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Thursday, November 02, 2017

McCain Continues to Dodge Questions on Role in Trump Hoax Dossier

Sen. John McCain has still not responded to questions raised in light of the disclosure last Tuesday that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research utilized in the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump.

In December, it was McCain who notoriously passed the controversial dossier produced by the Washington firm Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose agency reportedly utilized the dossier as a partial basis for its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

McCain’s office did not respond to repeated Breitbart News phone and email requests over the course of last week and this week seeking comment on whether the Arizona senator was aware that the material he passed to the FBI was paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign.

McCain’s office also did not respond to requests for information on how he first obtained the dossier, which is filled with discredited charges.

A spokesperson for McCain confirmed by telephone that the Breitbart News requests were received.

More here


  1. He is a Treasonous POS.

  2. You could tell the way he ran his campaign for President he was not a true Republican. He was pissed when he was not supported and was /is retaliating against Trump in his rogue chameleon Democratic way. Is that a surprise to anyone?

  3. When he took Millions from the Saudis I lost All Respect.

  4. It's past time for "Johnny Wet Start" to go!

  5. "It's past time for "Johnny Wet Start" to go"

    I am no fan of John McCain but the "wet start" story is completely bogus. I was Flight Deck Officer on USS Cleveland (LPD 7) in 1970 and we had to review that film numerous times. It was a Zuni from another aircraft, not a "wet Start".

  6. John would upset his 5th A right if he ever told the truth. Let him die from his cancer. Godspeed, John, I hope Godspeed is 10,000 mph.

    For your safety, of course.

  7. Don't like him. I think he felt just like Hillary it was their time to be President. McCain because he is a hero and Hillary because she a white women.

  8. Why don't people like McCain ever go away?

  9. Saudi lover $$$$$$$$

  10. Sedition everywhere in both parties


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