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Friday, November 10, 2017

Michigan GOP-Controlled Senate Passes Concealed Carry in Church as Response to Texas Attack

Republican lawmakers in Michigan are pushing concealed carry in church as their response to the heinous November 5 attack in Texas.

They are also seeking to legalize concealed carry in K-12 schools and other public areas that are currently designated gun-free.

The changes are contained in Senate Bills 584-586, both of which passed in Michigan’s Republican-controlled Senate on Wednesday.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the bills create “enhanced concealed pistol licenses” that congregants, clergy, teachers, and administrators, could obtain in order to carry in those areas which are currently off limits. The goal is to ensure large groups of innocent people are not sitting unarmed and defenseless if someone intent on doing harm bursts through the door.


1 comment:

  1. Now, our "leaders" are separating the citizenry into "classes" they will give permission to use their rights.

    Freedom of the press is next. Then travel. Then speech. Then religion.
    You better be careful what you cheer for.
    Note: Natural persons DO NOT NEED anyone's "permission" to use ANY right we have been given. THEY didn't "give" us anything.
    Well, maybe $20 trillion in debt. And the Patriot Act (what a name....) and the NDAA. And thousands upon thousands of different taxes.
    THAT is what our "leaders" have done.

    Every one of them. And their staffs. All of them.
    or......keep cheering.


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