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Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Salisbury Viewer Writes: I found something strange in my front yard this morning


  1. Not strange. Probably from another state. People bring legal weed and edibles back from other states daily.

  2. The contents went Up in Smoke!

  3. Stranger still is that 40 mg is a very small amount. Not even 1/100th of an ounce. A dose of hard drugs like heroin is probably larger then 40 mg.

  4. Was it next to a empty bag of chips?

  5. 40 mg is not the amount of the product. It is the amount of the cannabinoids (THC/CBD) dispensed in the product.

  6. Medical marijuana is legal in the state of Maryland. Just litter.

  7. People Say The Damnedest ThingsNovember 10, 2017 at 10:58 AM

    OMG Call the cops. Why are people so upset over medical marijuana if the patient has a legal prescription? Seriously? Better wash your hands before your next drug test at work. That CBL might've rubbed into your cells and caused you to get high! LOL

  8. It's apparent that 10:58 AM is a liberal. Smoke another one.

  9. Marijuana is illegal for a reason. People paid to have lobbyist make it legal so they could use it. I hear about the marijuana helping seizures, and all kinds of other issues. It comes down to making drugs legal will make it all better.

    NO - it will make it terrible, liberal mentality is killing our country. If you want to live in Europe and take a chance being thrown off roof because your gay, or rapped because your skirt is too high, but get to smoke weed - then MOVE.

    If you libtards dont get some morality, and learn we are going to hell in a hand basket quick. Baltimore, our pride of Maryland - shit hole like Chicago - why, because Cops cant do their job, parents dont care, and kids get a free ride.

    WAKE THE F- UP !

    Country does not owe you anything, you are not and have not been a slave, are there bad cops, sure, just like there are bad politicians using your stupid ass to promote their agendas.

  10. 9:49– it’s an edible

  11. The world will be a better place when 11:56 gets to meet his maker. So much hate....

  12. its mine.. when i lost it, it was full...

  13. Umm, where do you live?

  14. the devil weed!! it's the breath of satan himself! end times i tell you.

  15. Well Damn! Somebody smoked it!

  16. It is not from Delaware. Theirs has a barcode.

  17. Good Lord, people, it's a plant/ weed that God Himself gave us along with corn, soybeans and wheat. That being said, God also gave us he right to protect our lives in any way possible, such as the Second Amendment.

    It's a naturally growing plant that God invented for ue so we could use it for beneficial purposes.

    Let's get stupid over this.


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