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Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Want Each & Every One Of You To Share This Video With Your Children TODAY!


  1. You know I never thought of "privilege" in that context. I would actually get kind of pissed off when I kept hearing all the "white privilege" comments. Now, don't get me wrong. I would not have ended up on the front line even though I was white. My parents couldn't afford to send me to college. I still went to community college for two years. I never had to wonder about my next meal but things were tight. But it does provide food for thought. Before what I thought about when I heard white privilege was that I had the privilege to work hard for what little bit I had and then due to the recession and my health I pretty much lost all but the basics. Not seeing a whole lot of privilege but still drag off to work when I can while so many refuse to and talk about alot of privilege.

  2. It certainly is a sad way to look at it but it is the truth, lots of us just never thought about it.We grew up in white families with white neighbors, went to white public schools, and on and on. My children are not racist because they didn't grow up in a segregated society, and my grandchildren don't even understand the concept that anybody is different from them. There is hope.

  3. Powerful. Thank you for sharing.

  4. But doesn't it come down to what the Scripture said? This is the way we were raised at home, church and school. If someone is in need, share what you have. In our day, there were many whites and blacks that had less than we had. We were financially below middle class, but we still had more than some, so we always shared. Again; this was life back in the day.

    I hate the term 'white privilege' because it simply isn't true in all cases. There are those that work Very hard to 'make it work', to get ahead and then there are those that have 'family money'...Call it what you want, but 'white privilege' is not my choice of words, as it divides races.

  5. I wouldn't be up front - but not in the back either!
    My parents worked their butts off to get me whatever advantage I could end up with = I don't consider that 'privilege'! If some of the kids in back had parents that would work instead of draw welfare or do drugs - they would be further towards the front as well.

    This is what it is - and should continue to be!

    Earn what you get when you're an adult! Your parents can earn it for you til then!

  6. They have the same opportunities as we do. I put the blame on them and their families for NOT even trying to do better. They rather sit back whining and playing the victim card. You have to earn these things by getting an education and a job and really working for what you want. This video just shows who is not willing to work for it and I'm including their parents for failing their kids. Quit with the white privilege crap.

  7. I certainly understand where this video is coming from but is the solution to hinder the progress of those well off, or to take from them to give to those in the back of the race? That seems to me to be Communism. I think it's funny that Liberals think the Government can/should solve this, but when you go down the list of "set-backs" you can trace nearly all of them to problems CREATED by the Government.
    If you study history the citizens have always been ahead of the Government on civil rights issues. It has also traditional been Republicans at the forefront of those changes.

  8. This is horse crap.... we are not running across the park, most of us will be running for the rest of our lives or until we are 65 if we are lucky.

    Put it in a real perspective so working people can understand.

    I know to many people who are at the back of the line who get a free ride.
    Just another way to justify food stamps and section 8
    There's a lot of programs for minorities and not one for the white male that I know of.

    Next I started at the back of the line and now I am a millionaire.
    I was on my own at 17, still graduated high school and went to work from there. It's work but it can be done.

  9. TOTAL BS...
    I grew up dirt poor. Parents alcoholics. Beaten like a dog. I asked my dad for a dollar ONE TIME and got slapped for thinking I deserved a dollar. Never even knew my real father --- he left before I was born.
    NO ONE ever gave me a free apartment, paid for my surgeries, or took care of my electric bill. I never asked for it either.
    There wasn't anyone around help me get anything. What I DID have was a stepfather who make me work harder than many adults did at 20-30 years old and remind me he wasn't there to be my friend.
    I've jobs where the boss didn't hesitate to call you stupid or other various derogatory names.
    WORK. Integrity. Sacrifice (I've eaten eggs and toast for dinner many times in my life because that's all I had. And yes, I've went hungry, too, from lack of money).
    Are MY children (all successful and fully employed) supposed to be guilty of "white privilege" because I MARRIED and raised them well? Is that just a "white thing"??
    Because my wife and I didn't tolerate skipping school, drug use, fighting, lying, cheating, stealing, or disrespecting/hurting others? Because we paid the electric before we bought them the newest Nike's?? Because if they brought someone around who I knew to be trouble, I didn't straighten THAT out immediately? None of them were ever out on the street corner at midnight, yelling at cars.
    Because we actually saw homework and helped them with it?
    Is it MY fault (or theirs?) that a two parent family showed them the way to a good life? Don't think you don't have to learn to spell or write because you think you are the next star running back for the Titans.
    Stay out of trouble with the police. Marry the woman who bears your children. Set an example. That is a universal method of gaining a foothold in a tough world.
    It's also race-blind.
    ANYONE can do it....
    Especially when there are now laws that DO give black people a head start. Just because they can't seem to do it is NOT the fault of white people. I can't MAKE them stay out of prison or do well in school.
    White privilege?? STFU. I'm TOTALLY sick of that, and every other excuse used to blame everyone else but the guilty.
    YOU are responsible for yourself. Not me. I have my own life to run --- I can't manage yours, too, especially one replete with bad decisions.

