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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Is Jack Heath Running Or His Daughter?

Integrity, this coming from the ONLY City Council Member who agreed to the $75,000.00 salary for Mayor Jake Day while the rest of the Council told Jake to go pound sand.


  1. Don't know her, don't care what she has to say. Another self important nobody.

  2. Thought Jack Heath running for county exec was a joke. Is this real? Why would someone flagrantly waste their money behind this dog candidate. More drama for your pleasure to deflect what the city is not achieving and the lack of any success record.

  3. Heath thinks that the mayor job is akin to a CEO's, which is what he did his whole working life. He also wanted to ensure that his buddy, Day, could have a respectable income just from being a part time mayor in his next term. Recall that the comparison in salary made was for Fredrick, MD, which is a place about 180 degrees from Salisbury in income, demographics and potential development as the bedroom community for DC and Baltimore that it's become.

  4. Did anyone see the "skating rink" that they are spending MANY many man and equipment hours on. Looks like the size of a postage stamp. lmao
    There were 5 men there today. 3 standing around doing nothing, 2 managing to look busy.

  5. Was there any supporters there or just a couple of family members? Where is the good mayor? This appears to be in the mayors front yard and he can't walk outside to show support a guy the covers and supports him? (photo op)

  6. What skating rink? forwhom. For what? Holidays.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Was there any supporters there or just a couple of family members? Where is the good mayor? This appears to be in the mayors front yard and he can't walk outside to show support a guy the covers and supports him? (photo op)

    November 8, 2017 at 6:33 PM

    No, it's the County's front door you dumb moron. It's the Wicomico County Government Office Building not the Salisbury Mayor's Office.


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