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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Spanking children increases their risk of depression

Spanking naughty children increases their risk of depression and becoming hooked on illegal drugs, a new study confirms.

Researchers also found the violent practice leaves a lasting impact on youngsters and makes them more likely to become suicidal.

The findings, based on data from 8,300 adults, has prompted calls for spanking to be considered as bad for children taken through a divorce.

Scientists now stress it is important to crack down on harsh parenting in order to prevent children from being consigned to 'the blues'.



  1. Belt or hand to the bottom helped straighten my sons out. They are respectful productive members of society. People that performed this study must have never had kids.

  2. If you raise them to understand what respect is, you will very seldom have to even resort to spanking.

  3. Oh no, give them a treat instead. Maybe if under 16 buy them a new car and let them be punished by waiting until they can drive.

  4. Study had to be done by libtards. Years ago spanking was "the" punishment. All I saw growing up were parents, teachers, cops punishing by spanking and a better country.

  5. B#LLSH#t, I got my rear paddled and I don't have any of that. I think all these touchy feely crybabies think up ways to have excuses for their bad behavior or problems. Grow a pair, face your issues and move on, life isn't ever perfect for anyone, life is about living, not always winning. The sooner some of these people get over themselves the better.

  6. BS!!! Spanking your kids means you are about right and wrong and give them a good morale compass on respect!!! Democrats will turn any issue around!

    1. 4:48. I’m a Democrat and spanked both my kids. Both are grown, college educated, hard working young women.

  7. IF spanking is done violently and under the TEMPER of the adult; this would be bad. IF it is done without violence and with an adult who is NOT going through a TEMPER fit, it will be fine. Actually Spanking should be done when necessary. God is a God who cannot lie and He tells us in the Bible that the child will be 'spoiled' without the 'rod' or spanking.

  8. I say put them in time out then put them in jail. Spank them and show them you love them.

  9. Not spanking them creates today's SNOW-FLAKES

  10. Let's see.

    Spanking causes depression.

    So why is depression rampant in teens today who aren't and were never spanked?

  11. If you don't do something, spanking and other punishments, you het what we have today...spoiled little brats who are not accountable for anything. Spanking and beating are 2 different things. A swat on the ass never killed anyone! This stuff is getting ridiculous!

  12. Well I should be a really depressed addict then


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