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Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Air Force failed to enter the Texas gunman's domestic assault charge into a database that would have prevented him from buying a gun

A day after a gunman massacred parishioners in a small Texas church, the Air Force admitted on Monday that it had failed to enter the man’s domestic violence court-martial into a federal database that could have blocked him from buying the rifle he used to kill 26 people.

The conviction of the gunman, Devin P. Kelley, for domestic assault on his wife and infant stepson — he had cracked the child’s skull — should have stopped Mr. Kelley from legally purchasing the military-style rifle and three other guns he bought in the last four years. But that information was never entered by the Air Force into the federal database for background checks on gun purchasers, the service said.


  1. Hell obama taught them well , nothing more than a bunch of pussies in the air force.

  2. Well now, Air Force will need to get ready to go to settlement with 26 families!!

    Sad and prayers to all those families!

  3. I guess it's hard to pass laws to prevent something if no one, not even our beloved Air Force, follows the damn law.

  4. Both sides will yell to the other about how we should or shouldn't have guns and nothing will get done. Then when the next mass shooting happens we'll look back at history and do nothing again. Shameful

  5. obama , obama , obama caused all of this crap for the next president to deal with it .

  6. There is nothing anyone can do. Hasn't anyone figured that out yet? You can have laws that stack up higher than the Empire state building and it would change nothing.

    If someone has an evil heart, they have an evil heart. If you can't change the heart, you can't change anything. The heart will do whatever the heart wants to do.

    Nature abhors a vacuum. If there is no love or God in one's heart, it will be filled with something else. These killings are just a manifestation of what is in their hearts.

    If no guns are available they will use knives, just like in London. If no knives are available they will use vehicles, just like in NY. And sometimes they put bombs inside vehicles, just like Oklahoma or NY.

    You ever tell your kids not to do something and they do it anyway?

  7. It proves the point of why laws are not the answer. There was a law that should have prevented this man from legally obtaining this weapon but a government agency (USAF) botched it.

  8. Do you remember under Obama administration the National Cemetery info on the deceased and location of their plot were written on 3 x 5 cards. Wasn't fault of military but the people Obama hired to make govt diverse. Shame

  9. Even more reason "right to carry" should not be restricted. It should be if you buy a weapon then carrying it should be automatic when you apply. Not restricted with high fees like in Maryland.

  10. 10:04 I agree, but when a man had an evil enough heart to make a shoe bomb we all had to have shoe checks...I guess it's because there isn't a National Shoe Association pumping money into our lawmakers? Personally I'd rather take on someone with a knife than a rifle..Silly me for wanting to live in a developed country without a mass shooting every few years.

  11. He would have got a Gun without buying at a store, like
    Good people have to do , Anyway .....Criminals Can Always
    get a Gun Regardless of ANY or Too Many Gun Laws !!!

    Only Good people care about the Law and have a Hard time
    to get a gun ...........

  12. I bet he couldn't buy drugs because they're illegal?

  13. Some poor little E1 or E2 will be hung out to dry over this. Barraged with tons of work, not all coded or written the same, little training or guidance, left alone yo make a decision on what to enter. Some one made a mistake and this person will be hung out to dry, as the reason for the massacre when it was and always will be the shooter's fault. Havent heard from his parents yet - but heard he called dad to say he
    was shot and didn't think he would make it. What did they know and why didn't they stop him?

  14. Blame the Air Force, blame the gun manufacture, blame the ammunition manufacturer, blame the automobile manufacturer who made the car he drove, blame the shoe salesman who sold him the shoes he wore, blame his Mother for birthing him... Jut don't blame the SOB who fired the weapon... It's ALWAYS somebody else's fault.

  15. Wasn't that Obama's Air Force?


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