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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Go Figure


  1. We need taxes to supply the government with 10,000,000 jobs.

  2. Don't even get me started.

  3. There were income taxes before but they were flat rates based on state population and not the progressive tax system we have today. So there most definitely was a federal tax..

  4. Taxes ARE NOT Necessary !!
    Only was done to Help with WW2 and after that, should have
    Stopped......But NOOOOOOO it was too easy to Keep it going

    And then the Greeeeedy Govt was Never Satisfied !! Fact

    It should be Criminal & Unconstitutional what is
    going on !! and All the Waist makes me sick ..........

  5. Taxes Have Ruined America ...You will Never Make Enough !!!

  6. The income tax was levied as a TEMPORARY tax to pay for the war...

  7. The fed gov actually does have close to 3 million employees,600,000 of which work for the US Postal Service.

  8. How could any business make it if they had to pay the Taxes
    we do...giving up Half their $$$ ??

    Individuals Have it far worse ...They don't get the Perks
    and Write-offs .........So How are they supposed to Make it?

  9. Income tax and forced medical/ car insurance are two of the biggest scams the government pulled on us. Both consistently go up and we are forced to pay.Also I am a big fan of government regulations and interference in business...not. Big Goverment Get out of the way and let us take care of ourselves!

  10. We have taxes to support a massive government that wants to control every aspect of your life. Less government more individual rights.

  11. and taxes started out as VOLUNTARY. I guess not enough patriots fed into their system so then they made it mandatory.

    I have also read in the past that this amendment is not legal, or at least totally legal. It was voted on around midnight, or such, while most people were not in attendance.

    1913 was the year evil plans were begun to destroy this country to the benefit of the elite bankers. Wasn't the FED begun that year as well? (not counting the years that it started and failed)

    Roughly 20 years later they began disarming citizens also.

    Who was it that said, "as long as I control the money supply I care not what the laws are"?


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