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Monday, November 06, 2017

Rand Paul Recovering from 5 Broken Ribs Suffered in Alleged Attack

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is recovering from injuries after an alleged assault at his home in Bowling Green on Friday, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The Associated Press reported that Paul had five broken ribs.

Paul made his first public comment since the incident, tweeting his wife "Kelley and I appreciate the overwhelming support after Friday's unfortunate event. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers."

Robert Porter, a friend of Paul's, said "He didn't get any severe injuries to his face," but offered no further details. As for when Paul would return to Washington, Porter said it would be "a game day decision. Day by day."

Rene Bouchard, whose property abuts Paul's, was charged with fourth degree assault with a minor injury in the incident. Bouchard is an anesthesiologist. Paul, also a medical professional, is an ophthalmologist.

A motive is not known for the attack, but a registered nurse, Jeff Jones, who had worked with Bouchard, described him as having "liberal" politics.



  1. Thank God this is all he suffered. Democrats are very violent people who do not value life and will murder someone in cold blood if given the chance. They are evil to the very core of their putrid bodies.

  2. Somethin' smells fishy here. A senator cutting his own grass?

    1. I lived in Chicago in the mid 90s and Mr. T cut his own grass lol. Kids would line up to watch and he would wave and come talk to us. Not really the same thing but famous people, rich people etc do their own yard work sometimes. Shocker.

  3. No it doesn't 9:58. A quick look shows Rand Paul's net worth just over 1.3 million. Ours is more then 10x's that and we cut our own grass. We lived in Norther VA for a time. Near Supreme Court justices and other dignitaries. It's wasn't usual to see them outside doing yard work even washing their cars.

  4. Rand was getting a little too “neighborly” with Mrs Bouchard. Mr Bouchard nipped it in the bud.

  5. @ 9:15 Rand was assaulted
    @ 9:37 Rand was alleged to have been assaulted

    why did it change


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