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Friday, November 10, 2017

Rand Paul's neighbors rip media 'landscaping dispute' reports

The Bowling Green, Ky., neighbor who allegedly attacked Sen. Rand Paul last weekend, causing six broken ribs, was aggressively anti-Trump and anti-GOP in his social media, calling for the impeachment of the president and urging Russia investigator Robert Mueller to “fry Trump’s gonads.”

Captured screen grabs of Rene Boucher’s Facebook page provided to Secrets and taken down since the event also show that the anesthesiologist was a fan of the #NeverTrump clan.

His lawyer said that politics played no part and it has been suggested that the two verbally tussled over lawn clippings, leaving the impression that the Republican Kentucky senator was a negligent landscaper.

But seven neighbors in the Rivergreen gated community told Secrets Wednesday that the Pauls are friendly homeowners who kept their property tidy.

All seven neighbors expressed shock at the “scary” attack on Paul as he was doing yard work last Saturday and they dismissed reports that it was the result of poor landscaping.



  1. From the article"

    "Stivers said she has served four years on the neighborhood association and said that there were no reports of problems between Paul or Boucher. “I am wondering how the media can describe what took place as an altercation. Is it an altercation when no words are exchanged and one person is attacked from behind with no warning? I must check my dictionary.""

    My answer:

    Because the media believes that being a Republican is offensive enough to be provocative.

    The guy lives in a gated community, and was freed on a $7,500 bond after a blindside attack on a U.S. Senator? Tolerating this type of violence is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in this country. Lock him up, preferably with that guy from yesterday that abused his girlfriend's dog. The two deserve each other.

  2. I wonder how much this doctor was paid under the table to do this since he is not considered a part of either the Republican or Democratic establishments?

    Was he paid to take him out of equation for a period of time to make him unable to vote on key legislation? It's well known what this Doctors political views are.
    It's not a conspiracy theory. Others on conservative media have also voiced this concern.
    He lives in a gated community with security. It's logical to think someone on the inside, like his next door neighbor could take him out with the right kind of money or offer.
    Important matters concerning taxes, and national security are coming up. Who better than a doctor would know where to hit him in the right places to take him out of the equation for a while?


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