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Monday, November 06, 2017

Reporter Calls For Ditching US Constitution… Bring Parliamentary System, or Elective Tyranny

Here we go again with the liberal rag Vox. Dylan Matthews (who?) is a reporter with Vox who just got smacked hard for saying incredibly fascist crap. He proposed that we should abolish the Senate because it is “anti-democratic.” Obviously, this moron never paid attention in school. We have a federal system under a Republic and you can’t do that under our system of government. Unless of course you have a violent revolution, which I guess would suit this commie just fine. It’s never going to happen… he’s going to have to learn to live with major disappointment.

When Matthews got punched over that insanity, he decided well… then let’s just ditch the Constitution and replace it with a parliamentary system. Dude, we fought a revolution over that. But I’m sure he was never taught about that either. Let’s look at what he said about the Senate first: “The problem is that the deck is stacked in favor of small states, which receive equal representation in the Senate despite dramatic variance in population. The Senate is a profoundly anti-democratic body and should be abolished.” Spoken like a true Marxist and a useful idiot to boot.



  1. The problem is you make these idiots famous. When we were kids the neighborhood idiot didn't have the internet to broadcast his stupidity to the masses..

  2. These are the sort of idiots the colleges are churning out these days. Is it any wonder a college degree isn't worth much these days?

  3. This person is an insult to dweebs worldwide.

  4. Has anyone else noticed that these girly/boys/men are the only ones getting jobs on TV these day? This is their way of forcing these homos down our throats.

  5. I read the end of the headline as "elected tranny".

  6. Airplanes leave the USA many times a day.

    Get this child on one NOW!

  7. Anonymous said...
    I read the end of the headline as "elected tranny".

    November 6, 2017 at 11:16 AM

    So he is a Tranny huh? I'm not surprised.

  8. Anonymous said...
    This person is an insult to dweebs worldwide.

    November 6, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    Amen! What an insult!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Has anyone else noticed that these girly/boys/men are the only ones getting jobs on TV these day? This is their way of forcing these homos down our throats.

    November 6, 2017 at 10:39 AM

    Thank God I have been noticing this for a while! Thank God my son is a young man and hangs out with his fellow athletes.

    Thank God my daughter is a sweet, straight female that doesn't not hang around this disgusting crowd.

  10. He needs to be slapped.
    Then rode out of town. Literally.
    With someone riding on the back of his galloping ace.
    Pulling on his ear and telling him to squeal like a pig.
    Looking at him makes me think he might like that.
    My God, what is this country turning into?


  11. This person should have applied the old saying about better to be thought stupid and keep your yap shut than to open it and confirm the fact.

    Perhaps he should visit some of the countries he extols and do first person research.


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