  10. Never forget where you came from, commenters. Work hard and encourage others to do their best, Pay it forward whenever and wherever you can. While I knew there'd be some negative comments, I never thought the people visiting this Site could be so ignorant. I too grew up as a child broke. I/We never gave up. We never went on welfare, food stamps or any government or church assistance. We all raised our children to work hard. We stood on that back line just as the other "black" kids did in this video. Our successes were't handed to us OR handed down to us. While I personally retired at 40, I've spent the last 12 years working 7 days a week to give back to the communities we live in. There's no charge for you to be here and there's no gun to your heads forcing you to be here.

    However, I will enjoy it so very much when someone strokes a $5,000.00 check to the Salvation Army to kick off their Red Kettle Campaign this year. Or pay the debts of all breakfast and lunches for all 32 schools in Wicomico County. The list of our good deeds over all these years is the example of how we should be as human beings. Just because I/We stood on that back line and became successful doesn't mean we will ever forget where we came from. My children see that, as do many of our close friends. If you people only knew all the things we do, you'd be blown away.

    So get off your high horses and absorb what that message is trying to tell you. Put on your big boy pants and get rid of your stupid excuses. Finally, yes, there are times many people NEED help. I think we all get that. However, when it becomes GENERATIONS of laziness and leeches, that's where I draw the line. When those very people line up at the Salvation Army, then Toys for Tots, then church's, police departments, fire departments, bless our children and so many other organizations providing for people who only know how to take advantage of charities, I draw the line there too.

    It really is time to Make America Great Again and hold our heads high with pride. So you know, many comments have been rejected on this post because these are people who will never get it and will always have their hands out as if we all owe them. They don't belong here, period.

  11. If there is "white privilege" how do we have Black, Lawyers, Doctors, etc.? I can tell you how. Their parents encouraged them to work hard for what they want, not feel sorry for themselves or entitled to anything they didn't earn.

  12. I don't understand this video??? I was the kind of guy that was at the back of the line and I have done well. I was able to put my kids at the front of the line and now they can't do anything for themselves. I guess I will support them for life.

  13. ImClain
    Bravo! I guess according to the video I am a full. But I don't consider myself privileged because my parents stayed married and raised me and my brother right. I don't consider it privileged that my parents worked their asses off to provide for their family. It's called doing the right thing. That's all ... not privileged. It's a shame that doing the right thing by your children is considered a priviledge and not doing right by your children is everyone else's fault. As ImClain said...it's BS.

  14. Good choices vs bad choices. You and only you determine your future.

  15. Nobody has ever heard that life isn't fair? I am white and I was on that back line and still probably not far from it. Each race helps out their own and sometimes others. Whites are the majority. So, of course, they have an advantage.

    Everyone has an opportunity to succeed in this country. Not everyone will have the same level of success. How many times has this country lowered the bar so more minorities could be included in whatever it was they were after?

    I've been locked out of things in this life too. And if someone in a position of power or authority takes a dislike to you, you probably are not going to do well. Some people have a leg up on others. Yeah, and?

    Like it or not, this is a capitalistic society and competition is the name of the game. There are winners and losers. This sounds more like give everyone a trophy than anything else. Just what exactly are people supposed to do? Let someone win the race? Not utilize any advantage they may have?

    All he did was point out the obvious.

  16. privilege? no they can have the same things if their parents applied themselves as parents and do what is necessary for their children to succeed. Its called priorities, not privilege.

  17. That is not privilege it's choices...Parents chose to raise a child properly and to make sure that child was educated and equipped with the tools necessary like everyone should do before bringing a child into the world. ...It's called being a responsible adult.

  18. What a pile of crap. I will not be made to feel guilty because my parents worked or that I work and I’m turn expect my kids to work. Just another BS “social experiment” meant to make those of us that aren’t dead beats feel guilty.


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