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Friday, November 10, 2017

Border Patrol losing agents faster than it can hire them

The U.S. Border Patrol is losing agents faster than it can hire them, according to a new audit released Wednesday that said competition with other federal law enforcement and the difficulty of passing a polygraph test have sapped the agency of nearly 2,000 agents it’s supposed to have.

More than 900 agents leave each year on average but the Border Patrol only hires an average of 523 a year, the Government Accountability Office said in a broad survey of staffing and deployment challenges at the key border law enforcement agency.

The law requires the agency to have a minimum of 21,370 agents on board, but it had just 19,500 agents as of May.

That’s an even bigger problem when stacked up against President Trump’s call for hiring 5,000 more agents, to reach a workforce of 26,370.


Publishers Notes: So is the Salisbury Police Department


  1. Lighten up their rules of engagement so they can actually protect our borders!

    No more catch and release! Put them in a chain-gang for five years picking up the road trash!

  2. I don't blame them a bit for leaving.Every time the high tech option is brought up with drones,etc,monitoring the border I cringe.What difference does it make when the catch and release policy continues.We need a fence ASAP.

  3. Many of them simply cannot recover from the infectious disease known as Obama.

  4. 242pm - there are plenty of them exiting the military weekly!


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