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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Bannon: China Is 'an Enemy of Incalculable Power, Not a Strategic Partner and We Have to Understand That'

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon joinedBreitbart News Daily SiriusXM co-hosts Alex Marlow and Raheem Kassam on Tuesday and discussed China and U.S. relations and their strategic vision at length.

Said Bannon said of a recent speech by Chinese President, Xi Jinping, “His three-and-a-half hour speech a couple weeks ago was the single most important political speech of the 21st century. I think you could actually argue that years from now people might say it started there. Because he fundamentally went through how the Chinese Confuscious mercantilist authoritative model has beaten the West.”

“It’s their world now,” he continued. “They’re a hegemonic power. It’s not that they’re rising to be a hegemonic power. It’s not that what they always wanted to be was considered a great power along with the United States and Russia. They’re saying, hey, the game’s over. And by the way there are five things the Chinese are doing right now, one is called Plan 2025, which they will dominate, they laid this pout a few years ago. They will dominate ten separate industries, including robotics, artificial intelligence, chip manufacturing, all by the year 2525 and they’re very far down the road in doing that.”


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