who can't logically justify their position.
    They just keep spouting dumb sh** like that because one of their friends said it.
    They have no clue what any of their so-called political positions actually mean, what history shows about their ideas, or the larger picture of why daddy is rich and they aren't.
    They just don't want to have to work. For ANYTHING.
    Someone should have followed him outside and beat him to death.
    One down, 35 million to go.
    It's coming, whether you think so or not and whether you like it or not.
    Don't count on that pu**y to protect you from anyone. I just hope he tries to come to my house for some free stuff that I might not be using (which makes it okay for him to take. Strike that. TRY to take). lol....


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