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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Americans Are Really Stressing Out About the Nation's Future

For those lying awake at night worried about health care, the economy, and an overall feeling of divide between you and your neighbors, there’s at least one source of comfort:

Your neighbors might very well be lying awake, too.

Almost two-thirds of Americans, or 63 percent, report being stressed about the future of the nation, according to the American Psychological Association’s Eleventh Stress in America survey, conducted in August and released on Wednesday.

This worry about the fate of the union tops longstanding stressors such as money (62 percent) and work (61 percent) and also cuts across political proclivities. However, a significantly larger proportion of Democrats (73 percent) reported feeling stress than independents (59 percent) and Republicans (56 percent).

The “current social divisiveness” in America was reported by 59 percent of those surveyed as a cause of their own malaise. When the APA surveyed Americans a year ago, 52 percent said they were stressed by the presidential campaign. Since then, anxieties have only grown.

A majority of the more than 3,400 Americans polled, 59 percent, said “they consider this to to be the lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember.”

More here


  1. The pot smoking liberal heroin head hippies started killing our country years ago. The ball of crap theyhe have now is from their self righteous, selfish bull that they pumped out into the world.that led to a bunch of idiot sheeple believing this line of thought and they made more sheeple, who became anti religion, anti patriotic, anti authority, anti discipline and generally flipped off what made America great. Now they reap what they sow, old people ex hippies getting robbed, their kids and grandkids on drugs, taking care of family that are too messed up to take care of themselves, their retirement being drained by unethical people. They all thought this was a game and now it's a disaster.

  2. There are a lot of very right wing people who partake in cannabis. I unfortunately can not but it does not change my view of supporting the right even if they are against it. I think people should have the free will to put whatever chemical they choose in their body. Am I going to support them being a drain on society? Absolutely not. Does that fit your stereotype?

  3. Trump has it all under control.

  4. Trump making America great again,democrats have nothing.

  5. I am not worried about our economy. Trump is doing a great job. I am worried about crime. It seems people dislike people just because of race. The racist attitude is in the air. I know this is nothing new but it seems worse since Hillary lost the election

  6. People should turn off social media for a weekend. That's where the stress comes from. If we were not constantly bombarded with news about every little thing we would be better off.


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