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Thursday, November 02, 2017

NY Sen. Schumer Created Diversity Visas Which Invited Alleged Killer to NY

The Democrats’ Senate leader, N.Y. Sen. Chuck Schumer helped create the diversity visa program which reportedly provided a green card to the Islamic immigrant who allegedly killed eight New Yorkers on October 31.

The diversity visa program was created in 1990 by then-Rep. Schumer in response to Irish lobbies in his New York district. Twenty-seven years later, it annually awards 50,000 visas by annual lottery to entrants from around the world, ensuring a cascade of subsequent chain-migrants.

An August poll shows that only one-in-six Americans strongly favors the program, despite much political and media pressure to welcome migrants.

Other polls show that the public strongly opposes elements of the program which offers green cards to people with few skills, little earning ability and little ability to assimilate into the United States’ non-Islamic society.

President Donald Trump and several GOP legislators, including Georgia Sen David Perdue and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, has called for the diversity visa program to be ended. But the program is praised by progressives for imposing variety on Americans’ civic society.



  1. So, 5/6 of the Country is totally against it.

    Keep going and don't be riding your bike when the next one rents a Home Depot truck!

  2. Shumer OWNS IT !!!

  3. Dear Chuck,
    How many American deaths are worth your program's "success?"

  4. Way to go chucky! Democrats are as democrats do!


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