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Monday, November 06, 2017

Dominos Are Falling! Former DNC Chair Turns On Obama- Throws Him Under The Bus!

I thought I would be able to survive on the juicy, sweet, sweet tears of the leftists when Donald Trump won the presidency for quite some time. It turns out, it gets even more juicy.

Donna Brazile, former interim DNC Chairwoman is putting out a new book entitled, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House.” In the book, she goes after the Obamas saying they left the party in massive debt after the reelection campaign in 2012. Don’t worry Donna, they left us all in debt too. 20 trillion to be exact. She also accused the Obamas of only paying off a portion of the debt. You’re lucky sweetheart, we Americans will never pay off our national debt. It is the albatross we didn’t ask for but it is the one we all have to bear.



  1. get out the pop corn and hold on, the storm is coming in the form of the Trump Train!

  2. Dirt is going Down ....All in Good Time !!! KARMA !!

  3. Next in line for the retribution of the Clinton Mafia

  4. Right now, I probably look like Mr. Burns from the Simpson's: smiling, rubbing my hands, hoping for something really bad to happen to the Clintons.

  5. As much as justice needs to be served it will never happen. Those who could prosecute them have their own skeletons in the closet and they don't want the this door opened.
    If you tell my secrets then I will tell yours.

  6. Under the bus? Obama will just claim that he's changing the oil and doing a 28 point safety check.

  7. Back over him several times to make sure !!! LOL


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