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Sunday, November 12, 2017

13 Baltimore high schools, no students proficient in math, report says

One-third of high schools in Baltimore, last year, had zero students proficient in math, Fox 45 reported Wednesday, citing new state testing data.

Based on 2017 state test scores, 13 out of 39 high school had zero students proficient in math, the report said. Another six schools had only one percent of their students who tested proficient in math.

The city reportedly starting a new math curriculum this year aimed at closing the achievement gap in addition to enhanced teacher training and partnerships that would serve students.




  1. Which fell far short of democratic leadership's goal of 100% innumeracy, a pillar of their strategy for creating future wards of the state, dependent upon government handouts.

  2. 19 out of 39 schools have basic proficiency in math at a rate of 0-1%. And they think that a new mathematics curriculum will fix it.
    At what point between 1st and 12th grades does the problem begin?

  3. Ok so I actually read the article. Now if they aren't proficient in math, and according to the article, “Nine out of ten black boys in Baltimore City are not reading at grade level,” added Pannell. What this is clearly saying is that the TEACHERS ARE FAILING!!!!!!!!

  4. And no one saw this coming?

  5. It doesn't necessarily mean teachers are failing, not to say this applies to all teachers. The student has to put the work in, but they fail to do so. It's their culture that they are being raised in. They have also become so disruptive and uncaring about themselves, they are not open to receiving help. And the are passed to another grade for various reasons, to get the disruptive ones out of their class, to get grant money, and if you don't pass them it's somehow considered racist etc etc.

  6. And no one saw this coming?

    Listen, the current Mayor proposed FREE COLLEGE for the kids there in order to keep them off the streets and getting in trouble. If they can't master High School math, how would they expect the kids to master college level math?

    Of course they never saw it coming and don't even realize that it already came yet.

  7. It's time for the tough love that's no longer allowed in schools but that's totally missing at home. Figure that one out and we'll get somewhere.

  8. Baltimore already spends twice as much per student than any other county in Maryland and they continue to say more money is needed.
    The means to control the classroom (students) has been removed from the teachers. The students know they can act like animals in the classroom and there will not be any consequences and they will graduate even without showing up for class. You can thank the Democrats as this is their plan for controlling the masses who will be dependent on them for food, housing, medical etc.
    The Democrat's big plan has always been to dumb down the population to a point where they are dependent on them for all forms of support and in turn they will continue to vote the Democratic ticket for meager housing, food and other handouts.

  9. Surprise!! It ISN'T the kids fault they didn't learn.
    It's someone else's fault!
    What is the teacher, teaching in a school where just walking to her car might get her killed, supposed to do?
    Grab them by the hair and DEMAND they learn 2+2??
    Or ask their dad (lol) to speak to their violent kid?
    If they spent more time in class instead of blocking Interstate traffic, or shooting ball instead of going to school, or even just ATTENDING class, it might be better.
    WHAT is a teacher going to do with an eighteen year old MAN who STILL can't read because ANY form or method of trying to teach him is labeled racist?
    Quit excusing bad behavior, violence, gang-banging, and wishful thinking as somehow the fault of white people who have never even met them???
    It's ALWAYS someone else's fault when it comes to how f'ed up their culture is.....NEVER anything THEY have done.
    Wake up to the BS being fed to you by liberal whining guilt-ridden losers.

  10. Nothing will change. They don't care. Remember that their failure is because of white supremacy. Any success will not allow the blame game to continue.

    1. How can you say that because a student doesn't take the time to learn it is "because of White Supremacy.". Really. Failure begins with the families lack of interest. Not everyone is good in math but everyone!

  11. Maybe many of these kids shouldn’t be in a classroom. They should be out learning a trade. The stuff they learn in a classroom prepares students for college not for jobs that need to be filled.

    1. Good idea. Learn basics so you can get by in life.

  12. I'm going to go out on a limb here and support what 8:04 just said. Teaching a child of any age a real trade that truly interests them will spark a hunger to learn other things necessary to accomplish the goals. Start vocational at 4th grade. I was already in business if cutting grass at that age, so why wouldn't school ride along? All of a sudden, I knew I needed math to make the money pay for a new mower every 4 years. Then I knew I needed English to sell my work to the affluent. I needed to be able to read the manuals to fix the mower and learn how it ran so I could fix it when it stopped.

    Then I went into mechanics, then Tool & Die, then to Construction. All before I was 21.

    I'm now 63, and inspect buildings. What a great ride! Start them young, and they will WANT to learn. Stifle them in class for 16 years, and they will just plain walk away at some point, well, a lot of them who aren't going to be lawyers or doctors.

    Got to help these kids with a leg up.


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